The black ball quickly expanded towards Jiujiu Yuki. Rimei's domain attainment was not high, so she could not achieve a borderless domain like Sukuna and Noso.

"Have you unfolded your domain first?" Jiujiu Yuki grinned and began to make hand seals.

"Domain unfolds - Star Trace Stop..."

The curse power in her body was constantly rising. Before she finished saying the name of the domain, a figure appeared beside her.

"Let me do it, Jiujiu."


Jiujiu Yuki saw the person coming and could only sigh helplessly:

"I finally got my first fight, but you didn't even let me finish... Zenin!"

The person coming was Zenin Ze.

Zenin Ze glanced at Jiujiu Yuki, did not answer her complaint, and cast his eyes on Rimei.

The cold eyes made Rimei feel terrified. You know, even if he had seen Gojo Satoru from a distance, he was not so scared.

Seeing that Zeninze ignored her, Jiujiu Yuki said dissatisfiedly: "You kid still disrespects the senior."

"Shut up."

Zeninze turned around and spoke coldly. On his calm face, the eyes of reincarnation that could not be closed made Jiujiu Yuki a little surprised.

She seemed to have never seen such a cold Zeninze.

At this time, Zeninze, who was about to avenge Zenin Naobi, was focused and would not stop for anyone.

Jiujiu Yuki glared at the man in front of him fiercely, and then retreated behind Zeninze.

She naturally would not resent Zeninze for this little thing. After all, she knew about Zenin Naobi's affairs.

Then let Zenin do it himself.

Zeninze walked forward slowly and walked towards Li Mei who was performing the domain.

Crow Tengu Susanoo appeared, and the wheel of Makura also appeared above his head.

Susanoo replaced Makkura's adaptation process, and the wheel spun wildly after being hit by the domain's sure-hit effect.

And Amaterasu was burning around Susanoo, constantly fighting against the frost in Rimei's domain.

"How could this happen!?"

Rime's expression was suddenly extremely surprised. This man was Zeninze? ​​!

Muso had once told her about Zeninze's extremely powerful magical skill called Susanoo.

The domain was just like a child playing house in front of that mysterious power, and it was impossible for it to have any effect.

Rimei didn't believe this and increased the output effect of the domain again.

And Jiujiu Yuki, who was also in the domain, saw that Zeninze did not open the domain to fight, and couldn't help but sigh, and opened a simple domain around him.

This unlucky kid, not only did he not open his domain, but he also prevented me from opening my domain to fight against that guy...

At this moment, Jiujiu Yuki, who was constantly maintaining a simple domain, would not dissipate his simple domain in an instant like Taizou Bianye who fought against Noose in the original work, but could maintain it for a long time.

After all, Rimei's domain strength attainment could never be better than Noose.

And Moxu Luo, who was continuously hit by the domain's must-hit effect, accelerated the process of adapting to it, and the roulette wheel kept dinging.


The magatama Samsara eye in Zeninze's left eye focused, and the black flames infected Rimei's right hand like a maggot attached to the bone.


Feeling the severe pain, Rimei's forehead was sweating. Watching Amaterasu constantly eroding his skin, he hurriedly summoned cold air in the hope of extinguishing it.

The cruel reality extinguished his fantasy. Amaterasu could not be extinguished before completely devouring his right hand.

Zeninze looked at Rimei's expression of trying to hold back the pain and smiled coldly.

Mokkuluo emerged from the shadows, raised the sword of demon exorcism and split Rimei's domain with one sword.

The adaptation to his domain has been completed!

Rimei, whose domain was forcibly broken by external force, entered the spell melting period and had no chance to fight back.

Rimei vomited blood, knelt on one knee, and looked at Zeninze and Mokkuluo who were walking slowly.

Mokkuluo swung his sword and a huge wound was opened on Rimei's chest.

Having followed Zeninze for many years, it knew very well that Zeninze wanted to kill Rimei at this time.

Just as Mokkuluo was about to launch a fatal attack on him, Zeninze used the power of heaven to exchange positions with Mokkuluo.

Mokkuluo: "..."

Looking down at Rimei with contempt, Zeninze stepped on the face of Sukuna's most loyal lackey.


When had Rimei ever been wronged like this? He tried to stand up.

But Zeninze's foot pressed him down like a thousand pounds, and he couldn't move at all.

"You were just an ant. I didn't even think of you before the Shibuya Incident."

Zeninze looked at the ant who was moving around like an ant.Rimei, who was struggling under his feet, said lightly:

"It is not my wish to humiliate and torture my opponent."

"But..." Zeninze showed the same crazy smile as Gojo Satoru, and his foot was even heavier, "No matter what, everything I exist now is only for revenge."

"I just wanted to get rid of you quickly, but I suddenly don't want you to die so easily..."

"You can think that I was just impulsive, or you can say that I have been planning for a long time."

Damn lunatic!

Rimei's face, which had been calm for thousands of years, finally showed fear, and a huge contrast appeared in his heart.

Obviously, it was only him and his master Sukuna who killed other people's lives...

Countless Chidori Senbon appeared in the palm of Zeninze's left hand. With a wave of his hand, all of them pierced into Rimei's body.

And the water flow that went in together was full of elephants.

These water flows will merge with Rimei's blood, and at the same time, the Chidori Senbon will continue to conduct electricity.

Feeling the intense numbness in his body and his right hand that had been burned out by the black flames, Rimei said with great pain:

"You will regret it! Lord Sukuna will not let you go!"

He was not present during the Shibuya Incident, and he also automatically blocked the news of the so-called curse king's defeat in the curse world...

Therefore, Rimei didn't even know that Sukuna had already been defeated by the man in front of him.

Zeninze stared at the ant quietly and dragged it into the illusion.

In the illusion, Sukuna and Rimei were tied to a cross by Zeninze, and their bodies were constantly devoured by endless black flames.

"Lord Sukuna!"

Rime shouted worriedly in the illusion. It was obvious that torturing Sukuna was more painful than torturing himself.

Rimei's mental state gradually collapsed in the illusion world, and the torture day after day made him suffer.

In reality, at this time, he didn't even have the strength to resist and feel pain.

Zeninze loosened his foot, and without further ado, he chopped off Rimei's head with the Chidori blade in his hand.

Seeing Rimei's body torn apart and the torture she had suffered before, even Jiujiu Yuki behind Zeninze twitched his mouth.

Sure enough, sorcerers are all psychopaths... The more powerful the sorcerer, the more psychopathic they are...

After a long while, Zeninze looked in the direction of the Zenin family.

"Rest in peace."

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