“Luo Mu....Did Luo Mu not die?!!”

The old man in the blue suit was stunned for a moment, and then a flash appeared directly in front of Kong.

The rest of the people also immediately became nervous, all staring intently at Kong in front of them.

Although it has been forty years, the imprint of the name Luo Mu in their minds is the same as their appearance, without the slightest change.

That has become Kamui's Conqueror's Haki.

Even if they watched through video, they were deeply shocked and could not forget it at all.

"No. 35

“There is no news that Luo Mu is alive.35

Kong replied solemnly, not surprised at the violent reaction of the Five Elders.

It's that man after all.

A total of nine peak powerhouses who destroyed the entire Marine, World ZF and even Pirates by themselves, and defeated thirteen purple and gold knights like ghosts and gods.

Such existence, even the Five Elders standing at the pinnacle of power need to look up!


The old man in the blue suit took a long breath, and his nerves immediately calmed down.

behind it.

The bodies of the four people, including the old man in the kimono, were also slightly loosened, and they were no longer tense.


Beside Kong, Garp gave a disdainful glance at the corner of his mouth and let out a cold snort, then reached out and started picking his nostrils.

"It turns out that the five of you are also afraid of people.

There was undisguised mockery in his eyes.


The mustache of the old man in the dark green suit jumped, raised his arm and pointed at Garp and said bitterly.

But it was a little helpless, after all, he knew that Garp was also the damn "D family", and he didn't really want to tear Arrancar's skin directly from him.

"Marine, pay attention to your words.


The old man in kimono narrowed his eyes and said heavily to Garp, especially the word "Marine" was pronounced very heavily, which meant that Garp should pay attention to his identity.

At the same time, he glanced at the old man in the dark green suit on the right and motioned him to put up his arms.


The old man in the dark green suit folded his arms angrily.

The old man in the kimono looked at Kong in front of him and said slowly.

"Go ahead."

"Why would Roger's descendants attract all three of these troublesome guys? What the hell is going on.

Knowing that Luo Mu was not resurrected, he breathed a sigh of relief, his brain that had been stagnant for a short period of time began to revolve rapidly, and no one noticed that his eyelids twitched slightly.

Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Kaido.

Although these three people are far inferior to Luo Mu, they are also the strongest in this era, and the power of their subordinates cannot be ignored.

If they attacked at the same time, it would be quite a hassle.

The Marineford is likely to be sunk if not handled properly.

Forty years, the prestige of the World ZF has finally accumulated again, and he will never allow anyone to destroy it again!

Hearing this, the other four also nodded.

Unlike ordinary Celestial Dragons, they still have some normal thinking and know what the consequences of these three forces attacking Marineford at the same time will be.


Kong turned his head to look at Garp, who was on his side. Seeing that he was still picking his nostrils, he couldn't help but have a headache.

"This is business. 35


Only then did Garp put down his arms, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"It has nothing to do with Roger."

"The main reason Whitebeard declared war was because Ace was the captain of the Second Division on his ship and he knew 'son'."5

"As for Golden Lion and Kaido, they all want to take this opportunity to avenge Luo Mu.

The voice fell.

The Five Elders understood the whole story in an instant. In the final analysis, it was because of Luo Mu, if not Luo Mu, it would be a Whitebeard group at most.

"Got it. 35

"Tell me, what are you going to do about it.

The old man in the dark red suit frowned, stared at Kong and Garp and asked.

"Marine has made perfect preparations, but it is still a bit stretched to deal with the declaration of war by the three major forces. After all, in terms of scale, these three forces are stronger than the original Rocks group. 99


"I will mobilize Vegapunk's scientific force, including all pacifists.""

Kong replied in a deep voice.


The old man in the dark black suit squeezed the scepter in his hand and responded.

"As the commander-in-chief of the entire army, you can decide what to do with us.

the old man in the dark blue suit asked.

"Because I still feel uneasy, I want to apply for the CPO troops to also attack at the same time, and fully obey the command of Marine Marshal Sengoku during the execution of Ace.

Kong explained seriously.

But the five did not agree immediately, and even frowned in unison.

