Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 3 Chapter 253: Break through the air, cross the sea (2 in 1)

"I have seen you fellow Taoists!"

   Zhang Qingyuan arched his hands, and the four people in front of him looked calm and authentic.

   "I have seen friend Zhang Dao."

   The four of them returned their gifts one after another,

   Zhang Qingyuan looked at the four of them, and the four of them also looked at Zhang Qingyuan with different expressions.

   But generally speaking, the atmosphere is fairly relaxed.

   After all, at this level, unless there is a fundamental conflict, or if you think you can win the opponent firmly, you will rarely make direct enemies and get into trouble with the same level.

   Everyone has seen each other,

   followed by a greeting or two,

   is a closer relationship.

   Then without delay, he went directly to the topic.

   "That sea area is very dangerous, and the turbulence of the space appears from time to time. If I wait to cross the sea, the void will not be able to carry the power of our existence and cause great chaos!"

   Fairy Qinqing was covered with a layer of gauze, with indifferent eyes, looking forward to the vast sea and sky swept by the storm-like natural disasters, but there was a hint of worry between his eyebrows.

   The world in the eyes of low-level monks is different from the world in the eyes of high-level monks.

   The monks in the True Origin Realm just saw the turbulent waves and the ferocious appearance of the storm like a doomsday natural disaster.

But those of them standing at the top of the Yunzhou Comprehension Realm saw more things. In that sea area, there is a kind of terrifying distortion and chaos, covering a huge and invisible space. !

   The storms that swept across the sky and the earth were nothing more than the aftermath of the turbulence of the space!

"It's true. The ordinary monks are not strong. Leaping in the past will not have any effect on the turbulence of space, but we are different. The existence of the Wanhua realm itself can affect the void. If we forcefully break through Entering, it will most likely cause a space burst, resulting in unpredictable consequences!"

   The Taoist Xuan Shang who had been silent on the side also spoke out.

   This is the reason why people like them gather here.

   relying solely on personal strength,

   It is difficult to cross this chaotic sea!

  Because when they enter that space, their powerful power will have an unfathomable impact on the chaotic space turbulence!

   Even the astringent machine is not good.

  The powerhouses at their level, their qi is already converging with heaven and earth all the time,

   Even if the Qi machine is hidden, the monks in the True Origin Realm or the Legal Realm Realm cannot feel their aura, and they look like mortals in front of ordinary people.

   But no matter how concealed, you can't deceive the world!

   is like a weight on a balance. Even if it is coated with a stealth coating, it will be invisible to people, but if the weight is put into the balance, the one that should be tilted will still tilt!

   couldn't cross the sea alone, so the monks of the extremely diversified realm stayed here.


   In fact, with the strength of the Wanhua Dao Zun realm, it is also possible to force the crossing.

   relies on its own power to suppress the turbulence of the surrounding space and carry out a forcible crossing.

   It’s just that the consumption is too big,

   And in this distorted spatial turbulence, the role of divine consciousness is greatly reduced, and it is difficult to prevent the dangers hidden in the spatial turbulence!

   "Where are the people of the Five Elements Saint Sect and the Wunian Temple? There are other two great dynasties, why only see some unimportant disciples, logically speaking, no one will give up the inheritance of the heavenly human and Taoist ancestors."

   Spiritual Sword Sovereign of the Lingxu Sword School,

   suddenly seemed to realize something and asked aloud.

   There are people from the Holy Sect of the Five Elements gathered on the beach below,

   But among them,

   But there is no Wanhua Dao Zun of the Five Elements Holy Sect,

   In addition, in addition to the Kongsheng Dao Zun, who was rarely dispatched by the Qingtian faction in his twilight years, and the Emperor Wu who was killed by Zhang Qingyuan, there were also people from Wunian Temple, Dayuan Dynasty, and Dajin Dynasty that did not arrive!

   It’s too late,

   Or is there another reason?

   Along with the voice of the Lingxu Sword Master, the eyes of everyone around him flickered.

   I'm afraid I'm afraid,

   If they were attacked in secret by those people hiding while crossing the turbulence of space, then it would be troublesome!

   plan ahead,

   must be guarded!

