Koshiro held up the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, a look of surprise on his face.

"Unexpectedly. 35

"It's amazing to meet Enel, the god of thunder, the ruler of Gaya Island, here.""

But soon.

The unexpected look on Koshiro's face quickly disappeared, his eyes narrowed, and his trademark faint smile was put on again.

Turning his head to look at the door of the Little Arena Music Hall, he muttered to himself.

"Hurry up.

"Otherwise the leader should be angry..."

The voice fell.


With a dodge, the body disappeared directly in place, and when it reappeared, it appeared at the door.

"Depend on!

"Where did you bastard come from!

Seeing Koshiro suddenly appearing in front of him, Bartolomeo exclaimed exaggeratedly.

beside him.

Cavendish also narrowed his eyes suddenly.

"So strong."

Although this man was squinting, with a harmless look on his face, Cavendish's intuition told him that this man with glasses was definitely not simple.

Then he turned his head to look at Enel who was striding towards here, frowned and muttered.

"What the hell is going on today? How can you encounter so many monsters?!

He didn't know Enel.

But just looking at the ability of Enel to float in the air by stepping on lightning, as long as you are not a fool, you can see that this is also an extremely powerful ability.

And obviously.

Cavendish is no fool.


Taking a long breath, Cavendish shook his head and looked away.

If it were changed, he might still have the mind to test the strength of these powerhouses, but he knew that his most important task now was to enter this small dome music hall. "Seven One Zero"

If the senior waited in a hurry, he didn't know what serious consequences he would face.

And at the same time.

The heartless Bartolomeo became interested in Koshiro next to him.

"Squint your eyes, don't block my way, don't think I won't hit you with a smile on your face!""


"Aren't you a facial paralysis?!


It turned out that he directly raised his arm and stretched out his finger to gently poke Koshiro's face.


"How can this idiot be valued by that adult??"

Cavendish cursed inwardly, but he was also interested in seeing what would happen to the gangster Bartolomeo who annoyed the eyed warrior.

But to his surprise, Koshiro was still smiling and said gently.

"This kid.""

"There is something urgent now, so don't be naughty."


"Pfft hahaha...

Cavendish laughed and burst into tears.


"If you have the ability, open your eyes and take a good look at this uncle!"

Bartolomeo was directly attacked by a child, and began to poke Koshiro's face more quickly.

Right now.


Another thunderclap sounded, and a bright yellow lightning suddenly appeared in front of several people. The dazzling light made several people close their eyes subconsciously.

And when they opened their eyes, Enel had already appeared in front of them.

"Do you still have time to mess around here?"

"The concert has already started, and it's been one minute and forty-seven seconds since the adult's appointed time~"

Enel yawned and glanced casually at a few people.


"What does he mean?!

Several people were shocked in their hearts, and they all stopped their movements and stared at Enel with vigilance.

Although I don't know who the adult Enel is talking about, but considering the gathering time of the Little Arena, the adult Enel is talking about is Luo Mu in all likelihood!

"How did you know the news of that lord!"

Koshiro's black-rimmed glasses flashed a cold light, his right hand had already been placed on the hilt of the sword, and he meant to do it if there was a disagreement.

This statement came out.

Barlotomio and Cavendish next to him were taken aback again, and they glanced back and forth on Enel and Koshiro.

"Who are you!"

Bartolomeo jumped back suddenly and asked loudly, while the fingers of both hands overlapped again.

Luo Mu is his idol's idol, and he also knows that Luo Mu doesn't want too many people to know his information and identity, so at this moment, he has already killed Koshiro and Enel.

At the same time secretly.

"Don't worry, Senior Luo Mu! Xiao Xiao will never let the news of you here leak out!

The same goes for Cavendish.


The famous sword Durandel around his waist has been unsheathed, and a thick shadow has been cast on his face, ready to forcibly go to sleep to wake up his "second personality"

Because from his intuition, the two in front of him are definitely not something he can withstand under normal circumstances.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Emergency! Emergency!

"Someone is making trouble at the entrance of the Little Arena Music Hall!""


"Someone is making trouble at the entrance of the Little Arena Music Hall! Ask the security personnel for immediate support!!"

Seeing a few people arguing with swords, the doorman cautiously took two steps away, and then ran away in a flash. At the same time, he picked up the phone shell in his hand and called for help in extreme panic.

The four of them didn't pay attention to him, and they were still arguing.

"Hey, hey, take it easy~"

Enel still looked lazy.

With the special abilities of the powerful Observation Haki and Thunder Fruit, he had already learned the general thoughts of several people through the "Heart Net".

"We are not enemies. 35

They put down a sentence lightly, and then the three of them, ignoring the overall alert, walked directly into the music hall with big strides.


Koshiro didn't plan to say any more, and the killing intent suddenly surged from his body, which was extremely terrifying.


"It's pretty good.

Enel also sensed the astonishing killing intent and a sharp knife intent that erupted from Koshiro, and exclaimed in surprise.

shook his head.

Reluctantly, he spoke again.

"I was also summoned by that lord."

It wasn't that he was afraid of Koshiro, but he knew that Koshiro was also summoned by Luo Mu and had no intention of fighting against him.

In addition, I'm already late now, so I didn't play any guessing games with a few people, just showdown.

After speaking, he continued to walk inside while picking his ears.

It is very certain that the few people behind him will never have any hostility towards him after hearing these words.

Sure enough, the voice fell.

After Koshiro cooled down a little, the astonishing killing intent on his body disappeared in an instant.

Then, the right hand released the hilt of the sword and held the glasses, and his face returned to the harmless squinting state of humans and animals.


"It seems that you are also invited, so let's go together. 35

Say it.

