“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…!!!”

Outside Ziyun Mountain, dozens of miles away, the young man crawled on the ground and blocked his ears with his hands, but there were still bursts of exclamations in his mind.

In this regard, the young man was helpless. As a master, he was born as a casual cultivator and counterattacked from the bottom. Even if he later cultivated to become the True Lord of Return to the Void and a master of formations, he still had some commonplace habits and always spoke unabashedly.

But having said that, after being together for so long, this was the first time he heard him say "fuck" so many times.

Although this person used the golden elixir body to reversely kill the Nascent Soul, it was indeed powerful and terrifying, but it didn't make him lose his composure like this, right?

No matter what, you are also the True Lord of Return to the Void, a master of array formations, and the number one casual cultivator in the Northern Territory who can stand up to the Immortal Sect!

Do you want to make such a fuss, like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world?

Or is this old guy just telling lies? In fact, he is not the True Lord Returning to the Void at all?

The young man was secretly suspicious, but his face still comforted him: "Old man, old man, calm down, don't be so excited, be careful not to be discovered by him!"

"Calm down, how can you tell me to calm down? How can you tell me to calm down when I meet such a monster?"

After hearing these words, the screams in my mind became even louder.

"Do you know what that sword strike just now meant?"

"Do you think it's just as simple as the golden elixir killing the Nascent Soul?"

"That's the Heavenly Sword, the Heavenly Sword, the Heavenly Sword, do you understand?!"

Roaring and frightened.

The young man was surprised and puzzled: "Heavenly Sword, what Heavenly Sword?"

"So you don't understand anything."

The old man sighed, calmed down, and said quietly: "Do you still remember what I told you about the three major cultivation methods, which ones have the most powerful combat power?"


The young man nodded and replied in a deep voice.

"Among the combat cultivators, swordsmanship is unique and unparalleled in fighting."

"In the practice of Dharma, thunder and lightning are the king, with a power of three thousand."

"Sword cultivation, martial arts cultivation, all are extremely powerful cultivation methods, and they all have the ability to transcend boundaries."

"But in addition to sword cultivation, there is another cultivation method, which is also extremely powerful."

"That is the formation of heaven and earth. Formation monks are driven by heaven and earth. They are also proud of the others and are the best in the cultivation world."

"Sword cultivators, law cultivators, and formation cultivators are the three strongest warriors. Those who cross borders are mostly like this."

The young man said, his eyes gradually narrowed, as if he understood something.

"Yes, it is these three major practices."

The formation elder nodded and asked again: "In your opinion, is this person a sword cultivator, a law cultivator, or a formation cultivator?"


The young man hesitated for a while: "Could it be a fellow practitioner of the Three Laws?"

"That's right, fellow practitioners of the Three Laws!"

"This person is not only a sword cultivator, but also a master of thunder techniques, and even more skilled in formations!"

"Thunder cultivation, sword cultivation, formation cultivation, all three are extremely powerful cultivation methods."

"Throughout the ages, there have been many geniuses who have tried to practice the second method, or even the third method."

"So, although fellow cultivators of the Three Laws are rare, they are not uncommon. When I traveled across the Northern Territory, I encountered many such people."


Mr. Zhen paused for a long time before saying, "This person's fellow practitioner of the three dharma is not an ordinary fellow practitioner of the three dharma."

"Aren't you just ordinary Three Dharma practitioners?"

The young man was startled and looked confused: "What do you mean?"

"Human lives are limited, but manpower is limited!"

The formation master sighed and explained: "Thunder Cultivator, Sword Cultivator, and Formation Cultivator each have their own strengths. If they want to practice together, they must be merged. For example, if the Thunder Technique is combined with the Sword Technique, a Thunder Sword can be made. If the Formation Technique is combined, Sword skills can create a sword formation. If you want to practice the three skills at the same time, you must master all three skills, integrate them, and complement each other. Only in this way can you obtain the mystery."

When the young man heard this, he seemed to understand: "So..."

"So it's very difficult, very difficult, as difficult as climbing to the sky!"

The leader of the formation said in a deep voice: "Generally, cultivators have to spend their entire lives cultivating a single practice. How much more do fellow practitioners of the three major cultivation methods have to integrate them?"

