Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 485: : Engagement does not necessarily require marriage

Ye Mu sighed and said helplessly: "If he really repents, of course I will be happy! If you are married, you can't stay with me at home every day. I am alone at home every day. If he is willing to repent and stay with me, of course I will be happy! As he said just now, we will only have 20 years, and we have not had a happy day in the first 50 years. In the next 20 years, I also hope to be able to Live comfortably!"

Father Ye hurriedly nodded and promised, "Don't worry, I will treat you well in the future! Never do anything that makes you sad and disappointed again!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin smiled and said, "Mom, let's trust Dad once! How nice the family is happily!"

Ye Mother glanced at Ye Father faintly, and saw that Ye Father was flattering from beginning to end, so she didn't say anything.

Seeing that they finally believed in their repentance, Father Ye hurriedly said with a smile, "Relax! Why did you come here alone? What about Xiaobai? You don't know how much your mother has missed Xiaobai in the past five years. Sit with him for a meal, and get together! Don’t talk about your mother, I’m thinking hard!"

Speaking of Xiaobai, Ye Anxin lowered his head and said apologetically: "Mom, I'm sorry, I told Xiaobai last night, Xiaobai didn't agree!" Then, afraid of his parents' misunderstanding, he hurriedly explained, "Mom. Don’t get me wrong. The reason why Xiaobai didn’t agree is because he has never seen you before and is unfamiliar with you! He is afraid of life, so he has to take his time, let him know you first, not in a hurry! very!"

Seeing Ye Anxin's nervous look, Mother Ye sighed and comforted: "I know, I understand! Although I haven't spoken to Xiaobai, I've seen him secretly with you! That child's I know his character. He is just like his dad, withdrawn and unsocial! He has never seen my grandmother before, and it is normal for him to reject me! I am not in a hurry, let’s take it slow, you don’t have to worry, I won’t blame Yours!"

After hearing this, Ye Anxin finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Mom, thank you for your understanding! I came here to talk to you specifically about this! I'm afraid you will be sad and will misunderstand Xiao Bai!"

Mother Ye smiled and said, "Is Mom such an unreasonable person? Since you are here today, please stay and have a meal! The three of us have not been sitting together for a meal for a long time!"

Ye Anxin readily agreed, "Okay! I will cook with you!"

"Yeah!" Ye Mu nodded, put on her apron, and went into the kitchen with Ye Anxin and started to work.

Father Ye followed up again, lying at the door, smiling and asking, "Do you need my help?"

Ye Mu shook her head, "No, go watch TV! The kitchen is small, so there are so many people!"

"Okay! Then please speak up if you have any instructions, I'll just sit in the living room!" Father Ye nodded, obediently returning to the living room sofa to turn on the TV.

At the moment the sound of the TV sounded, the corners of his mouth rose instantly, and a trace of triumph flashed through his eyes.

After a while, the phone in my pocket vibrated!

Father Ye secretly glanced at the kitchen, hurriedly took out his mobile phone, clicked on the message, and after seeing the contents of the message clearly, he quickly deleted it. Then he looked at the kitchen again, saw that they hadn't come out, smiled and put the phone back in his pants pocket.

In the kitchen, Ye Mu and Ye Anxin stood together to sort out the vegetables. Ye Anxin put his head close to Ye Mu's ear and whispered, "Mom, do you think Dad seems to be completely different?"

Ye Mu nodded and said in a low voice, "Yes! It's a complete reincarnation. If it's not the same appearance, I thought he was fake! I'm not used to it these days!"

Ye Anxin sighed and said with a smile, "It's okay, just get used to it! I think it doesn't matter as long as Dad is willing to reform and rehabilitate! I just want him to treat mom better in the future, don’t stop. Just let Mom follow the hardship!"

"Yeah! I hope he can keep going! Don't be hot for three minutes!" Ye Mu nodded, the corners of her mouth were slightly enough, and her eyes couldn't hide her satisfaction and smile.

Looking at Ye Mu's expression, Ye Anxin smiled contentedly! She knew that her mother was also happy for her father's change!

In fact, her mother is really a good woman! She is also an easily satisfied woman! Marry such a husband and raise her alone!

Having lived for fifty years, I really haven't had a happy day!

If father is really good to mother in the future, then mother's life will be much better in the future.

Ye Anxin chats with Ye mother casually, and cooks while chatting!

After lunch, Ye Anxin stood up and prepared to leave.

Seeing that Ye Anxin was about to leave, Ye's father hurriedly stood up, "Anxin, are you leaving? Don't stay a while?"

"No! I promise Xiaobai will go back soon!" Ye Anxin shook his head and put on his backpack.

"That's good! Xiaobai is still a kid, everything depends on him, be careful on the road!" As he said, he walked to the door and opened the door for Ye Anxin.

"Then I'll go first! I'll see you again when I have time!" Ye Anxin smiled and waved, then turned and left.

After Ye Anxin left, Father Ye closed the door, and the moment the door closed, his eyes were stained with disdain!

Wait, his good day is coming! He can finally exhale!

Ye Mu didn't notice Ye Father's strangeness at all, and went back to the dining room alone to start packing up the dishes.


Ye Anxin hugged him, and as soon as he got into the commercial vehicle, the cell phone in his pants pocket rang.

Ye Anxin took out his mobile phone, glanced at the caller ID, and saw that it was Yan Qinghan's call, so he answered the call!

As soon as the phone was connected, Yan Qinghan's silly voice rang on the other side of the phone, "Hey! Sister-in-law! What are you doing now? Are you free?"

Ye Anxin asked indifferently, "Is there something wrong?"

Yan Qinghan smiled and said, "Is there time on Saturday? My baby said he wants to go camping, let me call you together!"

"Camping?" Ye Anxin raised his eyebrows, and an idea began to appear in his mind.

Yan Qinghan nodded and couldn't wait to say: "Yes! Camping! Call Huo Yunmo, Qingshi, and the stars together! No one stays, just our five families!"

"Mr. Gu, too? Then Ms. Ruan is going too!" When Yan Qinghan mentioned Gu Xingchen, Ye Anxin immediately remembered Ruan Zhitong who was engaged to Gu Xingchen.

It's been five years, they must have been married, right?

Guessing what Ye Anxin was up to, Yan Qinghan hurriedly explained with a smile, "Oh! You think too much! Mrs. Gu is Lin Shengxia, not Ruan Zhitong! Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with Ruan Zhitong!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin couldn't help but breathe in an air-conditioner, and said unbelievably, "Lin Shengxia? Isn't Mr. Gu engaged to Ruan Zhitong?"

Yan Qinghan retorted with a smile, "Who told you that you must get married if you get engaged?"

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