
Getsu Suguru was taking a shower in a public bath. He leaned his hands against the wall and his head rested weakly on his hands.

"Can Ze's dream create a world without cursed spirits?"

"What if all humans become cursers? Or force non-cursors to evolve..."

Getsu Suguru's heart sank. He thought of this extreme idea again, but then waved it away in his mind.

He returned to his house outside, lay on the big bed, raised his eyes weakly, looked at the group photo on the table and fell asleep.

The next day, Getsu Suguru went to their mission site with Haibara Yu and Nanami.

Getsu Suguru easily conquered the belief in the land god and saved Haibara Yu who was supposed to die in this incident.

"This guy is a first-level cursed spirit?!" Haibara Yu looked at Getsu Suguru with admiration, "Thanks to senior, otherwise we might all die here! Right, Nanami?"

Nanami was silent and didn't speak.

"It should be thanks to Ze, right?" Xia Youjie smiled gently, "It was also he who asked me to come with you."

If it weren't for Ze's reminder, I'm afraid both of their lives might be in danger, right?

Xia Youjie looked at the cursed spirit bead in his hand. This time he didn't apply honey, but ate it directly.

Feeling this long-lost unpalatable taste, Xia Youjie's heart was very conflicted.

This is a long marathon for magicians. If the end of the road is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood for my companions, what should I do?

Ze, Wu, what's wrong with me now?


One month later, it was September 23, 2007.

"What does this mean?"

At this time, Xia Youjie frowned and stood in front of a simple cell. Looking at the two little girls in front of him who were shivering in each other's arms, he kept rubbing his eyebrows with his right hand.

"They are both mentally ill!" A fat man next to Xiayou Jie looked at the two little girls with disgust, "They often use strange powers to attack villagers!"

"I have eliminated the culprit of the incident..."

"My grandson was almost killed by the two of them..." A woman did not notice Xiayou Jie's increasingly ugly face, and yelled at the two little girls.

"That's because of him..." Nanako summoned up the courage to shout.

"Shut up, monster!" The woman said to the two little girls, "Your parents are the same, they should have killed you when you were just born!"

Xiayou Jie's heart was extremely conflicted at this time. Are the non-magicians he has been protecting so ugly?

There are non-magicians who want to assassinate Riko, so I sent her abroad... and the two ignorant children who awakened the magician's talent are also abused by non-magicians as demons. Are these the people I am protecting?

The magician exorcises the cursed spirits, the magician protects non-magicians, non-magicians produce cursed spirits, and cursed spirits kill magicians...

At this moment, Xia Youjie seemed to understand something, and he was silent for only a moment.

Xia Youjie turned to look at the two villagers, smiled gently and said, "Everyone, let's go out for a while."

"Where are you going to take them, Jie?" A cold voice came, "Or do you want to get rid of them?"

Xia Youjie's eyes widened at this time. He looked at the figure in disbelief, and then smiled bitterly, "Ze, I really have..."

"Who are you?" The fat man shouted at Zenyuan Ze.


Zenyuan Ze did not speak, but teleported in front of the man and punched the man in the stomach.


The man screamed, and then fainted in pain.

"You...how dare you?" The woman next to Xia Youjie panicked.

Zeninze's eyes gradually turned red, and he glanced at the woman. The woman fell to the ground with a hollow look in her eyes, obviously under an illusion.

"Let the two children out, let's go outside and have a good talk."

Zeninze pointed outside the door and said lightly.

Xiayou Jie didn't say anything, summoned a cursed spirit to destroy the cell, and then he led the two little girls to follow Zeninze.

The two were silent all the way.

Zeninze and Xiayou Jie stood in a very open area, looking up, the brilliance of the sky was in full view.

"You two go to the distance and wait for us, okay?"

Zeninze smiled at Nanako and Mimiko, "Let's talk about a little thing, we will come to you soon."

"Okay..." The two little guys nodded blankly, looked at Xiayou Jie and went far away.

Zeninze and Xiayou Jie just confronted each other.

Then Xiayou Jie took the lead to break the silence.Silent, he said with a wry smile, "Ze, you have been following me these days, right? I am very familiar with your cursed power, but I have completely ignored it these days..."

"That's right." Zenin Ze did not deny it, but nodded, "Since the astral plasma incident, I began to notice that your mentality has slowly changed..."

"When non-magicians interfere with magicians, the philosophy you slowly adhere to has changed."

"So I deliberately found everyone, accompanied you on that day to relieve your loneliness, let Wu accompany you more when you are doing the task, let you and Huiyuan perform the task, and save the two of them who might die..."

Zenin Ze sighed helplessly, "I still didn't expect that you would eventually want to kill people, is it to vent your hatred?"

"Maybe..." Xiayou Jie was touched, he didn't expect his best friend to do so much for him, and he thought it was Wu's idea to go out to play together before.

"So you came here today to stop me from going to the darkness?"

Xia Youjie knew that if he chose to kill everyone in the village today, he would be listed as a curser and become the target of the death penalty at the Polytechnic.

"I guess so." Zenyuan Ze looked up at the sky, "I knew someone before. He had no one to talk to, so he carried everything alone and fell into darkness. In the end, even his body was taken over by someone else..."

Xia Youjie was silent. At this moment, he didn't know how to answer Zenyuan Ze.

"So, since we met at the Polytechnic three years ago, it seems that we haven't had a fight, right?" Zenyuan Ze suddenly said, "Since you want to be a bastard, let me beat you up..."

"Today, let's fight!" Zenyuan Ze took a fighting stance.

"Fight?" Xiayou Jie stared at Zenyuan Ze in a daze. It seemed that he had never fought with Ze before. He only practiced with Wu every time...

"Come on!" Xiayou Jie was not afraid. "I also want to know how strong you are!"

While speaking, Xiayou Jie made a pistol gesture, and then several marlin curse spirits shot out from his fingers.

"Jade dog." Zenyuan Ze quickly made a jade dog gesture, and then two huge wolves ate the flying curse spirits in one bite.


Zenyuan Ze made a hand seal again, and a large number of rabbits emerged from the shadow of Zenyuan Ze.

"Are you playing human wave tactics with me?" Xiayou Jie smiled, and then a large number of curse spirits appeared and collided with the rabbits.

Then the two quickly closed the distance, punching and kicking each other.

"So these days you still want to kill all non-magicians and create a world without curse spirits, right?" Zenyuan Ze punched Xiayou Jie in the face.

"No..." After being punched, Xia Youjie kicked Zeninze in the stomach, but was blocked by him in mid-air. "I realize that it is unrealistic. It is too difficult to achieve and there are too many obstacles... You and Wu have no way to overcome it!"

"But I think if I were you or Wu, I would definitely be able to do it!"

"So, I think the most realistic and possible thing to achieve is your dream, Ze."

Xia Youjie wiped the fist mark on his face and said in pain.

This guy... is really ruthless!

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