   "Something seems to have happened in Wunian Temple, and the two holy monks don't seem to want to participate."

   The Shang Puritan Wuxiang Dao Zun wearing a Taoist robe said,

   Yu Guang glanced at Zhang Qingyuan, his eyes seemed to be full of different meanings.

"As for the two of the Yuan Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty, they have always been in friendship with the Five Elements Saint Sect, and as far as I know, the Five Elements Sect should have a way to cross this barren sea. Maybe they have already entered in advance. "

   "This is indeed worth noting. If I wait a little later, I can only eat some leftovers when I don't get it."

   "There is one more thing to be vigilant about. According to the news from my disciples, a great battle broke out in the depths of the barren sea not long ago. The preliminary guess is that it is a battle of tens of thousands of levels, in which there is blood, light and devilish energy."

   "In this line, I am afraid that people who are not from the Demon Sect will also participate."

  With the voice of the Wuxiang Dao Zun,

   There was a sudden silence in the surrounding space.

   "If this is the case, then I can't stay here anymore!"

   "How about let's do it together and open a stable space channel with the power of Taoism?"


   "Then do it!"

  As the words of Wuxiang Dao Zun finally fell, everyone shot together.


   Wuxiang Dao Zun's palm slapped toward the void in front of him, and between the void, a substantial round of Yin and Yang appeared, piercing the void in front of him, and the turbulence was shattered under the heavy power!

  A short sword appeared in the palm of the Void Sword Sovereign, the sword light flickered, and a ray of light drifted across the sky. It instantly swept across the sky for an unknown distance, and then there was a crash, and the sky in front was directly cut away!

Fairy Qinqing appeared in the hands of a jade-colored long piano with shining brilliance. The sound of the piano sounded, and the beautiful notes resonated with the sky and the earth, overwhelming the sky and the earth that do not know how far away, and the chaotic spatial turbulence followed Calm down!

On the other side, the Dao Yun Qi of Xuan Shang Dao Zun's body boiled up, and the majestic aura made the space distorted, like a phoenix profound bird that covered the sky and covered the sun for thousands of meters, and bombarded the vast sea in front of it in a vacuum. !

   The four diversified shots are shocking!

   The law of horror runs through the world, like turning the world upside down!

   The terrifying momentum obscured the sky, and the light on the sky seemed to be plunged into the boundless abyss of darkness. The boundless terrifying pressure was pressing on the hearts of everyone present!

   At this moment on this unnamed beach, the monks gathered before, no matter it is the real world realm or the real realm, they have already fallen to the ground, raising their heads and staring at the sky above.

   I saw the turbulent terrifying barren sea sky ahead, and under the supreme power of the four tens of thousands, it was instantly penetrated by a huge, terrifying, dark crack with no end in sight!

   The whole sky seems to be split apart!

   The huge crack that traverses the sky, spreads to the sky, extends to the depths of the vast sea, there is no end in sight!


   In the huge passage that was blasted out, the power of Taoism intertwined and collided, producing a devastating light, and the space collapsed and shattered, leaving only the dark chaos. The collision and annihilation produced destructive power!

  The space channel has indeed been opened!

   But the problem is,

   The four people are neither in the same discipline, nor are they practicing the same power method. They are full of intertwined forces and collide with each other in the space channel, which has a terrible impact!


   The four hesitated,

   In this chaotic space passage, no one dared to enter first.

Defenses can not do without,

   If after entering the space channel, he is secretly handed over by someone in the dark, then there will be nowhere to go for justice!

at this time,

   Zhang Qingyuan, who has been standing next to him, flickered,

   speaks plainly:

   "Everyone is a good method, and it's not easy for Zhang to stand aside and enjoy his success. How about exploring the way for you now?!"

   The words are questions, but the tone is affirmative.

   "Then trouble fellow Zhang Dao!"

   The four of them glanced at each other and nodded in agreement.

   Zhang Qingyuan didn’t speak much, didn’t see his actions, and stood with his hands behind.

   just stepped out of the void in one step towards the channel created by the four great tens of thousands of chemical forces in front, and the moment his footsteps fell into the void, it seemed that a five-color Taoist lotus was born under his feet!

