The world of human law, the natural method of Taoism, the interaction between heaven and man, the changes of the day and the earth at four o'clock, are all within the change of people's hearts and minds.

Zhang Qingyuan floats above the nine heavens,

Suddenly, it turned into the center of the whole world, covering the scorching sun. The combination of the spirit of the three flowers and the power of the five elements of Taoism made his whole person like a big sun **** wheel, exuding terror. The boundless Dao Yun coercion!

The combination of these two peak powers not only gives Dao Yun aura that covers the sky, but also has substantial attack power!

A wave of invisible divine consciousness and Taoism fluctuated from the void and burst out!

Puff puff puff...

Within a ten-mile radius of the shrouded space, the spiritual power of the black mountain gangsters rebelled against chaos. Under the influence of the gods and the invisible and intangible Taoism, the riots and conflicts shredded the dantian meridians from the inside to the outside, and spit out one after another. A big mouthful of blood fell from midair to the ground.

There are several who do not have enough control over their true essence and spirit elements, and they have a direct explosion, exploding into a bloodbath from the inside to the outside, setting off waves of spirit element storms!

Between breathing,

Hundreds of the Black Mountain gangsters who fled in embarrassment were all hit hard and fell to the ground.

All in an instant,

There is no ability to resist!

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the law uses all things, and the Five Elements Way is the orthodox inheritance of the Five Elements School in the ancient holy land. It seems that it is not just a bridge to Dongzhen..."

In the middle of the air, Zhang Qingyuan, who was surrounded by terror and Taoism, had a thoughtful look on his face, faintly gaining something.

For the use of Taoism, it is vaguely diligent.

These gains also made Zhang Qingyuan feel that the lingering wounds in his body that blocked his dantian were once again wiped out.

The improvement at this moment is not surprising.

In the past few years of entering the land of Jiuzhou, Zhang Qingyuan's luck was extremely unlucky, but the successive battles made him even worse, who was already unhealed.

The crazy blood demon cultivator hung on the ceiling like a knife, which brought him great pressure.

If you are not careful, you will die on the spot!


Under these tremendous pressures, Zhang Qingyuan is also rapidly transforming and upgrading.

Stress is also motivation,

Let him quickly master a new power!

Within that period of time, not long after he had just teleported over, the Dao wounds left by Lu Tianxu in his body caused him to experience a sharp pain of tearing his dantian meridians every time he used his true essence.

Therefore, in order to prevent the injury from expanding, Zhang Qingyuan consciously sealed the true essence power and used it as little as possible in the enemy.

In this way, his 10% strength is basically less than 50%.

But the enemy is real, and will not stop and wait for your injury to recover and then come to fight with you because you are injured.

So in order to deal with the cultivators of the Blood Demon Sect.

Zhang Qingyuan began to confront the enemy with the power of the three flowers of essence, qi and spirit, and the five elements of Taoism, in order to reduce the burden of mobilizing the true essence on the body.

It was also from that moment,

Zhang Qingyuan opened a new world!

Fights again and again have allowed him to improve the use of the power of the spirit and spirit of the three flowers by leaps and bounds. At the same time, his understanding of the power of the Five Elements Taoism is also changing with each passing day, and the use of power generated by the fusion of the two is also improved. Floors!

In the battle, continue to accumulate gains and make continuous progress.

From being jerky to proficient, to having a deeper understanding and going further.

Even in the later stage,

Zhang Qingyuan can already integrate the divine consciousness and the Five Elements Taoism into the heaven and the earth, mobilize the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth to converge into the magic and martial arts to attack, completely out of the mobilization of his own true energy!

The law uses the heaven and the earth, and the heaven is like everything.

Zhang Qingyuan’s power at this moment,

It is the result of the difficult survival of the past few years!

For the monks below the realm of Dongzhen, facing Zhang Qingyuan today is like facing the entire world!

It is a force that is not at the same level!

Therefore, within a ten-mile radius of Yueyang Town, hundreds of Black Mountain gangsters were easily swept away by him!