"Therefore, the general practitioners of the Three Methods are not true practitioners of the Three Methods. They have not practiced all three major methods of cultivation to the highest level, and have only dabbled in them and cooperated superficially."

"If you don't want to talk about anything else, let's just talk about the Thunder Sword Technique that I passed on to you some time ago. Can you say that it is the Thunder Sword Technique?"

"Obviously not. That thing is just a sword art with an auxiliary thunder method added to it. The essence is still the sword art, not the thunder method sword art."

"A true dual cultivator of thunder and sword must cultivate both thunder and sword skills to an extremely high level, reach the pinnacle and achieve perfection, and integrate the two subtleties into a perfect combination. This is the true dual cultivator of thunder and sword."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Zhen asked the young man, "So you know how difficult this thing is, right?"


The young man was speechless and at a loss.

"Sword cultivation is difficult, thunder cultivation is difficult, formation cultivation is even more difficult!"

"In this way, fellow practitioners of the three methods have mastered it. What is that?"

"That's the road to heaven. Cultivating it is as difficult as climbing to heaven!"

"But he... did it!"

"He! It's done!"

Although he is a spirit body and has no physical body, the young man can still feel and imagine the heavy breathing and words when Elder Zhen said these words.

"Heavenly Sword!"

"Heavenly Sword!"

The old man gritted his teeth and said in shock: "He just said that his formation is called the Heavenly Jue Earthly Fierce Formation."

"At first, I thought that the Heavenly Jedi and the Earthly Fierce were referring to the Heavenly Thunder and Earthly Fire!"

"But I didn't expect that this Tian Jue Di Lie is really the second formation of heaven and earth!"

"The fourth-level forbidden talisman that was broken just now was just the Earthly Fierce Formation. There is still a day of ultimate formations deployed above, ready to go."

"There are formations within formations, two formations are connected one after another, but they are clearly distinct. Even if the ground is broken, it will not affect the Tianjue that has been accumulated for a long time."

"After the Earthly Fierce Formation was broken, he flew up to the sky, activated the formation, and formed the Heaven's Jue Formation, evolved thunder, destroyed his own thunder, combined with the power of the sword, and forced out a heavenly sword!"

"This heavenly sword represents that his thunder skills, sword skills, and formation skills have all reached their peak and reached perfection. The three are integrated and complement each other, just like the three talents of heaven, earth and man merge into one, and the sword moves the power of heaven!"

"This is the Heavenly Sword!"

"Compared to the meaning behind this heavenly sword, what does it mean to reversely kill the Nascent Soul?"

Mr. Zhen took a deep breath.

"I have been through the Northern Territory so much that I have seen it before, but I have never seen such a monster... I really have never seen it before."

"Even if he is extremely talented, born with a spiritual body, and started practicing in his mother's womb, it is impossible for him to practice the Heavenly Sword in the realm of golden elixir. How much time, how much energy, how much knowledge and accumulation will it take?"

"Could it be that he was born as an immortal and has a lifespan of ten thousand years in the golden elixir realm, or even immortality. He has countless time to squander instead of improving his realm and focusing on practicing swordsmanship, thunder, and formations?"

"How the hell is this possible?"

Zhen Lao's words became increasingly chaotic and faintly insane.

Hearing this, the young man didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhen soon calmed down.

"He is definitely more than just a golden elixir!"

"This body is just a disguise, or an external incarnation!"

"His true form is at least a god, or even a void!"

"In this way, it is possible to cultivate the Heavenly Sword."

"That makes sense."

"But how could such a person come here?"

"Is there any flaw in the three sects? Or is there something wrong with the Void Spirit Cave..."

"Forget it, never mind it!"

After muttering to himself for a while, Mr. Zhen said to the young man: "This person's origins are very important. I'm afraid he also wants to plot this Void Spirit Cave."


The young man was startled, then worried: "What should we do? We can't rob him, right?"

"I've been teaching you for so long, but you still know how to use brute force and not your brain?"

Lao Zhen hated the iron and cursed: "With his strength, even if you are tied to me, he won't be able to beat him with thunder, but there is a saying that when the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman will benefit!"

"Two dogs fight, play off?"