   The petals of the lotus flower of a petal of Taoism are opened, condensed into the five-element divine wheel of the week, suddenly spread, and become a avenue of rules, intertwined, running through the ten thousand-foot-long passage,

   The power of the five elements criss-crossed, and under the vast power of Taoism, the chaotic scene of the collision and annihilation of the four Wanhua Taoist priests in the passage was directly suppressed!

   The four powerful Taoist forces are suppressed,

   The channel is instantly stabilized!

   is like a stable corridor running through a long void, indestructible!

   Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward,

   stepped directly into the space channel.

   And now,

   behind him,

   After seeing all these scenes in his eyes, the four Wanhua Dao Venerables changed their expressions.

   "It is worthy of being a person who stirred up a huge storm in Yunzhou, and he was able to achieve such a level! I am afraid that the strength of this person is already extremely close to the level of the heavenly Wanhua!"

   Wuxiang Dao Zun's face was solemn, and his voice was authentic.

   As the Taoist master of the Wanhua realm of the Upper Puritanism among the two sects, he has a connection with the Central Continent Cultivation Realm. He clearly knows more and has a bigger and far-reaching vision.

   What Zhang Qingyuan had shown earlier was completely the Dao method that suppressed the four of them with his own power!

   is only stabilized by the space channel that was broken together by them.

   This is almost a demeanor or two that overwhelms everything!


   The strength of that person is even better than the four of them!

   "My sword is in fear!"

   "That person is terrible!"

   Spirit Void Sword Sovereign's complexion was indifferent, his hand stroked the slightly trembling body of the spirit sword, which seemed to be comforting his fearful sword spirit consciousness.


   In his pupils, there was a sudden burst of sword light like substance!


   A line of thunder-like light flashed, and the space seemed to be cut apart, revealing glass-like mirror cracks!

   Sword Qi rises into the sky at this moment!

   In this piece of heaven and earth, the long swords in the hands of all the monks below all buzzed, trembling violently, and resonated, seeming to bow to the sword power that penetrates the sky above the sky!

  The monks holding the sword all had a bone-seeking chill, as if the long sword in his hand had produced consciousness, the feeling of the sword's blade resting on the neck!

   "I want to challenge him to see the gap with him!"

  Ling Xu Jianzun holds a long sword in his hand,

   Fighting spirit soars to the sky!

"This battle is bound to be an extremely brilliant battle, and the old man is also very much looking forward to it, but for now, let's talk about it after exploring the Wu Xuanzong site first. After all, the challenge can be any time, but the legendary inheritance of the **** of heaven and humanity can be Rare in the world!"

   Wuxiang Dao Zun stroked his beard, faintly comforting and authentic.

   "Although you can rest assured that you have no phase friends, I naturally know it."

   Spirit Void Sword Sovereign nodded,

   took the long sword in his palm back to his dantian, and the battle intent to reach the sky was gathered at this moment.

   "Let's go, I'll be late, it won't be good if you get boarded first by those people."

   between talking,

   Spirit Void Sword Sovereign stepped out and stepped into the space channel.

   The remaining three people looked at each other,

   also stepped into the space channel.

   Within the space channel opened up by the power of the four Wanhua Taoist priests, the five-color aggregate light flows, and I feel the powerful five-element rule of the stable space.

   Everyone's hearts are sinking again.

   That person’s understanding of the power of the Five Elements Dao Fa is so deep, and the Dao Fa power he mastered is so terrifying!

  Wait a moment if you enter Wu Xuanzong and encounter the inheritance of the heavenly ancestors, how should you deal with that person?

   Such an idea flashed through the hearts of all four of them,

  Heavy heart.

   And now,

   While they were advancing quickly, they suddenly met Zhang Qingyuan in front of them.

   Zhang Qingyuan at this time,

   stayed halfway,

   seems to be waiting for something.

   "Daoyou Zhang, what happened?"

   The accident happened suddenly, the four of them looked at each other, their vigilance was all raised to the limit, and they were a little worried about the person in front of him turning his face.

   not long,

   Wuxiang Dao Zun stepped forward and asked Zhang Qingyuan.


   Just when everyone's minds were raised to the limit,

   Wow! ! !