"Speaking of it, I really have to thank those guys from the Blood Demon Sect. If they hadn't come to ask for trouble and forced me to such a situation, I wouldn't be able to digest the condensed essence of Sanhua and Sanhua so quickly. The power of the Five Elements Dao Fa, the understanding of Dongzhen level power has been further deepened..."

In the midair, Zhang Qingyuan, who instantly wiped out the Black Mountain stray bandits by the law of heaven and earth, didn't change much, but he couldn't help but feel waves of waves in his heart.


From this to the end, he didn't use the slightest true energy in his body.

Naturally, there is nothing aggravated by the injury.

Only by relying on the transformation of the spiritual consciousness and the application of the Five Elements Taoism, replacing the heaven and earth in the body with the heaven and earth outside the body, the law uses all things, and achieved such a result of sweeping the land within a radius of ten miles!

This is what he has gained over the years!

In danger, there are often opportunities.

If he came to the land of Jiuzhou, he did not encounter the cultivator of the Blood Demon Sect and was not pursued and killed one after another,

If you want to reach today's level, I am afraid that it will not take more than decades of work, and even a lifetime will not find the threshold!

"If there is a chance one day, I have to thank you very much!"

Recalling those years of struggling to survive, a cold light flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

Such a gift,

Naturally, thank you very much in the future!

Blood Demon Sect,

He will remember it!

Forget the many thoughts in your mind.

Zhang Qingyuan's figure slowly descended, towards the direction of the elder Yue family, the terrifying Tao Yun disappeared at a certain moment, and the whole person became an ordinary ordinary person again.

People just feel that the previous existence that caused the entire sky to plunge into darkness, as if it was just an illusion!


Everyone in the Yue family who had experienced that horrible scene had cold hands and feet at this moment, and all the muscles on their bodies seemed to be frozen, but they wouldn't really think that it was just an illusion before!

"Boss, why didn't you let me take the shot just now? In fact, if I take the shot, I can easily kill them all."

As the flight fell, a slightly aggrieved voice came from the scarlet bracelet on Zhang Qingyuan's wrist.

It hasn't been used for a long time.

It seems to be useless gradually.

In particular, the owner was able to achieve this kind of enchanting feat that was rare in thousands of years!

Xiao Huo felt that the strength of himself and this guy was getting farther and farther apart.

The distance is getting bigger and bigger.

Back then, I was a bit better than this Now if this thing returns to its heyday, I can't see the slightest shadow.

Nowadays, it is hard to come up with such a good opportunity, but the owner did not use it in the end.

Is it possible that the owner already feels that his strength can't keep up with his development, so he has to give up himself?

Useless things,

But it will be discarded!


Xiao Huo felt a strong sense of crisis.

This can't work!

Even if it is just a pendant, it must be hung on the thigh, and the thing in front of you is obviously a super super super big thigh, but it is related to your future retirement career, and you must not give it up easily!

Just when Xiao Huo was thinking about it,

Zhang Qingyuan's faint voice resounded in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"We are not familiar with the place of life in this country of Izumo. Naturally, we have to keep our hands on everything. You are one of my killers at the bottom of the box. As a last resort for my self-protection, how can I appear in front of people casually and stay at ease? That's it."

Zhang Qingyuan explained it lightly.

This is a fact.

Otherwise, could it be because they have been chased and beaten by the blood demon sect for several years, suffocating the anger,

Therefore, meeting the black mountain gangsters who are obviously not good people, just to enjoy the pleasure of cutting the grass and abuse the vegetables, so as to vent the depression in the chest.

By the way, show your saint in front of others, pretend to be forceful, and enjoy the thrill of shock in front of others? !

What a joke!

He Zhang Qingyuan is a rare goddess who can cut the cave with his true essence, which is rare in thousands of years!

A peerless genius who smashed my life!

How could it be so lacking in character, so vulgar and intolerable? !

Xiao Huo glanced at his owner diagonally.

What I saw was a clear conscience and awe-inspiring appearance.

Somewhat dubiously.

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