There is no doubt about the strength of the CPO, and even in the Valley of the Gods battle, he made a certain contribution to the sneak attack on Luo Mu. If Sengoku's moves were stronger, he might be able to solve it before he absorbs Rocks.

If they were sent, Marineford's security would indeed increase by a few percent.

But this is their own line of troops. It is the kind that is favored among minions. Unlike Marine who dies when he dies, they are still a little reluctant to let go of the CP0 dead.

Especially the captain.

It is their most powerful servant.

Kong raised his head and glanced at the silent people calmly, and also saw that they were not very willing.

After a little thought, he said.

"After all, the location of this conflict is Marineford, Naval Headquarters.

"If the three Whitebeards were sunk by the Whitebeards because of the lack of manpower, the World ZF would have a hard time. 55

The voice fell.

The Five Elders narrowed their eyes and began to think.

Kong's words are true, although they don't care about Marine very much, they are also the face of World ZF, if Marineford is really sunk....

The consequences were definitely not what they wanted.


The old man in the kimono raised his head and spoke first.

"The transfer authority of the CPO can be given to you.


Kong's brows widened immediately.

He still understands how powerful a CPO is, especially a person who can serve as a captain, whose strength can even reach the Admiral level.

Now words.

Himself, Garp, Sengoku, Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji plus Captain CPO.

Marine's top fighting strength is that there are a full seven people.

In this way, even if Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Kaido have been keeping a low profile and are slightly stronger than Admiral, the two-to-one Marine can definitely crush them completely.

Even if they still have backhands, the extra person is enough to deal with emergencies.

Think about it here.

As soon as Kong's shoulders loosened, the anxiety in his heart dissipated a lot, and he nodded slightly to the Five Elders before turning around and leaving with Garp.

But the next moment.

"Wait a moment!"

The old man in the kimono spoke suddenly.


Not only Kong and Garp, but the remaining four old men in suits also had doubts on their faces.

"Ta Ta Ta..."

Accompanied by the sound of steady footsteps, the old man in kimono walked to Kong with the First Generation Guiche in his arms, slowly raised his head and said.

"What is the execution date.

"It's time for the five of us to be active."


Suddenly, as the voice of the old man in the kimono fell, everyone present was stunned for a moment.

"what do you mean?

Kong took a deep breath and was the first to react and asked.

But the kimono old man didn't answer him, just continued to talk to himself.

"Report the execution date in advance, and you can retire."

The meaning is already obvious.

Kong nodded excitedly, turned around and walked out of the conference hall with Garp.

"Commander Air.

"How can these five ghosts take action personally??"

After leaving the conference hall, Garp asked in a deep voice, his tone was rather unkind.

He is almost eighty years old now, but he has never seen these five immortals really take action. He never expected that they would take the initiative to ask for the action in this public execution.

"Not sure.

Kong shook his head and replied.

Like Garp, he has never seen a five-man shot.

But then he clenched his fists excitedly.

"These are secondary, the most important thing is that there will be absolutely no problems with this public execution!

"These five people..."

"Although I have never seen them make a move, from the perspective of breath, they are definitely no longer under you and me, and may even be stronger!""

"It's done, even if the two remaining Four Emperors regiments are here, Marineford will definitely be rock solid! 35

Words (bede) are eloquent.

The unease in his heart disappeared completely, and even he felt that his old body was fluttering.

"I hope so..."

Garp glanced back at the splendid chamber and thought to himself.

But soon he shook his head.

Naval Headquarters, World ZF, Shichibukai, all these top combat powers are all dispatched, which is enough to eliminate Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Kaido.

Not to mention those five monsters that never seem to get old.

At the same time in the conference hall.

The four old men in suits all stared at the old man in kimono standing at the most window and asked.

"Isn't it enough to promise that CP0 will be under their command?"

"Although they are a bunch of trash, they still have some strength. Judging from their layout, it is enough to deal with the three of Whitebeard.""

"Hmph, actually made such a decision without discussing it with us."

"Then Luo Mu must be dead, so what's the point of us taking action? It's just a waste of the eternal life given by Lord Yimu."

A few people one by one.

Although the content is different, one thing is the same.

That is, he is very dissatisfied with the decision of the old man to make the five of them will shoot.


"I do not think so."

The old man in the kimono slowly shook his head, responded softly, then looked up in the direction of Pan Gucheng and continued.