   A huge splash of water shocked and spread from the void, and then the space channel in front was suddenly distorted, like a vast and boundless force crushed, and the space channel was instantly distorted and collapsed!



   Everyone was shocked, and the figure retreated hundreds of feet.

at this time,

I saw the shattered space passage in front of the sky exploding in the power of Taoism, there was a bright swaying light, dazzling lightning rays bursting in the darkness and chaos, and amidst the turbulent space storm, an extremely huge one, It seems to be covering the silver spine of the sky in front, sweeping by!

   Boom! ! !

   The earth-shaking loud noise caused the turbulence of the surrounding space, and a terrifying space storm was set off between the sky and the earth!

this moment,

   The space channel opened up by everyone has been broken!

   The Four Great Variations, together with the figure of Zhang Qingyuan, were directly exposed to the chaotic void turbulence.

   The four people of Wuxiang Dao Zun's complexion changed slightly. In this chaotic space turbulence, if they were involved in the boundless storm, the whole figure was like a lone boat in the storm. The wind and rain were swaying, as if they would be overthrown by that storm at any time!

   "The boundless universe, set!"

   "Sword swings the world!"

   "Nine tones converge!"

   "Xuanniao incarnate!"

The four of them displayed their own powerful methods, with the power of yin and yang manifested, the sword power swept, the notes jumped, the mysterious bird descended, and a heavy Taoist force suppressed the sky, suppressing the turbulence of the surrounding space at this moment. Go down!

   Everyone reluctantly stabilized their figures, their eyes staring ahead in amazement.

Tucked in the void in front, is a huge figure like a mountain of thousands of feet, silver scales are like a shining color, flashing horrible runes that are incomprehensible to the mysterious, arousing the vast space power, the silver brilliance of thousands of feet, pouring down like a galaxy !

   "Kong Ming Yin Ting Kun?!"

   Wuxiang Dao Zun said in amazement, looking at the huge figure in front of him, his face was a little unbelievable!

"What it is?"

   "Kong Ming Yin Ting Kun, that is a creature that exists in myths and legends. It is said that it lives in the void, uses spatial turbulence as a living environment, swallows the power of space, and hunts creatures!"

   "These mythical creatures are born at the level of the legal realm, enter the tens of thousands of levels in adulthood, and can even reach the level of the ancestors of heaven and humanity, and they are born to be able to impose the power of the void. It is terrifying!"

   "I thought that this kind of creature was already extinct, but I didn't expect to encounter it here!"

   Wuxiangdao Zunchao was explained by everyone around him.

   And now,


   Kong Ming Yin Yin Ting Kun's body suddenly burst into the sky, and the thunder leaped from the chaotic sea, and the arc ran across the sky. The stalwart body, like a mountain and giant mountain, just smashed directly toward the crowd!

   mighty and The silver runes of heaven and earth appeared on the body, and the reflection drew a huge amount of space power, sweeping toward everyone like a tsunami!


   Everyone's faces are all changed!

  Because under the power of that majestic and substantive space and the vast sea, the surrounding chaos and void are as thick as water, so they can't easily escape!

  The most important thing is,

  According to Wuxiang Dao Zun, between the chaos and emptiness, that empty silver Tingkun is undoubtedly the ancestor of space!

   In this piece of void turbulence, everyone's power itself must divide a lot of suppression space turbulence, so as not to be involved in the depths of the chaos, it is already splitting a part of the power and unable to fight the enemy with all its strength.

   and the opposite of Kong Ming Yin Ting Kun,

   With a powerful aura, it is already close to the level of the Tian-level Wanhua. In this space turbulent area, as the home field, it is even more like a fish in the water. At this moment, even if the Tian-level Wanhua arrives, it may not be able to deal with it!

   "Escape separately, each depends on his ability, otherwise he will be caught up and die together!"

   Wuxiang Dao Zun shouted in a deep voice,

   I don’t know when a white whisk appeared in the hands of the whole person, and the yin and yang rolled back between the swings, and the yin and yang grinding disc of tens of meters and hundreds of meters on one side wiped out the turbulent flow of space, and bombarded towards the empty silver kun behind him!

at the same time,

   With the help of this force, the whole person directly turns into a ray of light, disappears instantly, and disappears farther and farther away!

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