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"I have seen the envoy Li Zhenfu, and the envoy Zhenfu is here. The Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is not very honored!"

President Zhou's expression remained unchanged, and he bowed his hands to the governor-general on the first seat above.

However, the fearful look on his face disappeared in a flash.

This person's name is Li Zhengbang, and he is the governor of the East Mountain Region.

Although he is an official of the imperial court, his voice is not very good.

these years,

The continuous turmoil in the East Mountain Region and the rampant banditry made it difficult for the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce to trade in this area, which had a great relationship with its excessive levy.



It's the label on this person!

If it wasn't for the fact that this person had been unscrupulous in the Eastern Mountain Region over the years, causing everyone in the Eastern Mountain Region to be in danger, either avoiding or fleeing, he wouldn't have been able to invite more helpers from the Cave Realm, and in the end he could only pull it in. Li Feiyu, who had known each other for a short time, and Ba Dao Xiangwei, who was forced away.

Although such thoughts flashed through his mind, President Zhou was polite and respectful.

"President Zhou, don't be polite. This official is also idle. Hearing about the event of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, I simply came over to take a look. Don't care about this official, you can do it yourself."

The first superintendent, the governor, waved his hand and said indifferently.

"The governor, the governor, and the governor are the parents and officials invited by Wang with a lot of effort. With the adults present, it must be fair and just for the chairman of the Dongshan branch of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce to change positions."

Wang Leopard bowed his hands to the governor and the governor and spoke authentically.

Chairman Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly.

Seeing the silent chamber of commerce members gathered around again, there was a nervous atmosphere, and my heart was tight.

However, Chairman Zhou cannot afford to think too much.

It was sitting on the right side under the high platform.


After some dull exchanges at the conference, the interests of the members clashed and the price was negotiated.

The most important battle is the beginning.

At the beginning of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, they originally believed in the way of the strong being respected. The two parties who competed for the position of the branch president ended up playing a game, and the winner would be able to get the position of the branch president.


The most able to play may not be the most profitable,

Moreover, the connections and financial resources among the monks are also part of their strength.

So there is a way to help the boxing, inviting the strong to come on the field and fight for yourself.

gradually evolved,

Basically, it has evolved into a way to invite each other to fight.


The huge square on Tianzhu Mountain was emptied,

The men and horses representing the two sides to help the boxing fell into the arena and stood still.

The one who took action for President Zhou was naturally the Qingyang Sword Wu Fan.

I saw that on his stance, he was carrying a long sword, dressed in blue clothes, hunting and flying, and as the breath escaped, the void seemed to have a sharp edge that split the vacuum and disappeared.

The sword style is extremely sharp, as if just a glance at it will make people's eyes sting.

On the other side confronted with it,

It was a middle-aged swordsman with a long sword and a high crown invited by Wang Bao.

"On one side is Wu Fan, the famous Qingyang sword on the Dragon and Phoenix List, and on the other side is Yifan, the swordsman in the feather clothes who was once a genius in the past, but now thousands of years have passed, and the unfathomable nature of Gongshen is unfathomable. It seems that this time both of them are It's a heavy copy!"

"Yeah, both of them are good swordsmen, so Wu Fan is rumored to have already reached the realm of half-step Wanhua, one-handed swordsmanship is as mighty as the sun, and has a bit of mystery in the realm of Wanhua. And that Shi Yifan is not an ordinary person. Although he was not listed on the Dragon and Phoenix List back then, he was also a famous person. After years of retreat and hard work, who knows what kind of strength his strength has reached? If it is not on the Dragon and Phoenix List There is an age limit, and with its strength, it may not be able to be on the list!"

"This must be a battle between dragons and tigers. I am afraid it will be the most dazzling battle in the East Mountain Region in hundreds of years!"

The crowd whispered in the audience,

Whispered about authentic.

