The first time, the second time.

"... Quasi-first-level cursed spirit..."

Gojou looked at the huge cursed spirit not far away and murmured in a low voice. He was holding a razor in his hand. He weighed it with his hand and swung it a few times, thinking

... Well, it's not small...


Just as Gojou was thinking, the blue insect-shaped cursed spirit that had swallowed Yuta Otsutsukotsu and Maki Zenin into its stomach not long ago seemed to have discovered his existence and began to move obviously

It opened its huge mouth, dragged its seemingly huge and bulky body, ignored obstacles, and rushed straight towards Gojou

Its speed was not slow, and it was comparable to the huge body It formed a sharp contrast. Seeing this, Gojo Yu's face was completely free of the panic that ordinary people should have, but was extremely calm.

In just a short period of less than ten seconds, the shadow brought by the cursed spirit's body gradually enveloped Gojo Yu

The cursed spirit let out a series of roars, deafening

But Gojo Yu was still fearless in the face of danger, just mobilizing the originally calm cursed power in his body, and the next moment...

The ritual was activated!

An invisible strange curse power spread around with Gojo U as the center

The blue eyes seemed to be emitting a faint light, and at the same time...


The huge curse spirit that was originally looking down suddenly fell down, as if it had lost its strength and drooped to the ground. It was even difficult to open its mouth. It could only stare at the boy in front of it with its ferocious eyes

Gojo U stepped on the curse spirit with one foot, holding Zenin Maki's weapon in one hand, with a calm expression and even yawning

If the curse spirit could speak, it would probably have You've been cursing loudly, right?

Facing the immobile cursed spirit, Gojo just smiled and chose a method that could enhance the effect of the spell.

"Listen carefully, brainless cursed spirit, this is my spell, which is completely different from the ancestral spell of the Gojo family...

Unlimited spell

With the caster as the center, a special borderless area will be formed, with no dead angles, at least about 3 meters

As long as it is close to me, all the force on it will be consumed by my unlimited acceleration, making it lose its supporting force before approaching me, except for the gravity of the planet, because it cannot be consumed completely

It can be referred to as "For... the power of acceleration"

Just like a bullet fired at close range, it loses its power before approaching Gojou and can only be pulled to the ground by the gravity of the planet

Or the countless raindrops falling from the sky will be accelerated before approaching, causing them to evaporate in advance

Even the poisonous fog in the air will be consumed instantly and decomposed directly, and the enemy's cursed power attack will be consumed instantly before approaching, causing it to disappear

Of course, the driving of the technique requires the six eyes to assist in the activation, because the six eyes will collect all the information around them all the time and Analysis

The technique achieves control over time with the assistance of the six eyes. This is Gojo U's technique, an unlimited technique

"Okay, I've finished, so next..."

At this moment, in Gojo U's six eyes, something strange suddenly happened in the body of the insect-shaped cursed spirit, and a familiar cursed force appeared in the body of the cursed spirit in a brutal way


In just less than a few seconds, a pair of huge, pale, ferocious hands forcibly tore directly from the body of the cursed spirit, accompanied by a roar...

Special grade cursed spirit, Rika Kimoto

Successfully appeared!!

Rika, who had just come out, seemed very excited. After coming out, she actually grabbed the powerless body of the cursed spirit and began to dismember it with both hands

The scene was extremely bloody and violent!

Gojo U hurriedly retreated more than ten meters and could see the whole scene.

Because of Rika's violent behavior, purple blood began to spray out from the wound of the cursed spirit, but the blood turned into a faint mist when it approached Gojo U.

Just as Gojo U looked up to observe Rika Kimoto, a figure suddenly flew over, accompanied by a voice that seemed to be shouting.

"Yu-san! Catch it quickly!!"

Gojo U: What the hell? ? !

Looking at the familiar figure, Gojo U subconsciously released the unlimited technique he was maintaining, and the weapon in his hand fell off. He quickly stretched out his hands, and the originally indifferent expression on his face froze.

As we all know, force is mutual.

After catching the figure with both hands, Gojo U also successfully sat on the ground due to the recoil. Before he could catch his breath, he looked into his arms...

Dark green bangs

and a high ponytail. Her eyes were tightly closed due to the curse, and her eyelashes seemed to be a little long. Her originally pretty face was a little pale. The scar on her right thigh with the breath of the curse was conspicuous. She leaned on Gojo U’s arms.

Isn’t this Maki?

Just as he was stunned, a familiar figure approached with great difficulty. When he looked up, it was Yuta Otsutsukota. At this time, Yuta Otsutsukota was holding two unconscious children under his armpits, looking very embarrassed.

"Hoo, Yu-san... I'll leave Zenin-san to you first. I'm going to send him... for treatment..."

Otsutsukota was a little out of breath when he spoke, and paused.

Then Gojo U just held Maki horizontally, and Yuta Otsutsukota was the two children.

Just then, Gojo U felt a weak pulling force, and lowered his head slightly. It was Zenin Maki.

"You... hurry up... let me go..."

It seems that he was affected by Affected by the curse, Maki's voice was a little weak at this time, and the words that should have been strong were particularly weak and far-fetched, as if she was acting coquettishly, and her eyes were only opened a little bit

"Maki-san, don't move"

Gojo Yu's tone was particularly gentle, as if he was comforting her. After hearing his words, Maki could only close her eyes after struggling in vain, but the faint blush on her face told something


"Is this... the power of the special curse spirit Qi Ben Rika? It's amazing!"

Outside the tent, Gojo Satoru looked at the situation inside the tent with amazement


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