Koshiro ignored Bartolomeo and Cavendish who were still in a daze, and walked towards the music hall with his clogs and Enel.

"Hey, rotten head."

Bartolomeo frowned and poked Cavendish beside him.

"What these two mean....they were also invited by their seniors? 35


Cavendish put away Durandall's disgust and knocked Bartolomeo's finger off his body.

There was no reply.

I just took a deep look at the figures of Enel and Koshiro in the distance, and thought to myself.

"How many people did the seniors summon tonight?"

"What is the purpose of summoning so many strong men?"

All the big events that came in flashed through Cavendish's mind, culminating in Marine's announcement of the public execution of Captain "Ace" of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Regiment at Marineford.

"Could it be..."

The frivolity on his face was immediately put away, replaced by a cautiousness that he had never had before.

Ignoring Bartolomeo who was still making trouble, Cavendish silently pressed the brim of his white top hat and walked in with a heavy step.

"Rotten head.

"I didn't expect the seniors to call so many strong people tonight, you can feel it, just how strong the strength of the two people just now!"

Bartolomeo did not notice that Cavendish had also left, and he was the only one left at the door.

The not-so-smart head is still slowly combing.

"It's so cool that the dragging guy can step on the lightning!

"The other is not bad either!"

"The moment he touched the knife just now, the cold hair on the uncle's back stood up. I think it is definitely much stronger than your half-baked swordsmanship!!"

"But even such a strong person, he still has to submit to the feet of his predecessors!"

"Hey hahaha..."

"As expected of a senior! As expected of an idol of an idol!!"

"You said what posture should I use to meet the senior? Is it a sliding shovel or a summoning barrier to slide down from the sky? Or..."

"I haven't seen my senior for many years, he must miss me too, right?

"Definitely! I miss senior so much, senior must miss me very much!

"Hey hahaha...

Standing at the entrance of the Little Arena Music Hall, Bartolomeo laughed arrogantly with his hips on his shoulders. He suffered from social cow syndrome and didn't care about the contempt of passers-by.

Completely immersed in the adoration of Luo Mu and all kinds of nonsensical fantasies.

"Hey, hey, rotten Caitou, say something, you..."

After a good few minutes, Bartolomeo realized that something was not right, and tried to poke the side with his hand...

"Depend on!

"What about you rotten head!!

After realizing that the place beside him was empty, Bartolomeo suddenly patted his head and exclaimed in surprise.

"What about you people? Wait for me!

Say it.

Bartolomeo screamed and rushed towards the concert hall.

Inside the music hall.

A full 200,000 seats, not a single vacant seat!

Not all of them are rich, but some have spent all their savings to come to Gulan Tezzolo, the golden cave, in order to see the king of souls.

Because according to rumors.

The King of Souls will be closed after this concert! That is to say, this is the last concert of the King of Souls, a popular musician all over the world!!


The atmosphere of this concert was hotter and crazier than the concerts in previous years!

The concert was still in the heat stage, and the scene was still dark, but the cheers from the nearly 100,000 audience were like raging waves, wave after wave.

"King of Souls! Please don't leave us!!"

"King of Souls! King of Souls! How can I live without you!! 39

"If you must seal the wheat, please take away my fat times!!

Seeing that the hundreds of meters long red curtain was completely opened, revealing a tall and thin black shadow.


All men, women and children stood up and waved the aid items in their hands towards the silent shadow.



A crisp metallic sound of a drum kit suddenly sounded, and the concert officially started!!!


An unprecedented tsunami erupted in the entire venue immediately!

The middle of the audience.

Hundreds of pink and tender girls raised their lotus arms and held up a huge poster of more than 100 square meters, crying hysterically, "King of Souls! King of Souls...

Although the concert has only just begun, the atmosphere has clearly reached an unimaginably huge climax!

"Move, beat, beat, beat..."

After the sound of the metallic drum kit, a burst of dynamic music just went with the flow.



The tall and thin black figure on the stage roared a powerful and extremely atmospheric voice.


A full 200,000 audience instantly raised their arms and roared loudly, and the dynamic music in the hundreds of stereo surround speakers directly broke through the sky!!

"Good! 35

"Let's party until only a handful of bones are left!!!"

The shadowy figure on stage immediately responded to the monstrous enthusiasm of the audience!


The audience cheered again and shouted the fan slogan "Bone" of the "King of Souls".



The next moment, with the heat wave rushing towards the sky, a spotlight 3.4 light was immediately lit on the stage.

Cylindrical lights hit the shadow as much as possible, allowing everyone to see his true face.

Wearing a golden crown, a head of thick explosive black hair.

An exaggerated orange scarf is around his neck, like a flamingo.

The upper body is a tight black suit, and the lower body is an orange-red leggings printed with petals.

And most surprising, his face turned out to be a skull!!

It's none other than Nose Song Brook!!

But the audience below the stage did not panic at all, but began to roar even more frantically.


Brook raised his skull claws and swept the metal strings of the shark head guitar in his arms, making a very crisp metal sound.

This time, 200,000 listeners in the field.

Totally crazy!!!


"Bone!! 35



The overwhelming sound of "bones" is almost comparable to a sonic attack!

at the same time.

Within the SVIP package room No. 0.

A "young man" who looked like he was in his twenties sat on a huge red flower, touched his chin, and said lightly at the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect the fans of Pirate World to be more crazy..."

"This battle.

"I'm afraid Ikun is also difficult to compete..."

next moment.

A glamorous young woman in a kimono walked over with small steps and said sweetly.


"The people you invited have already arrived."


The young man nodded and said calmly.

"Let them in."

"Let's watch the battle song prepared by the King of Souls for the next battle!"

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