"Since Wu stepped into the cultivation path, he has reached the realm of half a step in a mere 500 years, and now he is ranked twenty-ninth on the Dragon and Phoenix List. Your Excellency is just a nameless person, why not retreat , Wu Moujing, you are a senior, but don't lose the reputation accumulated over the years in this arena!"

In the ring, Wu Fan was proud and authentic to the opponent in front of him.

There seemed to be no one in front of him at all.

"Humph! If it wasn't for the help of the teacher behind you, would you dare to say that with your own strength, you can cultivate to a half-step Wanhua realm in five hundred years?"

"Huangkou child, wait for you to be promoted to the realm of Wanhua Dao Zun and then be arrogant!"

Shi Yifan snorted coldly,

Immediately without any hesitation, he shot with a bang!


The crisp sword sound cracked between the voids, and with a slam, the space split open, and a lot of bright sword qi lotus blossomed between the cracks in the space, and the boundless sword force filled every space in the void. a corner!

Silent, unbelievably beautiful,

But with a terrifying edge that makes people terrified!

"Hey! What a terrifying sword power! It's just the breath of the air, and the sword lotus is split in the vacuum. The swordsmanship avenue of Yuyi Sword is afraid that it has reached its peak, and it is only half a step away from breaking the avenue. That's it!"

Someone took a deep breath.

There are many people in the field who are in the realm of the real world, but under the white and silent sword light, there is still a feeling like a sword light is on the back!

If the opponent on the field is himself, I am afraid that the head will be cut off by its edge in the first moment of the confrontation!

"Hey! It's just a loser of the old times! Even the sword is so weak!"

Wu Fan sneered with disdain on his face.


The long sword on his back rises into the sky, the sword rising like a blazing sun, piercing through the sky, causing the surrounding heaven and earth to shake!

Wu Fan is out!

A sword slashed out, as fast as electricity, and there was a kind of big sun reflecting from the sky, and there was a majestic general trend of Qianqijuan Pinggang, which collapsed and smashed the vacuum of thousands of feet in front!

Under the Qingyang sword force that made the world tremble, everyone on the scene took a step back involuntarily!

There was a look of horror on his face!

Tianjiao on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking is truly astonishing!

Boom! ! !

A terrifying collision broke out!

Void is cut, heaven and earth are divided,

That piece of vacuum shattered in an instant, turning into a dark nothingness that devoured all light!

terrifying force shock,

Even through the great formation that blocked the world of the arena, it swept towards the surroundings, causing everyone present to be shocked again!

The collision of this blow,

The power that burst out is afraid that it has reached the level of the realm of ten thousand transformations!

at this time,

on the ring,

After a single blow,

Shi Yifan took three steps back.

Wu Fan did not retreat half a step, holding the Qingyang Sword with a proud face.

Shi Yifan's face was ugly,


The whole person swept through the void like lightning, the long sword was like a dragon, turned into flying feathers and stars in the sky, wrapped in a terrifying edge and killed Wu Fan!

Wu Fan sneered and attacked with his sword.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The continuous collision and confrontation exploded a terrifying explosion in the ring!

The ring ground beneath my feet has long since shattered and disappeared,

The void is broken,

Darkness erupted from several nodes one after another, which was the shattering of space, showing a scene of chaotic nothingness!

Everyone around looked at the confrontation between the two in front of them,

Just feel agitated!

The power of each blow has already surpassed the pinnacle of the realm of Dongzhen, reaching the destructive power of the ten thousand transformation level!

If it weren't for the Tianzhu Mountain battlefield's large array space being stable enough to withstand the attack of the power of the Wanhua level,

I am afraid that the burst of terrifying energy shock has already swept all around, destroying the entire Tianzhu Mountain!

But even so,

The whole world shook violently.

the earth shakes,

The terrifying coercion swept through the nine days, shaking people's minds!

"Vice President Wang, it seems that this time, the person you invited is a little inferior. If you want to come to this conference, Vice President Wang will be disappointed again!"

On the high platform, seeing that Wu Fan had the upper hand in the field, President Zhou couldn't help but stroked his chin and beard, and spoke to Wang Bao next to him.

