The originally clear sky suddenly began to darken, and the thick clouds gathered together like a raging wave.


A "Zhi"-shaped lightning suddenly slashed down and illuminated the entire Valley of the Gods, followed by the sound of rolling thunder and lightning.


Suddenly, a cyan claw suddenly protruded from the clouds.

Another flash of lightning.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the cyan claws actually grabbed the lightning bolt in their palms, and then hurriedly threw them not far from Luo Mu pothole.


Purple lightning exploded, and a few meters within a radius immediately turned into a piece of scorched earth.


Sengoku, who was still in a weak state, was actually blown away, and the surrounding Marine immediately rushed to help him.


“Damn Marine, stay a long way from Team Luo Mu!!”

A thunderclap roared.

Another sharp claw protruded from the cloud layer, and the two sharp claws were joined together and then slammed, and the dark cloud with the raging waves was immediately torn in two.

A furious Kaido is hovering right above the Luo Mu pothole.

The long snake's body is covered with green scales, the antlers on the unicorn's head are erected, and the two dragon whiskers are automatic without wind.

He has been transformed into a cyan dragon that controls thunder and lightning and swallows clouds!!

At this moment.

Everyone was caught by Kaido's sudden change.


The real Qinglong!

Hundreds of meters long body hovering between the lightning and thunder, full of shocking power!

"This is.... Kaido?? 35

"Didn't Luo Mu say that Kaido eats fish and fruit?"

Whitebeard was stunned.

"It's fish and fish fruit, yes.

The Golden Lion came to Whitebeard at some point, folded his arms and looked at Kaido, the mighty blue dragon in the sky.

Shen said.

"But he completed the Fruit Awakening.

"So to be precise. 35

"Now that fruit should be called the phantom beast, the fish fruit, the blue dragon form..."

The voice was extremely low.

It is clear.

He was also shocked by Kaido's sudden change, but not because of the appearance of Qinglong, but because of Kaido's talent.


The same goes for Whitebeard.

"Three months.

"It took three months to complete the fruit awakening, and the talent of the team leader Luo Mu is too terrifying..."

Whitebeard's tone was astonishing.

Even a little unbelievable.

"No. 99

Golden Lion shook his head.

said solemnly.

"You and I both know how difficult it is for the fruit to awaken."

"It can be said that ninety-nine out of one hundred Fruit Awakenings cannot complete the fruit awakening at the moment of old age and death, and there is a high probability that they do not know this concept at all."

"Completing the fruit awakening in three months is no longer a matter of talent.""

"It's because of the fruit fit.

"Only with an unimaginable degree of compatibility between a person who is capable and a fruit, and with a certain talent, it is possible to complete the awakening of the fruit in such a short period of time."

"Both are indispensable.

Speaking of which.

Golden Lion paused, lit a cigar for himself, looked away from Kaido, and cast his gaze on the Luo Mu pothole below.

Inner secret.

"Devil Fruit worth at least 100 million Bailey in the underground world, let the crew eat it without hesitation."

“Luo Mu…”

"Can't you see that Kaido's kid is very compatible with this fruit??"

If it were someone else, he would definitely not believe it.

Because if you can really see the degree of fit between the fruit and the person, then the fruit awakening is not a bad street.

But this person is Luo Mu.

A monster who can rub his morbid pride to the ground at will....


"Why did this monster die at the hands of others! 35

Think about it here.

The Golden Lion couldn't help gnashing his teeth again, and his frantic aura made the striped robe on his body rattle.

And not far from Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

Charlotte Linling stared at Kaido, who turned into a dragon in the sky.

Crazy low laugh.

"Mama Mama..."

"The Awakening of Fruits has been completed. 59

There was a different kind of light in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

As for Ochoku, John, and Silver Axe, they were only slightly shocked, they didn't care whether Kaido had awakened the fruit or not.

"Idiot, if there's a big commotion now, isn't it courting death.

"It's also good for us, to see if he can create some kind of chaos 々~.39

"That's good, I hope he can be patient.


The three of them set their sights on Kong and the others, waiting for a few flaws, then they immediately tried their best to escape...

But actually.

Kong, Garp and others didn't treat the three of them as dishes at all.

Just keep staring at Kaido in the sky.

"Actually completed the fruit awakening, Rocks Pirate is really a group of monsters."

"This seems to be a team leader under Luo Mu."

"It's Luo Mu again..."

"Fortunately, he hasn't fully grown up yet, otherwise..."

"Stop talking, let's quickly clean up the battlefield."

"The Rocks Pirate this time, the Celestial Dragons died upright.""


"Uh, what did I just say about the comer? Take it back.

