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"This forbidden area of ​​the gods is actually hidden so secretly!"

The mind was shocked for a long time, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help sighing, his eyes were full of complicated colors.

For more than 10,000 years, Jiujue Immortal Venerable ascended, cut off cause and effect, and the fact that he was able to pass through the heavens and the earth was not considered a secret among the top levels of the cultivation world.

The realm of the real hole in the real world may be less accessible.

But the existence of the realm of ten thousand transformations is already a top class in the entire nine continents.

More or less, they will learn this secret, which is not a secret, from the same level of the same road, or from places such as ancient ruins.

The history of the entire cultivation world.

The history of cultivation in the Canglan Realm spanned 130,000 years, and thirteen ascended Immortal Venerables emerged in the past dynasties.

But in fact, if it is strictly calculated from the day when Yuanshi Immortal Venerable ascended, until today, it should be 130,000, 5,600,000 years!

15,000 to 6,000 years ago, the last Nine Jue Immortal Venerable ascended to immortality, and cut off the cause and effect between this world and the upper realm.

Since then, Canglan Realm has never been able to communicate with the Upper Realm anymore.

In the ancient Five Elements Sect, secret disciples in the sect were able to enter the outer world through some means, get the cross-border teaching from the immortal gate of the upper realm, and quickly comprehend the Five Elements Dao.

But now,

Don't say anything about teaching from the upper realm,

It is impossible to communicate information with the upper bound.

like a line,

Completely cut off!

The connection between the Canglan Realm and the Upper Realm was completely cut off, and his eyes were darkened.

at the same time,

The consequences are the severance of the road to ascension!

For the past five to six thousand years, there have been people who have been charging towards that goal, wanting to break through the blockade of heaven and earth, and ascend to immortality just like the ancient Immortal Venerable.

but without exception,

All failed!

The way to the sky has been cut off!

In the history of Canglan Realm, basically every 10,000 years passed, the Cultivation Realm would usher in a prosperous age.

In that prosperous world,

The arrogance of the heavens is frequent, the evil spirits are rampant, and the brilliance of the peerless characters on the road to immortality is more than a hundred times the sum of the past ten thousand years!

In the end, there is only one person who can defeat all the rivals, stand at the top, cover the ten thousand paths, and stand above all the heavens and ten thousand paths.

The tide ebbs and flows, a cycle of ten thousand years.

but now,

Fifteen or six thousand years have passed,

No one can prove Dao and become immortal!

And according to the records of ancient books, it can be seen that the world of self-cultivation is constantly declining!

Ten thousand years ago, Yuzhou had the existence of Heaven and Human series, and there were more than one.

The same is true for Yunzhou.

Thousands of years ago,

Even the most barren continent in Jiuzhou has the birth of the ancestors of heaven and human beings!

At that time, the cultivation world was unimaginably prosperous today!

but now,

Not to mention Yuzhou, even if it is Yunzhou, it is already standing on the top of a continent, and it is invincible in the world!

According to the records in the more ancient relics, it can be seen that,

long before,

The world of comprehension is unimaginably prosperous!

Throughout history,

It can be seen that,

In the entire Azure Blue Realm, cultivation is gradually declining.

As if we are about to enter the era of the end of the law,

Extraordinary is gradually dying out!

Perhaps the cultivators at the bottom of the spiritual realm and the real primordial realm can't feel it. After all, the bottom layer struggles for survival and cultivation every day, and they don't have the time and energy to think about these things that have nothing to do with themselves.

But the Wanhua level is different.

standing at the top,

wherever you can see,

Among the hundreds of millions of people, only one or two people have been born.

This level of desolation, it is really hard to let people sigh.

No wonder 5,000 years ago, the forbidden land of Shenxu made even the heaven and man from the land of Central Continent come.

Every cultivator who has cultivated to this level of great power will not be willing to be trapped in this era of gradually entering the end of the Dharma for a lifetime, with no hope of longevity.

Even Zhang Qingyuan felt that there were only a few heavenly beings from Central Continent that year, which was already a bit small.

Maybe at that time,

Something happened in the legendary land of Middle-earth.

Attracted the top-level existences of the vast majority of the ancestors of heaven and human beings,

That's why only a few heavenly beings participated in the battle in the forbidden land of the gods 5,000 years ago!

"Five thousand years ago, it was really a complicated time period..."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but sigh.

many things,

It seems to have happened in that time period.


If Jiujue Immortal Venerable didn't have the best access to heaven and earth,

Then at that time,

It should be the time for the prosperous world to fight for immortality...

in the heart,

Many thoughts could not help but flash,

Zhang Qingyuan stood on the spot and couldn't help but stay for most of the day.


Although I was shocked that such a big secret was involved in the forbidden land of Shenxu, I felt the complexity of many things that happened in that era five thousand years ago.

But Zhang Qingyuan quickly suppressed the messy thoughts in his heart.

It is good to know such secrets,

The more you know,

Not to be calculated without knowing it.

But Zhang Qingyuan will never delay his goal because of these various doubts, because of some secrets that may be hidden behind the scenes.

"The forbidden land of Shenxu involves such a big secret, and that piece of heaven and earth was shattered by the means of the upper realm, I am afraid it is difficult to get the Yin-Yang Immortal Sutra from it..."

Zhang Qingyuan fell into contemplation,

He didn't forget the main purpose of his trip to Yin Yang Xian Jing,

is his main goal.

but now,

The land of the gods is in chaos, under the influence of the power of the big men in the upper realm, it is still a question whether it exists or not.

According to the jade slip given by Xiaoyao Laodao,

Now that place has been completely reduced to a forbidden place.

That piece of darkness with a radius of millions of miles, the avenues of heaven and earth within it are twisted, and it is full of irresistible chaos. The power of terror remains for thousands of years and will not die!

Even Xiaoyao Taoist, who has penetrated thousands of miles, is already struggling and has to retreat.


According to the jade slip given by Xiaoyao Laodao,

Now that place has been completely reduced to a forbidden place.

That piece of darkness with a radius of millions of miles, the avenues of heaven and earth within it are twisted, and it is full of irresistible chaos. The power of terror remains for thousands of years and will not die!

Even Xiaoyao Taoist, who has penetrated thousands of miles, is already struggling and has to retreat. According to the jade slip given by Xiaoyao Laodao,

Now that place has been completely reduced to a forbidden place.

That piece of darkness with a radius of millions of miles, the avenues of heaven and earth within it are twisted, and it is full of irresistible chaos. The power of terror remains for thousands of years and will not die!

Even Xiaoyao Taoist, who has penetrated thousands of miles, is already struggling and has to retreat. According to the jade slip given by Xiaoyao Laodao,

Now that place has been completely reduced to a forbidden place.

That piece of darkness with a radius of millions of miles, the avenues of heaven and earth within it are twisted, and it is full of irresistible chaos. The power of terror remains for thousands of years and will not die!

Even Xiaoyao Taoist, who has penetrated thousands of miles, is already struggling and has to retreat.

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