Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 437: : Are you still leaving?

I don't know why, why she always thinks this woman is weird!

Who is she? Why has she never seen her in this villa?

Moreover, she can clearly feel that Xiaobai is special to this woman!

Everyone in the entire villa knows that Xiaobai is not allowed to disturb anyone when he is in class, and even footsteps are not allowed to pass by outside the study!

Today, he not only allowed this woman to come in, but also allowed this woman to stay here and not leave!

This is really a very strange thing!

Could it be that this woman is Xiao Bai's mother?

But after thinking about it, she felt wrong again! In the two years of being a tutor, Xiao Bai never mentioned his mother! She had never heard of the servant in the villa.

She always thought that Xiaobai's mother was either dead, or she left them father and son and ran away with other men!

Thinking of this, Teacher Luo looked at Ye Anxin without a trace!

Upon closer inspection, the two of them did not seem to know each other at all! Xiaobai is exactly the same as his father in both temperament and looks!

The more Teacher Luo thought about it, the more he didn't understand, and the more curious about Ye Anxin's identity.

After class in the morning, as usual, Teacher Luo will stay for lunch, and then take a lunch break in a room specially prepared for her and wait until two o'clock to continue the class.

At lunch time, Teacher Luo sits in his dedicated position, while eating slowly, while casting a curious look at Ye Anxin from time to time.

Ye Anxin was sitting next to Xiaobai, and didn't care about eating by herself. He just kept adding vegetables to Xiaobai's bowl, "Xiaobai, you are now when you are growing up. You must eat more nutritious things! Come on! Come, eat more, eat more!"

Not long after, Xiaobai's bowl became a small hill.

However, even so, Xiao Bai still didn't stop it, and happily accepted Ye Anxin's kindness while pulling rice into his mouth.

Teacher Luo looked at the abnormal Xiaobai and became more curious about Ye Anxin's identity.

The butler on the side saw that Ye Anxin was still endlessly filling the small white bowl with vegetables, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Madam, don't patronize and pick vegetables for the young master! You have to eat it yourself, sir! Having said that, Madam is too skinny and must make up for it!"

After being reminded by the housekeeper, Ye Anxin realized that the vegetables in the little white bowl were already piled up and the white rice was out of sight!

Ye Anxin smiled embarrassedly, nodded, and then began to bow his head to eat.

From sitting on the dining table, Ye Anxin's smile never stopped!

At this moment, she seems to have forgotten all the unpleasant pasts, she just wants to get along with her son happily!

Teacher Luo pointed at Ye Anxin, widened his eyes, and asked in disbelief, "Butler, what did you call her just now? She... Isn't she Xiaobai's mother?"

The housekeeper nodded and said proudly, "Yes! She is the biological mother of the young master, the wife of the husband, and the mistress of this house!"

After listening to the housekeeper's words, Ye An was startled, and it was too late to stop! The housekeeper's words have already been said.

Ye Anxin immediately turned her head to look at Xiaobai!

She was afraid, if Xiaobai knew that she was his mother, he would hate her, blame her, and hate her!

However, she was wrong. After hearing the news, Xiao Bai didn't show any expression on her face, and her face calmly lowered her head and continued eating slowly!

"Ah...she is really Xiaobai's mother!" Teacher Luo was taken aback for a while, obviously surprised by the sudden news.

She didn't expect that she could still see Xiaobai's mother!

Her appearance was really too sudden!

"Yeah!" The butler made no secret of his joy, with a full smile on his face.

Teacher Luo stood up and was busy apologizing to Ye Anxin with embarrassment, "Madam, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a wife just now, so I didn't say hello to you, sorry!"

"It's okay, it's none of your business!" Ye Anxin also hurriedly stood up and responded politely.

Teacher Luo blushed and smiled, and sat down with Ye Anxin to continue eating.

Ye Anxin touched Xiaobai's head, smiled softly, and apologized: "Xiaobai, I'm sorry, for so many years, my mother can't be with you by your side, do you blame me?"

Xiaobai didn't answer, but raised his head to look at Ye Anxin, and asked with a serious face, "Then you are leaving?"

"Uh...!" When asked by Xiaobai, Ye Anxin felt her throat choked and she didn't know how to answer!

She didn't want to go, really didn't want to go, after spending a long time with her son like this, she realized how reluctant she was to bear him!

Five years ago, she thought she killed Su Yuexin and Mu Beiting would not let her go, and would definitely avenge Su Yuexin! That's why she wanted to take Xiaobai to escape from Mu Beiting's clutches and escape from Jincheng!

However, now that Su Yuexin is not dead, she is not convicted of murder!

Thinking about it so carefully, she really wanted to stay like this!


For Mu Beiting, she always had a lump in her heart! There is too much uncertainty!

She still couldn't figure out what he was thinking! She didn't know what she was in his heart! Is it the woman he loves, or a pawn

Besides, she is still pregnant with a child!

What if Mu Beiting snatches the baby from her belly again?

She has too many worries, that's why she falls into this dilemma.

"Huh...!" Seeing Ye Anxin's delay in answering, Xiaobai snorted coldly, dropped the chopsticks in his hand, stood up, and went out of the dining room without looking back, and went directly to the hug.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai!" Seeing Xiaobai running away, Ye An panicked and hurriedly put down his bowl and chopsticks to catch up!

As a result, because of getting up too quickly, her body has not yet stood firm, a dizziness suddenly hit her, making her petite body sway, and she fell back on the chair!

"Madam, what's the matter with you?" The housekeeper and Teacher Luo exclaimed, and hurriedly reached out to support her body, fearing that she would accidentally fall from the chair to the ground.

"I'm okay, I just got up too anxiously, I'm okay!" Ye Anxin shook his head, knowing in his heart that the reason for this symptom was completely a reaction in the early stages of pregnancy!

Pregnant with this child is completely different from pregnant with Xiaobai!

When I was pregnant with Xiaobai, I was in good health, eating and sleeping well, without any pregnancy reaction!

But pregnant with this child is different!

My body is always weak, and I never sleep enough. I feel uncomfortable in my stomach every morning when I get up, but it's just uncomfortable. So far, no morning sickness has occurred!

The doctor said that when she gave birth to her first child, her body was not well regulated, so her physique deteriorated, and now she has anemia during pregnancy!

In addition, she hadn't eaten lunch just now, and she felt dizzy when she couldn't support her body.

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