The young man was startled, and his eyes gradually brightened: "Mr. Zhen, do you mean to let him fight with the three sects to death, and we can find opportunities to take advantage?"

"Children can be taught!"

Elder Zhen nodded happily: "Let him fight with the three sects. I will take you to get the maximum benefit of this Void Spirit Cave first, and then leave this ghost place, and then come back to collect this fairy weapon after you have succeeded in cultivation. Wouldn't it be wonderful?" ?”

"Okay, okay, let's do it!"

The young man nodded repeatedly, but he was worried again: "The Yuanying has been beheaded by him, can the three sects still struggle with him?"

"You don't know this."

Mr. Zhen shook his head: "These three sects have backers behind them. One Nascent Soul is nothing. Soon a large group of people will come to fight with him. By then, we will be able to fish in troubled waters, find the Void Spirit Immortal Mansion, and put everything inside All the treasures were packed up and taken away, and they were left to fight for a long time without losing anything."

"Then do it!"

The young man's eyes shone: "What's the first step?"

"Practice first!"

The old man said in a deep voice: "Your cultivation level is too low. Even if they fight like a snipe and a clam, you will not be able to benefit from it. So in the next step, you must improve your cultivation level. At the very least, you must cultivate the golden elixir. What is foundation building?" If you put this thing outside, it would be worse than a dog!”

The young man didn't care: "Then I'll go back to practice right now."

"Why go back? What kind of cultivation do you have with your little wealth? Drinking the northwest wind will not improve your cultivation!"

The elder of the formation groaned, and the plan came to his mind: "Okay, let's go to the Qingyu Sect, hehehe, the predecessors planted trees, and the later generations enjoyed the shade. Now the three sects' golden elixirs have been wiped out, and there is no one in the Qingyu Sect to take charge. That's not just asking for anything." , Come on, boy, I will take you to make a fortune!"

When the young man heard this, he hesitated: "This..."

"Stop this and that!"

Mr. Zhen interrupted and said, "Do you still want to take revenge? Xiao Nizi has become a member of the Tianshu Sect."

"This... okay, let's go!"

"Don't shout so loudly, do you want to attract that old ghost?"

"Oh oh oh!"

The young man nodded repeatedly and glanced at Ziyun Mountain cautiously. His figure immediately turned around and turned into a ray of yellow light, disappearing into the mountain.

Soon, inside the Qingyu Sect, there was the Taishang Cave Mansion.


"How about it? I told you that your Five Elements Escape Technique is great, right?"

"The power of the five elements and the principles of heaven and earth, when you have mastered it to great perfection, let alone this small third-level formation, it will be a fourth-level or even a fifth-level formation. As long as no one is in charge, you can come and go as you please, without a trace. No trace."

"I've asked you to get a high-grade storage ring a long time ago. Look, now you have to carry a big baggage with so many storage bags. If others see it, why don't you go crazy?"

"Be careful, there's someone ahead!"

A young man, carrying a baggage on his back, carefully sneaked out of the Spirit Vein Cave. No one noticed him along the way, allowing him to reach the mountain gate easily.

However, just when he was about to leave the mountain gate...


Calamity clouds descended from the sky, sweeping over like a tide, and even more flags fell from the sky, one of which was inserted directly in front of the Qingyu Sect's mountain gate.


The young man stopped, his expression stiff.


Seeing this, Mr. Zhen also felt a headache: "I knew he would come, but I didn't expect him to come so fast. Doesn't he need to practice even if he uses the Heavenly Sword?"

The young man was speechless and said quickly: "What's the use of talking about it now? What should I do?"

"What else can we do? Run away. If this old guy catches us, we will both be done with it!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The young man nodded, turned around and left, preparing to find another place to break out.


"No, this old ghost moves so fast. The formation will be completed in no time. If you rush out at this time, you are throwing yourself into a trap."

"What should we do?"

"This... quickly, go find the clothes of a handyman disciple of the Qingyu Sect and change into them. From now on, you will be a handyman disciple of the Qingyu Sect. That old ghost didn't massacre Ziyun Mountain, so he probably won't massacre the Qingyu Sect either."

"Then these storage bags..."

"When did you return the storage bag? Just find a place to bury it and dig it out again when you have a chance."

"Oh oh oh!"

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