Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 406: : Great success

<!--The beginning of the chapter content-->The tense seminar lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon. At noon, I just ordered a takeaway for the participants and continued!

Simply, Ye Anxin and the other three teachers performed very well! Especially Teacher Zhou, who is very capable of responding on the spot, which is why she can enter such a key university at a young age!

When the seminar was over, the four of them came out of the building and couldn't help but look back, and then jumped in excitement and cheered together!

Teacher Liu happily said, "I performed well today, everyone will continue to work hard tomorrow!"

Teacher Zhou blinked playfully and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you will succeed! Let's go back and rest now!"

Teacher Xu patted the pounding and thumping beating heart, and said with lingering fears, "Let's go! Let's go back and rest! I have been nervous for several hours, and I feel like I am going to collapse!"

"Let's go! Go back and rest first!" Teacher Liu chuckled, walked to the side of the road, and beckoned to stop a taxi!

The four of them hurriedly went back to the hotel room and fell asleep!


For the three days of the seminar, fortunately, Ye Anxin did not meet Mu Beiting or Yan Qinghan during these three days, and she was able to concentrate on the seminar!

Simply, the seminar went smoothly, and the four of Ye Anxin did not disappoint and won the final victory!

The academic program customized by them has been recognized by everyone and has been successfully adopted.

After the three-day seminar, the four of them returned to the hotel and slept for a long time to relax and relax for the tight nerves of the three days!

Just like what Teacher Liu said, the school really believed it. Because of their success, they specifically approved them for three days off and let them have fun in Jiangcheng for three days. All expenses were reimbursed by the school!

After receiving this news, except for Ye Anxin, the other three people almost all enjoyed it!

Only Ye Anxin, frowning, said with a bored expression, "You guys have fun here, I'm going back first!"

Teacher Zhou took her hand and asked inexplicably, "Why? Jiangcheng is so beautiful, it's rare for us to come here, why don't we have a good time! In the past three days, everyone was very nervous, and many famous scenic spots were gone! I have to go there this time, so I'm so happy! Otherwise, I'm so sorry for the hard work of these three days!"

Ye Anxin's eyes flickered with guilty conscience twice, and she pursed her lips, "But, I really don't want to stay here too much! I'm tired, I just want to go back and have a good rest!"

"Can't we take a long rest today? We are all young people. No matter how tired we are, we will recover after a short rest! What's more, the tiredness of these three days is only the nerves and brain, not the limbs, so it will not hinder the play! Since the four of us are here Come together, then naturally you have to go together! You are not allowed to go first! You must stay and play together!" At the end of the talk, Teacher Zhou almost pulled Ye Anxin into a play.

Ye Anxin's mouth twitched, and he couldn't bear to refuse her.

Teacher Liu also joined the ranks of persuasion, "Teacher Ye, Mr. Zhou is right. Since we come together, we will naturally go together! If you don’t play, what is the fun of staying here? We must go back with you! You can’t For your own sake, let Teacher Zhou go back in defeat!"

"This...this...!" Ye Anxin glanced at the three teachers hesitantly, and when he saw Teacher Zhou's pitiful and pitiful face, he had no choice but to nod his head in agreement.

Hearing this, Teacher Zhou immediately laughed, "Great! Then let's make it! Go back together! Let's not hinder you today, take a good rest! Tomorrow morning, let's go out and play!"

"Good!" Ye Anxin nodded and sent them out of the room.

After they left, Ye Anxin sighed heavily again, picked up his clean pajamas and took a shower in the bathroom, and then lay on the bed to sleep!

I'm nervous these days, and I really didn't rest well! The seminar was introduced, and the nerves that had been tense were finally relaxed!

Ye Anxin almost fell asleep on the bed!

She didn't know how long she had slept, but she knew that she slept very comfortably and peacefully!

Until a noisy phone ring rang in her ears, Ye Anxin first covered her ears irritably and continued to sleep!

But, helplessly, the phone rang too loudly. Whether she was under the quilt or covering her ears, the phone rang like a magic sound, causing her head to be noisy and exploded!

Seeing that it was inevitable, Ye Anxin had to sit up, picked up the phone and glanced at it, not the phone rang! Ye Anxin blinked blindly and listened carefully for a while, only to realize that the landline in the living room was ringing!

Ye Anxin sighed helplessly, walked to the living room sleepily, picked up the microphone and put it to his ear!

"Hey, who!" Although Ye Anxin was talking on the phone, her head was still in a down state, and her thoughts were not completely clear at all.

There was a silly voice on the other end of the phone, "Sister-in-law, it's me!"

After hearing this voice, Ye Anxin's sleepiness disappeared. "It's you! How do you know the phone number of my room?"

Yan Qinghan immediately said triumphantly, "Oh! I'm not a fool, don't you know when you ask at the front desk? The handsome guys like me who love each other, the beautiful women at the front desk are naturally Just tell me!"

Listening to Yan Qinghan's shameless and blatant words, Ye Anxin couldn't help but roll his eyes, and did not say angrily, "You...what are you doing with me?"

"Didn’t I say that I would look for you! I know you are attending an academic seminar in Jincheng. I am afraid that you will be distracted, so I have never looked for you! I waited for your seminar to introduce you, and I will give it to you after I have a good rest. You called!" At this point, Yan Qinghan didn't forget to boast shamelessly, "Am I very considerate?"

Ye Anxin couldn't help rolling his eyes again, "I haven't seen you in five years, you really haven't changed at all!"

"I haven't changed at all, but the little sister-in-law seems to have changed! Not as gentle and understanding as before! The former little sister-in-law always speaks softly, and never speaks to me in this tone!" said In the end, Yan Qinghan turned aggrieved.

Ye Anxin couldn't help but twitched his mouth, speechless for a long time.

Five years! After so many things, she has already learned how to protect herself!

Her heart is still kind and gentle! It's just that there is an extra layer of sharp thorns to protect yourself!

Especially for Yan Qinghan, Mu Beiting's best friend, she instinctively erected a thorn. No matter what the purpose of Yan Qinghan's coming to find herself, she had to guard against his relationship with Mu Beiting!

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