Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 158: baffling

After all, judging from the cooperation with the shock wave girl next to him, it is really not an ordinary woman, superpower, the kind of rare existence that is less than panda blood, and it is still female, so Tony can't help but think. It's going to be a lip service. If the relationship with Pepper is in place now, Tony estimates that even if it is for a change of taste, he will strongly pursue the shock wave girl.

"Allen!!" Hearing Tony's molesting before he left, he wanted to hit Tony's guy directly with a single blow, but in an instant Tony flew away, exceeding Skye's range, and Skye couldn't help but target. Turning to Ellen, who was eating melon and watching the show, angered at Ellen.

"Um! Sister, that... I think we should withdraw, there is almost nothing wrong here, don't let parents wait any longer, I'll go back first." After seeing Skye transfer his anger to his head , Allen decisively dropped a sentence and then strayed away.

"My dear, look at it, look at it, that is the shock wave girl, a superhero who has just saved countless people from the big robot, do you want to go and find her to sign." At this moment, a couple just turned not far away. The couple who crossed the corner, one of the guys was looking at the silhouette of Skye not far away, and couldn't help but said excitedly to his girlfriend next to him.

"Huh? Where? My goodness! Really! Shockwave girl, shockwave girl!!" After hearing her boyfriend's words, the girlfriend who looked in the direction her boyfriend was pointing, couldn't help but get excited after seeing it clearly. Jumped up and said.

"Do you want to go there and you need to sign!!!" While no one has gone there yet!" At this time, the boyfriend made a tempting proposal, and then took out a notebook and pen from his trouser pocket to tempt his girlfriend.

"Yes! Hurry up, hurry up! Honey! Let's go, wait for the meeting to run away, big deal..." The girl couldn't help but shake her boyfriend's arm and groaned. , Until the end, he blushed and murmured in her boyfriend's ear.

"Hey hey!!! That's what you said, so don't regret it!" Hearing that his girlfriend was playing so big, the boy suddenly showed the expression of a pig brother, and asked his girlfriend with certainty.

"Oh! Hurry up, when the time comes, people will run away, I will bite you!" Seeing the boy slow down, the girl couldn't help but said angrily, and then ran in the direction of the shock girl with her boyfriend.

"Huh! Men are big trotters, and children are no exception." Seeing that Allen didn't even help him beat the trotter who molested him, Skye couldn't help but pout.

He didn't even notice that he was discovered by others and he was running to him for an autograph, but Skye kicked off a larger gravel.

Then, after smashing it into powder directly, a couple who was still happy to find an idol to sign but suddenly stopped and froze in place.

"Heh! Hehe! My dear, I think our superhero seems to be in a bad mood today, do you want to come again next time!"

Seeing that the shock wave girl just kicked a rock with the size of her palm, she lifted it up and shook it into powder, and the boy still vaguely heard the words of the big pig's hoof in her mouth. She couldn't help but force her mouth He smiled and said to his girlfriend on the side.

"Uh, uh, I think we have this same profound insight for the first time!"

Obviously, the girl who ran up to sign was also stunned by Skye’s hand operation. I don’t know why, the girl always feels that if she and her boyfriend are going up to sign now, she feels like she will be in trouble, although she may There will be nothing wrong, but the boyfriend may be more fortunate, so the girlfriend can't help but stay in place and speak slowly.

"Huh?! What's the matter with the two of you?" Skye, who had recovered at this time, saw a couple in the distance staring at him blankly, and asked the two of them suspiciously.

"Um! It's okay, it's okay! We're just passing by and disturbed." After seeing the'cruel' appearance of the shockwave girl who noticed her two, the two lovers immediately said in unison as if they were facing enemies, and then their heads also Hand in hand and ran away without returning.

"It's another pair of weirdos! God, what the **** I did wrong, no matter how the people I met today have problems with their brains." Skye couldn't help muttering suspiciously as he looked at the nonsensical couple who ran away. He said in pain with his head.

And this scene made another fan who was standing not far away, who wanted to sign up, was dumbfounded. I don’t know why the shockwave girl suddenly hugged her head and yelled. Could it be that she was shocked when she was fighting with the robot just now. Out of mind?

The fan who thought of this couldn't help but think about it carefully, it seemed that it was really possible, and then slowly stepped back step by step, until... he stepped on a drink bottle, and then looked at each other, the scene fell into a while. Awkward state.

Seeing the Zhenbo woman, she held her head and looked straight at herself. After a while, the man immediately ran away without looking back, and then disappeared in the corner.

"Forget it, let's go back early, I always feel that people's spirits are getting more and more problematic Looking at another weird man who fled, Skye couldn't help muttering, and then got up to look. Pointing in one direction, aiming at the shock wave with both hands on the ground, sprayed out, and then the whole person rushed straight into the sky.

"Dad, mom!" After turning a circle, Allen rushed into Ma Mei's arms as soon as he opened the car door when he returned home.

"Ellen, how about it, are you okay?" After hearing only one of Alan’s lovely and iconic voice, May felt that a little cutie appeared in her arms, waiting to see the little one in her arms clearly. , Mei couldn't help but said with concern.

"Don't worry, Ma Mei, don’t you know my body? I can go to the sun to take a bath in another two years." Hearing Ma Ma’s caring words, Allen also patted his chest. Opened his mouth and said.

"Ellen, how was the robot before?" Peter on the side also said at this time, and it seemed that May's mother and father had been well enlightened by Mrs. May and his father during Alan's absence.

And hearing this question from Peter, Ma May and my dad couldn't help but look at Ellen curiously, wanting to know how Ellen dealt with the robot.

"Don't worry, you guys, I have already handed over the culprit to the government. As for the specific crimes and things, they will solve them by themselves. Anyway, if you want evidence, there will be evidence on the streets." After hearing Peter's words, Allen Said solemnly.

He knew that Peter asked not to look at the problem, but among the few people, it was my father who cared about the solution of this matter most. If he could solve the problem without saying anything.

Then I guess I must have no good fruit to eat. As for Madam Mei, she is nothing. As long as she can be safe, Madam Mei will rely on everything, so Alan still focused on talking to her father.

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