Guru Guru!

In the huge golden blood pool, there was a dazzling light, and bubbles rose from the depths of the pool, floating above the sky and exploding one after another.

In the center of the golden blood pool, a figure was sitting face to face.

It was Zhang Qingyuan who was here, and at this moment, his whole person turned into a huge whirlpool spring, swallowing the huge energy around him like a whale swallowing the sea!

Like a black hole, a glutton that will never be full.

The blood demon sect spent an unknown amount of manpower and material resources, and spent an unknown amount of resources on the energy in the blood pool, and quickly swallowed it into the body.

The dazzling golden energy flowed so fast that even within the entire golden blood pool, it formed a huge vortex!

Turbulent flow!

At this moment,

The vast energy is swallowed, acting on itself, tempering every cell of the body, and the mana will merge with it to become stronger and tougher, so that every cell is produced in this tempering Ascension, accompanied by it, Zhang Qingyuan's aura gradually became stronger, with a sense of mystery that was unfathomable!

A strong heart beating,

Hidden under the golden blood pool, as if the drums in the ancient prehistoric roar!

And with the spread of the sound, an oppressive force that is difficult to describe in words is spreading, spreading across the world!

That is a kind of power like substance!


If the cultivator of the True Origin Realm is here, I am afraid that it will be crushed on the spot, and the pressure from the soul and life level will make it impossible to move!

The creatures around,

They all avoid it instinctively!

time flies,

I don’t know how long it took,

The huge amount of bright viscous liquid filled with majestic energy that originally existed in the blood pool was completely dimmed at this moment, and the energy inside was all drained!

In contrast,

Zhang Qingyuan, who was immersed in the pool, had his Qi machine reached its limit at this moment!

The terrible aura, just a breath that escapes, is that within a few kilometers of the underground space, it is under the influence of indescribable force, at this moment, it is faintly twisted and moved in all directions. Continuously escaping bursts of ripples and clear light.

All the creatures in this land,

I felt that the terrifying existence that came from the depths of the earth, as if reflecting from the soul, was as heavy as a mountain, pressing on everyone's heart!

That is a kind of despair that makes people unable to produce any resistance!

The mind is hazy and has a haze,

It seems that disaster is imminent in the next moment!

Such a terrifying aura spread over a hundred miles,

Even some of the cultivators who came in response to the Five Elements Saint Sect's attack on the Blood Demon Sect, crossed the blood river formation, and broke into the cave realm nearby, they all avoided and stayed away from this place without fear!

That kind of air machine,

Even the monks in the realm of the Dongzhen magical realm had a feeling of death covering their heads!

All the monks who sensed this aura of aura were all amazed on their faces,

Obviously, this degree of Qi is not something they can handle.

Regardless of whether there is a big chance inside, once you break into it, it will arouse the disgust of the mighty power inside, maybe it will be pinched to death like an ant while waving your hands!

Even the bold monks will not use their lives to easily test unknown dangers!

In the underground space,

In the blood pool,

That qi machine has already reached its limit!

Every cell in Zhang Qingyuan's body has already been strengthened and transformed!

next moment,

Link to the whole,

The forces echo each other, the five elements of the week and the sky merge into a circle, turning into a round that seems to reflect the heavens and all the ways, and the phantom of the eternal Zhoutian **** wheel, suspended in the endless sea of ​​darkness, hanging in the sky behind Zhang Qingyuan, In the end, the various bodies in Zhang Qingyuan's body mirrored each other, creating a certain power connection between them!

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan’s body burst out with dazzling light.

The whole person is surrounded by Taoism,

It is like a **** who has come to the world!

Boom! ! !

At a certain moment, all of a sudden, the bottleneck boulder blocked in front was instantly shattered by endless bombardment!

That is the vast power that emerges from every cell in the body, intersects with each other, and finally converges into a boundless torrent, crushing all obstacles blocking the front, and breaking through the barriers of the realm in one fell swoop!

this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan felt that he had produced a sublimation transition from his heart and life, and entered another world!

The world is empty, flowers and trees,

It's like walking through the mist for a long time. At a certain moment, the fog suddenly cleared, and I saw the true appearance of the heavens, the earth and the mountains!


A sigh is reflected in every corner of the void of heaven and earth, flowing like a clear spring, full of a clear charm, like a clear sound oscillation between spaces!

It's already the center of the dried-up blood pool,

Zhang Qingyuan sat in the air, and his whole body reflected a kind of Taoist power that people seemed to be unable to directly look at.

Between the void, he was affected by the power he freely escaped, causing ripples of light, with a vague connotation!

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan seems to have turned into the center of heaven and earth,

The moment he opened his eyes the whole world seemed to cheer for him, and the laws of the surrounding space seemed to jump and celebrate for him!

The realm of half-step transformation,

It's done!

A moment of energy radiated, and it suddenly swept across nine heavens and ten places, like a storm sweeping across the square, announcing his coming to the world!

this moment,

In the entire Blood Demon Sect's cave, even if it is far away, I feel this wave of fluctuations!

Many people looked at the direction in which the Qi machine rose.

His eyes were shocked.

Someone has reached that level!

It's just the fluctuation of the Qi machine that makes people feel an irresistible feeling!

More people are ecstatic.


There really is a great opportunity!

Since there is such a lucky generation who has gone through shit, why can't you be the next one? !


Then it became more and more crazy!

In the entire cave sky, there was already a continuous war, which intensified and reached a higher level!


Blood Demon Sect,

Mountain gate,

In front of the huge skull blood mountain, above the sky, a certain beard and hair are all white, the whole body is lingering, and the light of the space is distorted. The power of the five elements holy sect, which makes people unable to see its face, senses the wiping away from behind. Qi Ji, looked behind him with some surprise.

"Who is in contact with that level, I don't know what chance he has, but it is good luck."

The old man stood with his hand in his hand and said lightly.

"It's really lucky, but it's only half a step. When he was introduced, he was directly sent to the sect to accept him. One more thug is to increase the strength of the sect."

Beside the old man, another shadowy figure with a vague face made a sound, without the slightest fluctuation in his words.

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