
   The gateway to Zhongzhou, the only way through which Yunzhou connects with Zhongzhou,

   is also the most mysterious place in the entire Yunzhou cultivation world!

   As its name implies, it is like the level that means the end of the heavens and the earth. For the vast majority of the monks in the Yunzhou cultivation world, it is an existence that is not even qualified to hear the name!

   Jiuzhou Land,

   is not a whole continent that is completely linked together,

between us,

   The monks who exist in the realm of the Wanhua Dao Zun are also difficult to cross the Tianyuan boundary, and this Tianguan is the place where Yunzhou and Zhongzhou are connected!

   As the guardian of the Tianguan,

   is a person of great power from the Central Continent Comprehension Realm, so his vision will not be much worse.

   The devastating wave that came from the horizon not far away, spanning an unknown number of tens of millions of kilometers, can still feel the tremor of this Fang Yunzhou law of heaven and earth!

   Although the fluctuation is not strong,

  Only the existence of Wanhua Dao Zun can be sensed,

   But this is not because of other reasons, but because the monks under the realm of Wanhua cannot reach the level of interaction between heaven and man, and perceive the rhythm that originated from heaven and earth.

   can't reach the level,

   I don’t even have the qualifications to perceive!

   "Interesting, this level of combat rules fluctuates, I'm afraid it's not the power of the ancestors of the heavens and humans!"

   The old man stroked his chin and beard, staring at a flash of light in the void pupils in front of him.

   is outside the Central Continent cultivation world,

   can't get out of the ancestors of heaven and humanity!

   This restriction is a clear consensus of any peak monk in the Central Continent cultivation world for thousands of years.

   It is precisely because of this that the outside world has the saying that Nine Continents in the world, and Central Continent dominates the Qidou Qiyun.

   is neither the existence of the ancestors of heaven and humanity,

   So what caused such a level of power fluctuation is that the realm of ten thousand transformations touched the power of heaven and man? !

   Being able to achieve such an achievement in the realm of Wanhua, whether it is a short-lived one or not, but being able to touch the power of that level under the incomplete world is extremely extraordinary in itself!

   "Interesting, this small fish pond can still have such a arrogant talent. When it enters the land of the middle continent, it will be like a dragon swimming in the sea. Since then, the sky is broad and the sky has become a great pillar of the sky!"

   The old man knew in his heart, he murmured in his heart and admired the authenticity, with a touch of comfort on his face.

   "And looking at the nature of its power, but it is not a magic way, then it is a man of the right way. The right way can have one more talent, and it will also have more combat power against the demons..."

  The old man nodded in satisfaction,

   seems to have thought of something,

   A touch of worry also appeared on his face.



   I hope the new generation will grow up as soon as possible!


   Even if it is the ancestor of heaven and humanity, what about it?

   Unless there is a fairy **** born,

   swept everything!

   But unfortunately,

   Since that change ten thousand years ago, Chengxian Road seems to have a problem!

   The last of the 13 immortals in the history of Jiuzhou Land, after that one Jiujue Immortal became a Taoist, time, almost 20,000 years have passed!

   Chengxian Road,

has a problem!

   Without the immortal sovereign sweeping the world, how can the crisis brought by the Demon Race be easily overcome?


   can only go one step at a time,

   For the right way of the human race, more combat power is always good.

   The old man let out a long sigh in his heart.

   "By the way, not long ago, the Buddha of the Great Sumi Temple came to contact him and asked him to help contact this person and win him into the Jiuzhou Righteous Alliance..."

   thought about it,

  The old man draws a talisman in the void out of thin air, taps his finger lightly, and the talisman turns into a stream of light and disappears in a flash, disappearing into the depths of the void.

   finished this thing,

   The old man consciously didn’t miss much,

   stroked his beard,

   sighed faintly in his heart, did not continue to pay attention, and returned his attention to the chessboard in front of him.


   Things that happened outside the distant Tianguan, right now in the deserted sea area, the vast majority of Yunzhou high-ranking monks gathered in the Wu Xuanzong ruins are naturally unknown.

   at this moment,

   Under the terrifying collision,

  The inheritance mystery of Xuanzong Wu has collapsed and shattered!

   The extremely terrifying shock was almost like a collision and shock on the soul, causing the monks who were closer to each other within hundreds of miles to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

   People who are farther away are not much better,

  'S head seemed to be smashed by a heavy hammer,

   There are flies and mosquitoes flying around in gray and white, and my brain is humming!

   is the shock of aftermath,

   is that at this moment, in the entire Wu Xuanzong ruins, most of the high-ranking monks in the Yunzhou cultivation world have lost the ability to resist!

   There are also only the Dao Sovereign of the Wanhua level, or the existence of some peaks in the legal realm, which can resist.

   But there is still a lingering fear,

   looked at the cavernous sky ahead with amazement, the gap in the abyss that pierced the sky, as if the whole world had collapsed in the pitch black where the fingers could not be seen!

this moment,

   In the dark and chaotic abyss where no light can be seen,

   Zhang Qingyuan's body is extremely miserable, with blood dripping all over his body, and weak breath,

   In the chest, there is a deep visible bone, which almost broke the chest open. The flesh and blood around it was wiped out in ashes, leaving only half a remnant and half a golden bone!

   is more terrifying,

   is the weird energy that lingers around the wound and wipes out all vitality!

  The terrible air machine remains,

   makes Chaos tremble!

  All living beings are contaminated with vitality, and they will be completely extinct as fly ash!

   Even with the supreme physique cultivation of Zhang Qingyuan's Liuli golden body, under the endless stream of vitality, it is still invincible to the residue of the horrible celestial spirit!

  The front part of the body,

   The flesh and blood disappeared completely, and even the bones that were originally golden and jade-colored turned into gray-white at this moment!

   That is the dead spirit left by the fairy qi!

   annihilate all vitality!

   Even if it is Zhang Qingyuan, UU reading www.uukānshu.com can't wipe it out in one moment or three!

   "Fortunately, I survived after all!"

   In the darkness and chaos of dead silence without light and sound, Zhang Qingyuan's remnant body made a hoarse sound like a broken bellows, his breath was swaying in wind and rain, as if it was going to be extinguished in the next moment!


   is probably the worst injury Zhang Qingyuan has in his life.

   But fortunately,

   He finally survived!

   Under the miserable state, Zhang Qingyuan opened his mouth and showed a grinning smile.

   At this time, the ancestor of the Five Elements Saint Sect who was opposite had already fled.

   After casting that token,

The other party's whole person became rapidly aging, as if it had reached the end of life, wrinkles appeared quickly on his face, his hair had become gray, his vitality had become weak, and he had reached the dying twilight, as if the next moment was about to come. Sink into the coffin.

   Although Zhang Qingyuan doesn’t know why the other party is doing this,

   But one thing is certain,

   The other party inspires that token,

The cost consumed by    is also extremely terrifying!

   Even when he sensed that Zhang Qingyuan's aura was not extinguished, he couldn't even make up the knife, and flee in horror!

   After all,

   he won!


   is over too!


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