"President Zhou, don't be too happy, it's not certain who will kill the deer!"

A cold light flashed in Wang Bao's eyes,

Cold and authentic.

Zhou Zhengbin sneered.

at this time,

on the ring,

"The so-called Feather Sword is nothing more than that, I have seen through you, it's over!"

In the void swept by the terrifying energy storm, Wu Fan's cold voice spread.

The Qingyang Sword rotates in the palm,

In an instant,

The vast and sea-like momentum is grand, like a sun coming to the world, overwhelming all the demeanor on the field!

A sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth shattered the chaotic vacuum, cut through the darkness, and fell into the abyss, and suddenly came to Shi Yifan with the breath of a meteor like a big sun!

"not good!"

Shi Yifan groaned in his heart, turned around to defend, and raised his sword to resist!




The void was shattered, and the blossoming sword lotus lingering around Shi Yifan shattered like glass in an instant!

The whole person faces the mighty Qingyang Sword,

was blasted away in an instant,

It was like a cannonball smashed through a large formation, flying tens of thousands of feet upside down, and knocking down several mountain peaks!


"Fellow Daoist Wu, Mr. Li, this time it is Zhou who has implicated you. This matter has nothing to do with you. This is the promised reward, so you should leave first."

There was a wry smile on President Zhou's face.

The two storage rings that were immediately taken out were handed over to Wu Fan and Zhang Qingyuan.

"The guild president asked me only to deal with the elders of the guild, not the imperial court. Now the money matters are cleared up, farewell!"

Wu Fan is also welcome.

Immediately took the storage ring and was ready to leave.

There was also a bitter look on President Zhou's face.

at this time,


Suddenly, there was the coercive voice of the governor and the governor from above.

"Did this official let you go?"

"What does that mean, my lord?"

Wu Fan's complexion changed slightly, and his expression was a little unkind, but he still managed to endure it and asked the governor above.

"What's the meaning?"

The governor-general was playing with two jade beads in his hands, with a special expression on his face.

"This case is of great importance. That Zhou Zhengbin's collusion with the Demon Sect is a great treason. When it is a big crime to punish the nine clans, you and others, as accomplices, can't be allowed to leave!"

"I can't say that the storage ring contains a token to contact the chaotic officials and thieves!"

"Come on, put those two people into the sky prison together, and then deal with them separately after the matter is cleared up!"

A cold light flashed in the governor's eyes, and he said Li Zhengbang, what do you mean! "

Wu Fan's expression changed!

"Sure enough, you are an unrespectable person. This official is your parent's official. You don't need to say your honorable name. It's not a taboo for you to call this official by your name. Today, I will teach you this unrespectable person!"

The sullen look on Du Zhenfu's face climbed up, his eyes flickered, and a terrifying coercion swept away, covering the entire Tianzhu Mountain!

At this moment, everyone on Tianzhu Mountain only felt a majestic and domineering will shrouded in it, descending like a mountain pressing on the shoulders, making it hard to breathe!


All of a sudden, the Governor-General made his move!

The majestic momentum gathered in mid-air, exuding a vast air machine that was like a blazing sun, which made the vacuum on the top of Tianzhu Mountain distorted, and slammed down towards Wu Fan!

The surging impact caused a tsunami visible to the naked eye on Tianzhu Mountain!

at the same time,

Under the terrifying power, with the invincible Huang Dao official luck, in the sky, the golden dragon is looming!

At this moment, the governor, the governor, who was only half a thousand transformations, has the power of a thousand transformations!

Kill the chicken and the monkey!

In order to suppress Wu Fan in one fell swoop, he supervises and suppresses the envoy. Aroused the vigor of the Great Zhou Dynasty as a trump card, showing an aura that made everyone in the place stunned!

"Li Zhengbang, you dare!!!"



Looking at the dead world and the people of the court gathered together, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help sighing softly.

The sound fell into everyone's ears with unparalleled clarity.


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