Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 394: : Unexpected discovery

After leaving Ye Anxin's room, Su Yichen did not leave, but fell asleep on the sofa in the living room!

Ye An was so drunk, he didn't worry about leaving, fearing that in case something happened at night, he would not have time to come! Therefore, you can only guard at the door! In order to take care of you at any time!

In order to take care of Ye Anxin, Su Yichen didn't even turn off the light in the living room, so he slept on the sofa in a suit!


Ye Anxin, who was put on the bed by Su Yichen, almost fell asleep after touching the bed!

However, sleeping late into the night, in a daze, she only felt that her mouth and tongue were dry, especially her lips, as if they were dry and cracked!

Ye Anxin licked the corner of her mouth uncomfortably, and when she could not get any relief, she opened her eyes reluctantly, and poured water in a strange room where she could not see her fingers!

Simply, she has lived in this room for several years, even with her eyes closed, she can come and go freely!

Therefore, although I was uncomfortable and Jiujin did not wake up, I still found the desk in the room very skillfully and poured myself a glass of water with a teacup!

After a cup of cold water, Ye Anxin immediately felt that his throat had improved a lot, and his whole body seemed to be awake a lot!

Ye Anxin poured herself another glass of water and looked out the window! I don't know what's driving it, the ghost and goddess walked to the window holding the teacup, leaning gently against the window, drinking water and looking downstairs!

Because she lives on the third floor, the floor is not high, and there are street lights outside, so she can see the situation outside clearly.

She didn't know what time it was, but looking at the quiet situation outside the window, it was at least early morning! There is no one on the street outside!


On the quiet street, she clearly saw a black car parked under a big tree on the side of the road!

This tree is very big, it can be regarded as a decades old tree, so the branches and leaves are especially lush! In summer, many people like to enjoy the shade under the big trees, and she is no exception!

However, usually there is no such vehicle getting off under this big tree?

Where did this car come from?

Look at the shape of the car, it's not like a school teacher's car! Because the school teachers simply cannot afford such a ghost car!

Where did this car come from?

Is there anyone in the car?

Was this car parked here for the first time, or did she find it for the first time in so long?

Ye Anxin took a sip of the cold water in the cup with doubts!

After two cups of cold water, Ye Anxin suddenly felt that her whole body was awake, and her sleepiness was gone!

So, she did a very boring thing!

That is standing by the window and observing the car under the big tree!

She stood by the window for a long time and looked at it for a long time. The car seemed to have no intention of leaving!

After watching for a while, Ye Anxin stood tired and put the water glass in his hand back on the desk, and wanted to go to the bathroom after leaving the room!

As soon as I opened the door, I found that the light in the living room was on, and Su Yichen was lying peacefully on the sofa asleep!

Seeing Su Yichen's sleeping face, Ye Anxin shook his head helplessly, found a quilt from the closet in the room, and then went to the sofa, gently covering Su Yichen's body!

After covering Su Yichen's quilt, Ye Anxin entered the bathroom.

The moment the bathroom door was closed, Su Yichen, who was still closing his eyes just now, slowly opened his eyes, tightly holding the quilt with both hands, and a sweet smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

This smile disappeared as soon as the bathroom door was opened, and Su Yichen turned into that sleepy look again!

In order not to wake Su Yichen, Ye Anxin turned off the lights in the living room, stood on tiptoe, and gently returned to the room!

She and Su Yichen are like this now, one step away from their boy and girl friends, but one step closer than ordinary friends!

She knows he treats herself well! Every time she needs help the most, she will be there on time! In her most difficult and most difficult time, he also spent her time with herself!

However, after experiencing that heart-wrenching love, her heart is dead, and she really can't afford the courage of her lover!

In order not to delay him, she tried to alienate him and make him give up on herself!

However, he said that he only regarded himself as a close friend, and was engaged to a wealthy daughter in Seoul with a thunderous momentum!

He said so, she really didn't know what reason she should use to alienate him!

Therefore, they have become friends who are closer than ordinary friends!

She really doesn't want to drag Su Yichen by herself, he is a good man!

However, some things are often involuntary!

Ye Anxin stood at the door of the room, sighed in his heart, and after taking a deep look at Su Yichen who was sleeping on the sofa, he went in and closed the door.

After returning to the room, Ye Anxin instinctively walked to the window and took a look!

That black car is still there!

However, Ye Anxin had no intention to take care of it, lay down on the bed, covered the quilt, and soon fell asleep again!

Maybe it was Su Yichen's bowl of hangover soup that worked, and Ye Anxin slept very peacefully in the middle of the night!

When I woke up on the first day, there really was no hangover sequelae! Except for a little dark circles, the whole person is in good spirits!

Ye Anxin took out a set of clean clothes from the closet and left the room!

When she left the room, Su Yichen was no longer there, and the quilt was neatly stacked on the sofa!

Ye Anxin smiled helplessly, and took the clothes into the bathroom! After a while, the sound of running water rang.

When Ye Anxin came out of the bathroom, he smelled a scent that made people appetite!

Hearing the sound of the bathroom opening, Su Yichen hurried over and said with a smile, "You woke up, I bought breakfast for you, come and eat it! After eating, you can go to school!"

"Okay!" Ye Anxin smiled sweetly and sat down at the dining table!

She knew that Professor Su was always so meticulous! I prepared breakfast for her early in the morning!

Su Yichen filled Ye Anxin with a bowl of porridge and handed it to her, "Eat it! Let's go down together!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded, unceremoniously taking the tableware and eating the breakfast Su Yichen had bought.

Last night, she only drank and didn't eat. After a whole night, she was indeed hungry, especially the smell of breakfast, which made her appetite even stronger!

Therefore, she was not polite, and just gobbled up breakfast!

Wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin, Ye Anxin looked up at the wall clock hanging in the living room, "After eating, let's go! I'll be late if I don't leave!"

"Let's go!" Su Yichen nodded.

Ye Anxin hurriedly went to the room and put the textbooks and notebooks he was going to take today into his bag and put them away. After everything was ready, he and Su Yichen got down!

ps, the home is out of power and there is no internet, so I can only send out the chapter with the code stored in the background last night with my mobile phone, and there is another chapter on the computer, which is coded today. If there is no power at home, I can’t send it. See when the call comes , Send it out again, okay!

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