Several people were discussing.

At the same time, he involuntarily looked at the pothole where Luo Mu was, and Garp, who was pretending to be stupid, continued to change the subject and shouted to Sengoku over there.


"Need help?"

Hearing the shout, Sengoku reached out and grabbed the explosive head, which had been scorched by lightning.

Hand wave.

"Hurry up and clear the battlefield.""

Say it.

Sengoku signaled a type of CP agent to investigate the Luo Mu pothole, and he walked slowly towards Kaido.

In the sky.

Kaido saw that Sengoku and others were approaching Luo Mu's pothole again, and the lantern-sized dragon's eye immediately burst into flames.


Two fiery airflows emerged from the corners of Qinglong's mouth, and yet another ball of fire quickly condensed in his mouth.

"Damn it! 35

"I told you to stop!"

Immediately, the huge dragon head was suddenly lifted, and the fire in the mouth instantly expanded a hundred times.

in his heart.

Luo Mu was absolutely impossible to die so easily, even if he was hit by a glazed light that was enough to make Sengoku collapse.

Luo Mu must have just passed out.

He must buy time for Luo Mu!

"Blue Dragon Heat Breath!!

A stream of fiery energy spurted out from the mouth of the abyss dragon, forming a red flame pillar with a radius of nearly two meters in the air, blasting towards the CP troops.

The energy is too hot, and the air around it is full of black smoke.

"It's useless!

Sengoku's eyes narrowed, and then he let out a soft sound.

The body that was scorched black by the thunder immediately swelled up, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into the huge golden Buddha again. The two Buddha palms did not dodge and directly met the pillar of fire spurted by Kaido.

This scorching dragon breath is strong.

But in his eyes, it was still a little bit meaningless, and he wanted to shoot it directly!


Kaido's pair of dragon eyes flashed a hint of madness.

"If...if Captain Luo Mu really dies, then don't fucking live!

Raise the dragon's head again and gather energy again.


Another dragon breath.

It's just that this time it wasn't a flame Stanley, but a cyan violent wind blade, like a sickle glowing with dim light, directly merging into the flame.

Fire borrows the wind, and fire helps the wind.

At the moment when the breath of the dragon's wind collided with the breath of the dragon's flame.


The flame pillar instantly turned into a monstrous demonic flame, and the dim light wind sickle turned blue and red, and the energy fluctuations were even more terrifying!

I see.

The fire chases the wind, and the smoke rises to the sky.

The demonic flame scythe all over the sky turned the entire valley of the gods red, and the momentum was many times more terrifying than the single flame pillar and scythe!


There was a hint of surprise in Sengoku's golden eyes.

He didn't expect Kaido's dragon breath to be able to spray two attributes of dragon breath at the same time, and he didn't know that the energy of the dragon's breath doubled several times after the wind and fire were superimposed together!


A short moment.

The terrifying flames with a diameter of nearly twenty meters instantly wrapped Sengoku in it, and continued to spray towards those CP troops without any weakening.

in the fiery flames.

Sengoku, who was in the state of the golden giant Buddha, widened his eyes, gritted his teeth, and kept making an anxious voice of "Zizzi la la" from his body.


"Why all the monsters I met!!""

Sengoku felt remorse in his heart.

He knew he had grown up.

With his current physical state, even with [Buddha's Impact], he might not be able to withstand this terrifying Demonic Flame Scythe, let alone pick it up with his fleshy palm!

Simply fantastic!

But it was too late to change the trick just now, and now he can only use his flesh to resist the scorching of the terrifying flame and the cutting of the blue-red wind sickle.

"This guy....!

Sengoku's eyes widened, his teeth clenched, and blue veins burst out on his forehead.

He can feel it.

Kaido's mixed dragon breath already has the damage ability of Admiral of Headquarters!

In the face of the scorching wind and flames, his little physical strength is rapidly fading, and even the golden light on his body is a bit illusory.


The power of the dragon's breath was exhausted, and the wind flame also disappeared.

It only lasted for less than ten seconds, but it felt like a century had passed in Sengoku's sense tube.


Sengoku gasped, almost greedily breathing the normal temperature air.

The injury is not particularly serious, but the image is particularly embarrassing.

Although it still maintains the huge state of the golden Buddha, only half of the Buddha's light is left, and the other half is extremely charred and even steaming...

Immediately after.

Sengoku lowered his head and glanced at the CP troops, with deep anger in his eyes.

Almost full of BBQ.

Even if they were still alive, they had completely lost their ability to move, and they all rolled back and forth on the ground, screaming and moaning in pain.

far away.

Seeing this scene, Kong frowned and turned to Garp beside him.