"If we were there last time, Luo Mu would have no chance of absorbing Rocks to get that damn amazing growth."

"Shame the world for 40 years.

"the most important.

"It turned out to be the sacrifice of thirteen sleeping kings."

"I haven't found any solution, but I didn't expect that group of idiots to come to the door by themselves and dare to declare war on the World ZF."

"Although Marine's strength is enough to deal with them, it's hard to get such an opportunity, shouldn't it be a bit more clean? 35


"Imm-sama will be very satisfied when he finds out."

The voice fell.

The four people on the sofa fell silent, and the dissatisfaction on their faces gradually disappeared, replaced by frowning and thinking.


The old man in kimono by the window snorted softly, and a cold light flashed through the transparent lenses.

"Vengeance? 35

"Stupid inferiors, the apostles of God will tell them that man cannot provoke God.

"As a god, Lord Yim disdains to care about these scumbags, but shouldn't we, as apostles of God, clean up these noisy voices for God?

As soon as this sentence comes out.

The faces of the four old men in suits cast a shadow at the same time, and they said in unison after a while.

"Then let these foolish inferiors bear witness to the power of the angels. 39

The old man in kimono nodded and moved his right hand slightly.


First Generation's ghost came out an inch.

"Speak up."

"It also hasn't tasted fresh blood for a long time."

Feeling the strong killing intent of the old man in the kimono, the sword body began to hum and tremble.

Under the sunlight, Sen Han's blade flashed a strange purple light.

The kimono old man knew that it was thirsting for blood.

As the strongest being in the Onitou series, First Generation Onitou is a pure demon sword!!


Sheath the knife.

The old man in the kimono stopped speaking, and turned his gaze towards the Valley of the Gods, which had long since disappeared from the sea.

His eyes were blurry, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After a long time, he muttered in a faint voice that only he could hear.

“Luo Mu…”

When the voice fell, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he still couldn't forget the Kamui-like power.



His aura suddenly erupted for a moment, and a piece of withered and yellow leaves outside the window was instantly crushed into dust.

In fact.

The reason why the old man in the kimono asked himself and the four old men in suits to take the initiative to attack is far more than what he said was for the sake of shame and let the world witness the power of the divine envoy.

This is just one of the reasons.

The most important point is still Luo Mu!

Luo Mu's battle with the Thirteen Purple Kings in the Valley of the Gods shattered the pride and confidence of all those in the know, including him.

Although forty years have passed.

But the name Luo Mu still pierced his heart like a thorn, causing him to suffer greatly.

It even made him panic.

Whenever he recalled Luo Mu's amazing Kamui, the awe in his heart for Lord Im on the Supreme Throne would disappear for a moment.

This situation made him unable to sleep for days and nights, for fear that one day he would reveal his flaws when he met Lord Yimu in Pan Gucheng.

if that is true.

His end will definitely not be much better than the dead leaves that have just been crushed into powder by himself!!

If it weren't for the suspicion of Yimu and the other four, in order to erase the fear of Luo Mu in his heart, the kimono old man would have taken Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Kaido and even Auntie, but all those who are related to Luo Mu Everyone was beheaded!

So when he learned that three of them actually joined forces to attack Marineford, the kimono old man was already thinking about how to make his own shots.


The old man in the kimono let out a long sigh, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Forty years.

He finally waited until he could personally eradicate everything related to Luo Mu.

"if only...."

"As long as these untouchables are killed, maybe I can get rid of that person's torture. 35

"Do not!

"It must be possible!!"

The old man in the kimono was turbulent in his heart, and he was looking forward to the most advanced war "Summit War" about to break out in Marineford, which made Marine worried.



Kong and Garp returned to Marineford and informed Sengoku and the others that the CPO and the Five Elders would be involved in the war.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room exploded to its climax in an instant.

Without any hesitation.

Marshal Sengoku directly ordered that Ace's execution date be brought forward to three days later, and the specific date should be published in all newspapers and periodicals.

What they didn't know was that Luo Mu's side was already ready to go, waiting for them to announce the execution date.

All of a sudden it was turbulent.

The highest standard war of the new era, the so-called "Summit War" is about to break out!!

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