Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 441: : The truth of the year

<!--The beginning of the chapter content--> Ye Anxin was puzzled by Yan Qinghan's words: "Protect me? What do you mean?"

Because she really couldn't figure it out, with Mu Beiting's ability, who else could threaten him and let him protect Su Yuexin in order to protect herself.

Yan Qinghan sat on the sofa leisurely, picking up the nails, blowing on the nail chips, and said slowly, "You don't know about this! From beginning to end, Su Yuexin was just being used as a gun. She is right to harm you, but with her IQ, how could she come up with a series of schemes to harm you! There is someone behind her! And this talent is the culprit!"

"There is someone behind her? Who is it?" Shocked by the sudden truth, Ye Anxin felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and couldn't react in a daze.

Yan Qinghan didn't answer her words, she narrowed her beautiful eyes and smiled into a line. When the conversation turned, she suddenly asked, "Little sister-in-law, do you know where Su Yuexin is now? You keep saying that Mu Beiting loves Su Yuexin. Why did you leave for five years, but he did not agree to divorce or marry what he called "true love"?"

Ye Anxin followed Yan Qinghan's words and asked, "Where is she?"

Yup! Since the last time she heard Su Yuexin in Yan Qinghan's mouth, she only knew that she was not dead, but she never thought about why she had been to Jincheng so many times, and she had never seen Su Yuexin in Mu's villa!

If five years ago, as Su Yuexin said, Mu Beiting only loved her from beginning to end, why didn't he marry her during the time she was away?

From the beginning to the end, she had never thought about this issue, but got into a dead end to escape Mu Beiting and couldn't get out.

Yan Qinghan smiled and said, "Of course she is in jail! In the past five years, in order to avenge your child, I have worked hard! So, you must compensate me well! Otherwise, I am too sorry. Up!"

"In jail? How could she be in jail?" Ye Anxin asked in a daze, looking at Mu Beiting who was drunk and unconscious.

Yan Qinghan raised his eyebrows and said naturally, "Why do you still ask? Because of your uncle! Su Yuexin was instigated by someone at the beginning, and you fight with you to death and life! That person deliberately wanted you to and Su Yuexin Competing for her is a good fisherman and profiting, in the final analysis, you and Su Yuexin are just used by her! Do you think your uncle is a stupid? He won't see the strangeness! The reason why he sheltered Su Yuexin , It’s just to lead people behind the scenes to show the fox tail! Too many things have happened in the past five years, and Mu Beiting has also paid a lot for you! Otherwise, you think that with your uncle’s ability, you won’t know you are going Where's it? He has your whereabouts and the latest news from start to finish! Do you think, why in the past five years, he knew where you were but didn't look for you! That's because he wants to give you something without any worries Home! So, in these five years, he solved all the troubles for you! He also took revenge for you and your first child! As early as two years ago, Su Yuexin was sent to prison! , Because you are not in Jincheng, so I don't know it!"

Ye Anxin couldn't say: "Is that really the case? In that case, why doesn't he come to me and pick me back? Didn't explain to me clearly?"

Yan Qinghan smiled and asked, "How do you know that he has not been to you? Do you think that without his acquiescence, you can really watch Xiao Bai secretly?"

Ye Anxin pointed to Mu Beiting and said inconceivably, "You mean, he arranged everything!"

"Of course! Sister-in-law, don’t you think, from the first time you met Xiaobai face to face, Xiaobai was strange to you? A mother who has not seen each other for five years, don’t you think Xiaobai is too calm Yet?"

Ye Anxin's eyes widened, and she said in shock: "You mean that Xiaobai knows me from beginning to end? He also knows that I often hide in the dark to peek at him?"

Yup! After Yan Qinghan said so, she suddenly woke up!

When Xiaobai was sick, she kept Xiaobai sober!

When Xiao Bai saw her at the time, he was really too calm, it didn't look like a stranger at all!

It turned out that Xiaobai knew her mother from beginning to end, and knew that she had been hiding in the dark to watch him secretly!

Seeing that Ye Anxin was still confused and puzzled, Yan Qinghan sighed and said helplessly: "Little sister-in-law, it's not that I said you! Don't you know your uncle yet? Your uncle has always been arrogant. I'm used to it! From the beginning, you didn't trust him first, and you still took your children to run with other men! Do you think, as a possessive man, he can stand it? Why didn't he go to find You? That’s because he thinks you don’t believe him from beginning to end, he is complaining about you, he thinks everything is your fault! He wants you to come back and bow your head to admit your mistakes! So, he is waiting, waiting for you to know your mistakes , Wait for you to come back willingly! Little sister-in-law, your uncle’s thinking logic has always been weird, you can’t look at it with ordinary eyes! Why do you still don’t understand him now! Do you remember what I told you back then? Say let you warm him, let him be happy from the heart, let you understand him with your heart, and care about him! As a disappointed me too much! To be honest, I blamed you and blamed you at the beginning He hurt him so deeply! But what can you do if you blame you? After all, he can't let you go! In fact, Mu Beiting has done a lot for you over the past five years! It's just that you have not seen it!"

After Yan Qinghan finished speaking, Ye Anxin only felt a sore nose and his eyes were red!

Yan Qinghan continued, "Sister-in-law, anyway, your heart is Su Yuexin! In fact, from the beginning to the end, Su Yuexin is not a threat to you at all, but you have always regarded her as your imaginary rival! Now! , She has been punished and will never threaten you again, and Mu Beiting has also avenged you! Should you untie the knot of Mu Beiting?"

Ye Anxin just lowered her head, her eyes were red, and her teeth bit her lower lip without speaking.

Yan Qinghan continued, "I don't know how much Mu Beiting was stimulated today. I have been drinking from the afternoon until now! You know, Mu Beiting is notoriously cold-blooded and ruthless. There is nothing in the world. Things will make him drink and sorrow! And, he is not drunk in the famous thousand glasses in the market! He was so drunk today! This is enough to prove how distressed he is at this time! I think, if only one Su Yichen alone shouldn't let him lose control so much! As for why, I don't want to know! I just want you to think carefully and ask your own heart whether Mu Beiting is worth your love!"

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