"The Rocks have me and Roger here, you go and help Sengoku. In his current state, he is no match for Luo Mu's men.""


Garp nodded and said solemnly.

"Rocks is definitely not dead, I can still feel his faint breath, you two will watch the hole first, and then I will subdue Rocks together when I clean up the bug and come back.


without hesitation.

Kong replied directly.

"I feel it too. 35

"Do not worry."

"Having the two of us watching here has absolutely no problem, it's not going to give him any chance of a comeback.

"Go and help Sengoku, he was miserable today. 35

Without further ado, Garp rubbed his wrists.


The two fists immediately covered the black Armament Haki and blasted towards Sengoku and Kaido.

"Don't be too arrogant, Pirate!!

A thunderous burst of drink.

Garp's figure had already crossed hundreds of meters, and he punched Kaido's torso, directly killing a few cyan dragon scales.

Kaido only felt a rolling cramp in his stomach.

The body that was several hundred meters long couldn't help but tumble immediately, stirring up the changes in the sky.

It will be back to normal after a while.

Not the slightest fear.

Kaido, with his super-healing ability, immediately launched a counterattack.


The dragon roared into the sky, causing thunder to burst forth, and at the same time, the torso began to spin like a top.


The surrounding air quickly began to condense, but it didn't take half a second.

Garp threw another punch.

"I make you roll!!"


The torso of the blue dragon, which was spinning, stopped immediately and began to roll in pain.

Take your chance.

Sengoku also joined the battle, and both of them and Garp faced Kaido at the same time with a slamming hammer. Kaido, who had just completed the fruit awakening and had greatly increased his strength, was beaten so much that he could not fight back at all.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The Qinglong who was hundreds of meters was blasted from the air to the surface by the two.

Still keep going, keep hitting hard.

a time.

Rocks crumbled and dust flew.

Until Kaido was beaten, there was only air out but no air in.... The surrounding Marines also reacted from the shock of the blue dragon coming into the world, and began to cheer one by one.

"Garp Vice Admiral Invincible!!

"Justice shall prevail!"

"Victory is ours!


It didn't change because of Kaido's awakening, just an extra episode.

at the same time.

The Marines who have regained consciousness are no longer in a state of madness, and their minds have begun to think about the celebration feast after returning to Marineford.

"Hahaha.... This time the group destroyed the Rocks Pirate, maybe I will become a lieutenant colonel when I go back."

"Lieutenant Colonel? I've killed twenty-three pirates, and it should be almost time to go back."

"I don't care about promotion, but if Xiaofang knows how brave I am, hehehe․..."9

"Then what are you waiting for? Kill it!"


"In the name of absolute justice, destroy the pirates!!

At this moment.

In the eyes of some Marines, the pirates who have lost the ability to resist are no longer pirates, but living military exploits and honors...

The autumn wind sweeps the leaves.

In just a few minutes, more than two-thirds of the pirates in the Valley of the Gods were killed, and only a few (Li Dehao) powerful pirates struggled to support.

But both Marine and Pirates knew it.

The end is doomed.

The end of this battle is almost complete.

a time.

The screams of the pirates resounded throughout the canyon.

But at this time, in a deep pit more than 40 meters underground.

A pair of bright eyes suddenly opened.

It's Luo Mu!

Luo Mu is not dead!!


Feeling the huge pain in his abdomen, Luo Mu took a deep breath.


"I am..."

The injury was very serious, causing his consciousness to stagnate for a short time, but it soon returned to normal, and all the pictures were recalled.


Luo Mu's right arm suddenly exerted force, breaking free from the shackles of the rock, and gently rubbing the lower abdomen of the lower abdomen.


There is a gleaming green light flashing.

"did not expect.

"Sengoku is still an old silver coin...fortunately I left a piece of life essence in my belly.

This is one of Luo Mu's life-saving means.

As long as there is no instant death, this essence of life will slowly release the life energy and let him "resurrection"




Take a long breath.

The cautious Luo Mu did not break out of the ground immediately, but released Observation Haki to start investigating the battle situation.

Not as he expected.

After Rocks and his serious injury, the Rocks Pirate fell to the ground.

Even Whitebeard et al just forcibly support....


Luo Mu let out a small murmur.

"Kaido.... actually completed the fruit awakening??"

The fruit awakening was completed in three months, which surprised Luo Mu Xiaoxiao and continued to investigate.


Rocks' faint breath was detected by him, and it was about 300 meters away from him.


Luo Mu's eyes flashed.

It seems....some kind of determination has been made.

And this time.

No one on the surface has found that Luo Mu has awakened.

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