Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 399: : Peek and be found

"Thank you, thank you!" After Ye Anxin repeatedly thanked him, he hung up the phone!

After hanging up the phone with the housekeeper, Ye Anxin stared at the situation nervously!

On the other side, in the villa, Xiaobai had just finished lunch, holding a napkin with her slender fingers and wiping the oil stains on her mouth gracefully.

After wiping his mouth, he said, "Housekeeper, my dad called me just now, and he said that he will come back for dinner in the evening, and remember to cook more of his favorite dishes!"

"Okay!" The housekeeper nodded, rolled his eyes, and suddenly said with a smile, "Little Master, I just finished eating. Would you like to take a stroll in the yard? It will help digestion!"

"No!" Xiaobai refused without thinking about it!

Seeing his refusal, the butler no longer reluctantly had to bow his head in disappointment.

Looking at his expression, Xiao Bai's eyes flashed, her thin lips were pursed, and she suddenly stood up and walked slowly outside!

The butler hurriedly followed, "Little Master, what are you doing?"

"Walk!" Xiaobai left the words faintly, and walked out of the villa.

Xiaobai stood at the door of the villa, turned his head, his cold eyes wandered aimlessly around, seeming to be looking for something!

However, after searching for a while, nothing was found, and a touch of disappointment gradually appeared under his eyes.

Ye Anxin hid outside the fence, stretched out half of his head, staring at his son greedily, as if he couldn't see enough. No matter where Xiaobai walked to the yard, she squatted and moved there, from beginning to end, she never looked away from Xiaobai.

Just when Ye Anxin was stunned, a strange voice suddenly sounded behind him, followed by an exclamation, "Who are you, what are you doing here?"

Ye Anxin was taken aback for a moment, and secretly screamed bad.

It was discovered! At this time, there can be no other people besides the servants of Mu's family who can appear here!

Ye Anxin didn't dare to look back, almost stood up and ran away!

"Hey, don't run, who are you and what are you doing here? What's the purpose?" The servant who just said was afraid that Ye Anxin would run away, so he hurried to catch up with Ye Anxin's arm.

The arm was grabbed, and Ye Anxin pulled a few vigorously. The helpless servant who had always been used to doing heavy work was too energetic. Not only did she fail to break free, but her wrist was pinched!

The servant yanked Ye Anxin forward, and asked with a piercing voice, "Who are you? If you don't say anything, I will call the police!"

In desperation, Ye Anxin had to turn his head and glance at the servant!

When the servant saw Ye Anxin's appearance, the whole person was stunned, " are you? Why are you here?"

Except for the housekeeper, other servants didn't know what happened five years ago!

They only knew that their amiable wife suddenly disappeared after giving birth to the young master, and there has been no news since then!

In private, their subordinates had secretly talked about it. They thought it was the wife who couldn't stand the husband's incomprehension, and abandoned the child and husband, and ran with other men!

They thought that Madam would never appear again in this life! Unexpectedly, after five years, the wife suddenly appeared, still appearing like this Fangshi!

Ye Anxin took advantage of the servant's daze, waved away the servant's hand, and ran away.

The servant stood there dumbfounded, watching Ye Anxin's back disappear little by little!

When the other servants in the villa heard the movement, they rushed out! Even Xiaobai, who was walking in the yard, ran out!

One of the servants asked caringly, "What's wrong? What happened?"

The servant pointed to the place where Ye Anxin disappeared, and said in a daze, "Husband...Madam...I just saw Madam...!"

The servant’s words undoubtedly caused everyone's commotion. Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. I couldn’t help but lower my head and whispered to each other, "Madam? Didn’t the madam disappear five years ago? How could she appear it's here?"

"Yeah! How can you suddenly appear after you have left? Is it because you are reluctant to bear your son and want to come back to see him?"

"If you don't want to give up your son, why did you go there earlier? He abandoned the young master and husband so cruelly at the beginning. Now I know I regret it, but it's too late!"

"The poor young master, he has never seen his mother when he grows up so pitiful!"

Listening to their conversation, Xiaobai's face on one side became more and more ugly, and the hands on his side slowly clenched into fists, suppressing something in pain.

After listening to what they said, the butler who followed them looked very ugly, and said angrily: "Enough, what are you talking about in front of the young master? If there is no hardship, which mother is willing to leave her child behind? ! If you dare to chew the roots of your tongue in front of the young master, be careful that we pull your tongue out! Don't go back and do things soon!"

After being yelled at by the housekeeper, everyone did not dare to say anything, bowed their heads and left one after another.

Just as everyone was about to enter the house, the butler came again with a warning voice, "If any of you dare to tell the sir what happened just now, be careful I tear your mouth! Did you hear that?"

"I heard it!" The servants lighted their heads desperately, and then swarmed in.

For a while, only Xiao Bai and the housekeeper were left outside the wall.

The housekeeper knelt down, looked at Xiao Bai distressedly, and said softly, "Young master, don't listen to them. Your mother is a very good person. She is kind, optimistic, and cheerful. She used to be a very loving couple with her husband. Husband and wife! She doesn't want you, but she has no alternative, you must not hate her for it!"

Xiao Bai said nothing, but looked at the housekeeper quietly, her thin lips pressed into a line.

Seeing Xiaobai not speaking, the housekeeper coaxed patiently: "Young master, let's not talk to your husband about today's matter? After all, it has been five years, shall we let it go?"

"Whatever!" Xiaobai's deep eyes glanced at the housekeeper faintly, then coldly dropped the two words, and entered the house without looking back!

The housekeeper looked at Xiaobai's back and sighed helplessly!

It has been five years, except before the age of two, the young master would always ask where his mother was. Now he doesn't mention anything to his mother, as if his mother is a stranger in his life, without any feelings!

Even now his biological mother is close at hand, he doesn't have the emotions and noises that other children should have, and it seems that he doesn't want this mother at all in his heart!

He doesn't know what the young master thinks, but every time he thinks about the relationship between his wife and the young master, he feels sad for her!

I don’t know when they will officially meet and recognize each other!


The butler sighed helplessly and entered the house too!

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