Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 479: : Wait for my order

Xue Rong pursed her lips and said with a vow: "Our southern family has a big family, and you are afraid that we may not get away! Don't worry, if you really bring Ye Anxin back to the southern family , Five million and one penny will not lose you! If I give you a deposit now, what do you do if you go back? We have been in business for a lifetime, and we will never make a loss-making business!"

Father Ye lowered his head and thought about it for a while, then he reluctantly nodded and agreed, "Well, I believe you, you will not ruin the reputation of the Nan family for the mere five million! You wait for me, wait for me. An Xin sent it back to Nan's house, and then gave me all five million points!" He said, standing up and preparing to leave.

"Wait...!" However, Father Ye had just stood up, and Xue Rong called out again.

Father Ye turned around, did not sit down, but stood up and asked, "What are you doing?"

Xue Rong played with the coffee cup in her hand and said, "You said just now, Ye Anxin has a stubborn personality, as long as she decides things, no one can change! You think you are really sure to let her leave her mother. Go back to the strange South home?"

Father Ye frowned and asked puzzledly, "What do you mean by this?"

Xue Rong said meaningfully: "I mean, instead of wasting time, let's think of a way! Ye Anxin returns to Nanjia one day earlier, and you can get your five million yuan one day earlier, don't you think? "

Hearing that, Father Ye sat down again and asked expectantly, "Do you have any way to get her back to Nanjia!"

Xue Rong raised her eyebrows, and said proudly: "Of course! As long as you listen to me, I'm sure I can get her back to Nanjia in the shortest time!"

After hearing what Xue Rong said, Father Ye kept nodding, and said excitedly: "Well, well, as long as she can return to Nanjia, no matter what I want to do, I am willing!"

Xue Rong grinned and said, "I really want anything? My method will make Ye An hate you!"

Father Ye waved his hand and said indifferently: "She is not my own person. It doesn't matter whether you hate me or not, I don't care! What I care about is the five million! As long as you can get five million, she hates me anyway! "

"Okay!" Xue Rong nodded in satisfaction, opened the bag, took out a business card and handed it to Father Ye, "There is my phone number on it, we keep in touch! As for how to get Ye Anxin back to South Home, I will tell you on the phone!"

"Good, good!" Father Ye nodded, took out his mobile phone, entered Xue Rong's phone number into it, and dialed.

After a while, the phone Xue Rong put in her bag rang.

Xue Rong took out his cell phone, hung up, and then saved Ye's father's cell phone number into the phone.

Xue Rong put her mobile phone back in her bag and began to order the eviction, "Okay, the phone has been reserved, you can go! When I plan everything, I will take the initiative to call you!"

"Okay! Then I'm leaving first! I'll wait for your call 24 hours!" With that, Father Ye stood up and left contentedly.

Xue Rong sat there, looking at the back of Ye Father's departure, her eyes narrowed, the corners of her mouth slightly hooked, and a sneer appeared.

Want to go back to Nanjia? no way!

Everything in the Nan family belongs to her daughter Jian Si! Even if Jane died ten years ago, this thing must never fall into the hands of others!

She will never let anyone take away everything that should belong to her daughter!

Do you want to go back to Nan's house? Then I will let you go back to the South home without life!

Thinking of this, Xue Rong's eyes flashed with cold light, and the hand holding the coffee cup gradually increased his strength, as if she was about to smash the coffee cup abruptly.


After meeting Xue Rong in the capital, Father Ye returned to Jincheng without mentioning the matter of going to the capital!

And Ye Mu never cared about Ye Father's whereabouts, she didn't even have the thought of asking!

Since a long time ago, she had no interest in his way!

Ye mother didn't ask, Ye father was naturally happy, holding his mobile phone every day, waiting for Xue Rong's call.

The past three days in a blink of an eye!

Neither Ye Mu nor Ye Anxin knew anything about Ye's father seeing Xue Rong.

On this day, the weather was clear, and Ye Anxin asked Yueyue to go shopping together because it was about to start autumn, and wanted to buy some clothes for Xiaobai and Mu Beiting for autumn.

Since Tiantian and Tiantian went to school, Ling Yueyue was also bored at home, so she readily agreed to Ye Anxin's invitation.

After the two had breakfast at their respective homes, they met at the gate of Jincheng's largest shopping mall!

Because of Ye Anxin's current pregnancy, Ling Yueyue took care of her very carefully throughout the whole process, fearing that she might accidentally move her fetus.

Ye Anxin took Ling Yueyue's arm, while shopping slowly, and asked curiously, "Yueyue, it has been five years, you have given birth to Huo Yunmo, when will you give birth to another one? Son!"

When Ling Yueyue heard the words, she was even visibly taken aback, twitching the corners of her mouth, and grudgingly said: "Isn't there a day? Why do you want so many sons!"

Never noticed that Ling Yueyue was the same, Ye Anxin pulled out the clothes hanging on the hangers, and said, "It's a day! But how lively the kids are at home! I think Huo Yunmo must also want you to help him again. Give birth to one?"

Ling Yueyue lowered her head and was silent for a while before she was slightly disappointed and said: "Actually, soon after giving birth to Tiantian, I was pregnant with a child! It's's just...I'm not capable, I couldn't keep it!"

Hearing this from Ling Yueyue's mouth for the first time, Ye Anxin was taken aback and asked inconceivably: "What? Have you ever been pregnant with one?"

"Yes! I was pregnant with one! However, something happened at that time, and there was a little accident, and the baby was not saved! After that miscarriage, I hurt my body and I have never been pregnant again! Actually, I I also want to give birth to another child for my Mr. Huo, even if it is not a son or a daughter! However, we have never used contraception for five years, but we have never conceived it! I think, maybe I am destined to have only one child in this life. One!" Ling Yueyue lowered her head in sorrow! Although five years have passed, she is still sad every time she thinks of the child who was never born!

Looking at her expression, Ye Anxin realized that she had said the wrong thing. She accidentally exposed the scar in Yueyue's heart, and said guiltily: "Yueyue, I'm sorry, I was unintentional! I...I I don't know these things about you, sorry!"

Not wanting to make Ye Anxin feel guilty, Ling Yueyue raised her head, smiled and patted Ye Anxin's shoulder, pretending to be relaxed: "It's okay! In this life, how can you live as you wish! Just like you and your uncle, no? It took five years to be together with all the hardship and contentment? I think that when people have bitterness in their life, they know the sweetness! I am very satisfied with the status quo! Although every day is not my own, we have a very good relationship. In his heart, he has already treated me Be a biological mother! I have children and daughters, so content!"

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