It took more than half a year to break through from the initial stage to the mid-Ninefold.

This speed is compared with the previous improvement of Zhang Qingyuan's one-level realm in one year.

It doesn't seem to be very fast.

But in fact, if you look at the ordinary inner sect nine-fold cultivator, it is really not too slow.

This is not unrelated to Zhang Qingyuan's hard work.

Of course, there are also abundant cultivation resources.

This breakthrough and promotion seems to be only a small stage within a realm.

But in fact,

His strength has almost undergone earth-shaking changes!

"Now I should have the strength to compete with Jiuzhong Perfection. If I can improve again, I can deal with Jiuzhong Perfection!"

In the cave.

Feeling the majestic power in his body, Zhang Qingyuan secretly said in his heart.

For a moment, he thought of the new inner disciples of Xuanshuifeng's line of new inner disciples more than half a year ago, the first Gao Wenhao and the second Wang Zhiliang, who had a small comparison at the end of the year.

Both of those people are in the realm of Nine-fold Consummation.

Comparing the strengths they showed at that time and confirming each other, Zhang Qingyuan was confident that he might not be at a disadvantage!

The outcome of the battle is roughly between four and six.

This makes Zhang Qingyuan's heart full of war.

Let him wait for a hearty battle.

This is not arrogance.

It is a measure of self-confidence in comparison with one's own strength.

Compared to half a year ago, Zhang Qingyuan's realm may have only been promoted to a small stage, but the improvement in other aspects is not low.

The first is the harvest after refining the dragon blood fruit.

The complete refining of the blood dragon fruit has strengthened the foundation of Zhang Qingyuan's blood and qi, and made the spirit essence cultivated by the Yiyuan Guishui, which is known for his purity and vigor, even stronger.

A soul is almost like a vast ocean, powerful.

Afterwards, the improvement of aptitude also made Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation speed to refine Lingyuan faster, and his ability to transform Lingyuan increased.


After breaking into a senior alchemist, Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness more than doubled.

The powerful spiritual consciousness makes one's own combat more acute when fighting.

Coupled with the jade slips left by the advanced alchemist in the cave ruins, the various techniques for alchemy using spiritual knowledge have a very good reference for Zhang Qingyuan.

These spiritual knowledge application skills were digested and understood by Zhang Qingyuan and applied to alchemy.

The same analogy is used in martial arts.

The proficient use of spiritual awareness skills has enabled Zhang Qingyuan to control his spiritual element to a higher level.

This improvement is obviously more effective for Zhang Qingyuan.

In previous lives,

Zhang Qingyuan once read a cartoon, in which there is a description of the strong:

The real powerhouse is not about how powerful the attack on display is and how destructive it is that shocks people, but that he can perfectly control every bit of his own power and can achieve very effective results with one bit of power.

Different worlds have different manifestations of power.

But this theory about the strong,

There is a certain truth in this world of comprehension.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't achieve 100% control of his own power, and he couldn't achieve the effect of a strong man with a tenth of his power.

But with the increase of spiritual consciousness exponentially.

After being promoted to high-level alchemy, he has a proficient use of spiritual consciousness.

Zhang Qingyuan is able to control his spirit element more carefully than ordinary monks, and the increase in his power control has made the spells and martial arts he displayed have lower consumption, and his power has also been improved to a certain extent. .

In this regard, the improvement of Zhang Qingyuan’s strength,

Has a great effect.

at last.

That is the improvement of the realm from the early stage of the ninth stage to the middle stage of the ninth stage.

Only from the early stage to the middle stage of Ninefold can be achieved.

Strength is already doubled.

What's more, there is progress in other places?

From the foundation of blood and energy to the spirit of spiritual consciousness, and then to the transformation of spiritual essence.

This is an overall improvement in the three aspects of spirit, energy and spirit.

The effect of these three factors on Zhang Qingyuan's strength is simply earth-shaking!

It is under this huge improvement,

Not only did Zhang Qingyuan show no fear for the Nine-fold Consummation monk, he was full of bold fighting spirit.

"There are still more than three months until the second year's end of the year, and now with my strength, it is enough to secure one and two!"

In mind,

There is already a feeling of eagerness to try the match at the end of the year.


In the next few days, Zhang Qingyuan stayed in the cave, stabilized his cultivation level, polished his own cultivation, and condensed and restrained the majestic Lingyuan that was vigorous after promotion.

More than ten days later.

The realm is already completely stable.

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan also has a certain degree of mastery of his own skyrocketing power.

And this time.

Zhang Qingyuan did not intend to continue to retreat in the cave.

Since the last time he explored the cave ruins, Zhang Qingyuan spent almost half a year in the Neimen cave.

Until today, both cultivation base and alchemy have broken through.

Among them, various strengths have been improved.

Although this certainly made Zhang Qingyuan happy, he felt a little bored in the retreat.

In the performance of the cultivation of the heart, the improvement of the self-improvement in the following practice has slowed There is no longer the feeling of being able to see my own progress every day before.

"The cultivation base has just been promoted, and the next promotion requires the skill of water milling."

In the cave mansion, Zhang Qingyuan thought inside.

After this breakthrough, there is still a long way to go before the next improvement.

At least before the arrival of Xiaobi at the end of this year, Zhang Qingyuan didn't expect to be able to upgrade his cultivation to the late stage of the Nine Layers.

Of course,

If, regardless of the cost, directly smashed ten eight middle-grade spirit stones, Zhang Qingyuan might be able to advance to the late stage nine in a short time.

But this is too costly, compared with the benefits.

This is not taken by Zhang Qingyuan.

After examining himself, Zhang Qingyuan soon had an idea for his next improvement.

"Now that my alchemy has been upgraded to a high level, I can already use the refining of Guishui to make the Guishui Pill, which can assist my practice to improve my realm, and at the same time purify my own spiritual essence, and increase the proficiency of the one-yuan Guishui meridian!"

At the beginning, Zhang Qingyuan's original intention to learn alchemy.

A large part of it is because of the need to refine the extra Guishui Pill that you have refined into Guishui Pill to assist yourself in cultivation.

Now alchemy has met the requirements.

So Zhang Qingyuan was ready to continue the original plan.

If the refining of Guishui is made into a pill for refining and absorption, this will improve Zhang Qingyuan, I am afraid it is not much worse than the effect of the middle-grade spirit stone.

Now there are three months left before the end of the second year.

Can continue to improve a certain distance.


the next day.

Zhang Qingyuan left the cave and drove his escape light to the Internal Affairs Hall, preparing to spend contribution points in the Internal Affairs Hall to exchange for the Pill of Guishui Pill.

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