Remember [] for a second,!

ps: Don't subscribe yet, this is a repeat of the previous chapter.


Zhang Qingyuan's strength is extremely powerful.

Although he is only at the level of the realm of myriad transformations, his real strength is already the terrifying power to fight the ancestors of heaven and human beings!

Such strength, if you tell others about it, ordinary people will only feel that they have gained and lost their hearts!

Because the gap between Heavenly Human Daozu and Wanhua Peak is simply like a moat!

That is a peerless figure who masters the laws of heaven and earth, forms a world of his own, stands at the peak of the world, and has reached the end of his cultivation path!

Unless it is a rare celestial evildoer who has spent an unimaginable amount of effort, and has honed his own means to the extreme in the world, there is only a slight chance of defeating some weak ancestors who were lucky enough to be promoted.

Through the ages, the only one who has been able to do this is the Holy Son of the Holy Land!

However, even those arrogances who were at the peak of the people who were looking up to them as soon as they were born, are only able to do it by the evildoers among the very few evildoers!

However, even with such a powerful force,

However, Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation time was too short after all, and the accumulation of background in some aspects did not have time to precipitate and became superficial.

Although the Great Evolution Technique developed with the golden finger of the proficiency panel quickly absorbed many practice books, the realm of life, the wisdom of life and other illusory but real things are not so easy to improve.

On paper, I feel shallow at the end, and I absolutely know that this matter has to be done.

Some things cannot be understood just by looking at the records of predecessors in the old paper pile.

This is something Zhang Qingyuan wanted to understand afterward after decades of retreating and practicing hard, and it was difficult to break through in the Five Elements Immortal Sutra.

It is not advisable to work hard behind closed doors!

This is the reason why he travels the world. Otherwise, according to his character, he should thoroughly understand the Five Elements Immortal Sutra and at the same time cultivate the Five Elements Dao and Yin-Yang Dao to the end of their cultivation, and have the strength to suppress everything in the world. out of the mountains.

And since then,

Zhang Qingyuan has obviously gained a lot.

In the few years he lived in the East Mountain Region, although the level of the monks he came into contact with was not high, but the novel system, gained from exploring the luck of the air, made his originally stagnant Five Elements Immortal Sutra move forward again for a short time. step.

Although this small step is small,

But it is very meaningful!

In order to win over Zhang Qingyuan, Xiaoyao Laodao opened up most of the books, classics, various techniques and martial arts in the Feixian League, as well as the experience of the predecessors in the cultivation of the Dao, and organized Wan Wan who was free in the Feixian League. With more than ten thousand cultivators in the Wanhua realm, they held a small exchange meeting together, and Zhang Qingyuan felt that this trip was worthwhile!

To know,

The Feixian League has existed for a very long time, and it seems to have existed when the Great Zhou Dynasty was established ten thousand years ago.

The leader of the Flying Immortal Alliance is even more of a dragon. It is rumored that he has lived for nine thousand years and is retreating in a hidden place, hoping to break through to the realm of the ancestors of heaven and humanity.

Such an ancient and huge organization, the background is bigger than any major force that Zhang Qingyuan has come into contact with before entering Qingzhou!

Even the Five Elements Sect of Yunzhou is far from being comparable.

such a force,

There are so many classics accumulated, it can be called a sea of ​​smoke!

Especially on this land of Qingzhou, although the strong and powerful are still high above, the power of luck and the power of military formation is also prevalent at the bottom.

For Zhang Qingyuan, this is undoubtedly a novel cultivation system.

While expanding our horizons,

The stone of the mountain can attack jade,

Enough to make Zhang Qingyuan produce the effect of analogy.

Not to mention the exchange meeting.

Thirteen statues of the realm of myriad transformations. This can be said to be the highest-level and most powerful gathering that Zhang Qingyuan has participated in since his cultivation!

Every strong person who has cultivated to the realm of ten thousand transformations has his own way!

Don't look at the existence of the realm of Wanhua, in front of Zhang Qingyuan, it is already impossible to turn over the water,

But these characters have undoubtedly reached the pinnacle of their cultivation realm!

The wonderful experience he has experienced is in no way inferior to his Zhang Qingyuan.

It can be said,

Each of them is the protagonist of their era!

The wisdom, ideas, and even Taoism of these people are of great significance to Zhang Qingyuan!

In the process of preaching and communicating, Zhang Qingyuan diligently absorbed the spiritual cultivation base and life wisdom of everyone, digested and absorbed it, turned it into his own, and continuously improved his realm.

Heart can not help but sigh color.

A person's wisdom is limited after all.

powerful people,

The mind, the realm in life is not necessarily high,

To this,

He has a deeper understanding,

At the same time, the wheel on the Five Elements Immortal Sutra that was stuck there began to slowly turn...

Just when Zhang Qingyuan was absorbing the wisdom of everyone,

Many monks in the realm of myriad transformations present, including Xiaoyao Laodao, also had a heartfelt sigh of Zhang Qingyuan!

This son is too knowledgeable, and his Daoist practice is too profound!

With their eyesight, they can naturally see that Zhang Qingyuan is not very old, but he is a thousand years old, or even younger, maybe only five or six hundred years old.

However, people who are only a fraction of their age give them the feeling that it is as unfathomable as if it were a vast ocean!

Many problems in practice, even if they are remote, can be easily solved.

Especially in the realm of Taoism,

It has reached an unimaginable level!

Often just a few words, it is to tell the problems they have encountered in the bottleneck that has been difficult to break through for many years, and give a real solution, which made many people surging on the spot, and their breath was improved after breaking through the level. .

Even the Xiaoyao Laodao, who is a heavenly man, shows a look of shock from time to time.

Because the problems he faced were also pointed out by this person and pointed out the way!

He had a feeling that if he continued to do what this person said, his cultivation that had been stagnant for many years would definitely reach a new level in the near future!

This undoubtedly made Xiaoyao Laodao's heart once again set off a storm!

such a limit,

Simply incredible!

No one would believe him if he hadn't achieved a very high level in the realm of Dao and Dharma!

Everyone has gained a lot from the exchange,

Also therefore,

The atmosphere of the exchange meeting became more and more enthusiastic.

Originally, we only planned to communicate with each other for a month, but after a year of procrastination, everyone was still unfulfilled.

If it wasn't for the good harvest at the meeting, I urgently need to go back to retreat to digest, and really turn it into my own, and Xiaoyao Laodao thinks that this is not the way to entertain guests.

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