Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 507: : In the coma

The table is full of dishes they usually like to eat! There are also dishes that Ye Anxin likes after pregnancy, such as sweet and sour pork ribs, fish-flavored pork shreds and other sweet and sour foods!

Seeing these foods, Ye Anxin's appetite immediately opened up, holding the tableware and eating directly!

After they started eating, Father Ye walked into the kitchen contentedly and said to Mother Ye, "Old lady, come out to eat too! After they have eaten, I will serve them again! You have been tired all morning. , Go out and have a rest!" As he said, she pulled her mother out of the kitchen without waiting for Ye Mu's reaction.

Ye Mu didn't say anything, she took off her apron and went out of the kitchen. She sat down in the position she had been sitting on, picked up the dishes and ate, and smiled and said, "What you cook today is your favorite dishes. Eat! Have some soup after eating! I have stewed a lot, if you don’t give me all to drink today, no one will want to leave!"

Ling Yueyue patted her chest, and said with great pride: "I see! We must drink it all for you!"

Ye Mother nodded contentedly, then lowered her head and started eating!

Father Ye sat on the main seat and said nothing, just ate silently! While eating, they quietly observed the actions of Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue.

When they finished their bowl of rice, they immediately grabbed their bowls and chopsticks, smiled and said, "Should you eat or drink soup?"

Ye Anxin said without hesitation, "Eat! It's been a long time since I have eaten my mother's food, I feel so delicious!"

"Okay! Sit down and I will serve you!" As he said, he stood up and went to the kitchen to serve Ye Anxin another bowl of rice!

After a meal, I saw Father Ye rushing in and out, serving them with rice and soup at the same time. Almost all three of them contracted the job of serving meals!

Because she was in a good mood, even Ye Mu, who had always had a small appetite, ate a whole bowl of rice and then drank a big bowl of soup!

Ling Yueyue and Ye Anxin also had a great appetite. Each of them ate two bowls of rice and then drank two bowls of soup until their stomachs were bulging, and they almost broke. They then wiped them with a tissue to their satisfaction. Wipe the corners of your mouth!

Ling Yueyue touched her bulging belly and said with satisfaction: "It's so delicious, it feels like I haven't eaten such a delicious thing in a long time!"

Mother Ye smiled and said, "If you like it, come here often! Anyway, the two of us are still at home and have nothing to do. You guys are more lively!"

Ling Yueyue said unceremoniously when she heard the words: "It must be certain, I will come here with peace of mind when I have time!" However, as soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a little dizzy in her head and her vision became a little blurred.

Ling Yueyue lowered her head, pressed her temples hard, and rubbed her eyes! However, not only did the situation not get better, but his head became even more faint, and the three figures in front of him kept shaking, turning into many others.

Realizing her strangeness, Ye Anxin asked caringly, "Yueyue, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know what's going on, why did I suddenly feel that my head is so dizzy! Eyelids are so heavy!" Ling Yueyue shook her head vigorously, trying to make her head more sober. However, the more you shake, the more dizzy your head!

"Yueyue...!" Upon seeing this, Ye Anxin stood up and wanted to help her get up, but as soon as she got up, she fell down on the stool again!

"I... my head is so dizzy!" Ye Anxin shook his head vigorously and kept rubbing his eyes.

Ling Yueyue looked at Ye Anxin with concern, but at this time Ye Anxin had turned into countless ways in her eyes, swaying in front of her alternately!

Gradually, Ling Yueyue finally realized something strange!

She... She is not sick, but drugged!


Is it what you just ate?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly looked at Ye father and Ye mother!

As a result, as soon as her eyes swept to Ye Mu's place, Ye Mu closed her eyes and lay down on the table faintly!

Seeing Mother Ye fainted, Ling Yueyue suddenly realized everything. She hurriedly looked at Father Ye and asked weakly, "Uncle, it's you...Is it you? You put medicine in the meal, why did you take it? Do this?"

After listening to Ling Yueyue's words, Ye Anxin looked at her father incredible!

I saw Father Ye sit on the main seat as steady as Mount Tai, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said triumphantly: "My goal is not you, it's you who have to send it home! I tell you, no one can stop my path to wealth! This I will make a certain amount of money!"

Ye Anxin asked, "What's the money?"

Father Ye raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "What is the money? Of course it is from the Nan family! The Nan family said, as long as I am willing to send you back to the Nan family, they will give me five million! With these five million, I can live without any worries in my life! If it weren't for the five million dollars, why do you think I would be so good to your oil bottle?"

Ye Anxin said incredulously: "It turns turns out that you pretended to be all this time! Have you planned for a long time?"

Father Ye said of course: "Of course! I have raised a daughter for the Nan family for more than 20 years for nothing, I always have to get something in return! Otherwise, would I not be too bad!"

" are shameless...!" Ye Anxin said the last three words sadly and couldn't hold back the medicine anymore, and passed out!

"You...!" Ling Yueyue supported her with a strong consciousness until she took out her mobile phone from her pants pocket, but before she could turn on the mobile phone to make a call, she also fainted on the table!

Ye Anxin sat at the main seat of the dining table, looked at the three women who had passed out in front of him, and sneered disdainfully, then stood up and walked to the door and opened the door!

The moment the door opened, Xue Rong, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, walked in slowly. When she saw the three women who had passed out, she smiled triumphantly and took out a check from her wallet and handed it to Father Ye. , "Very well done, these five million are your reward! Take these five million and go far, don't show up in front of me again!"

Father Ye glanced at the number on the cheque, saw that there was no problem, put it in his pocket, and pleased: "This is natural, I will leave Jincheng immediately! I gave you Mu Beiting's most beloved woman, he I won’t let me go! I’m not running for my life now, are you still waiting for him to catch it! I’ll leave now, and there will be no deadline!” He said, walked to the room and put the account book and passport that had been prepared long ago He went into his pants pocket, waved to Xue Rong, and left without looking back.

After Ye's father left, the four men who followed Xue Rong came in from the outside. One of the men with a mole on the corner of his mouth said first, "Boss, what should we do now?"

Xue Rong walked to the dining table, walked around the dining table, and looked at all the three people who were in a coma. After a moment of contemplation, he ordered: "Take all three of them!"

[PS: Don’t worry, everyone! Working hard to save the manuscript, it will be updated! When the manuscript is enough, it will explode! Feel free to recommend the pet essay of Meng Xiaoli, a good friend of Tutu, "Love and Sultry: Chu Shao, Be Light" is very beautiful! I watched it all the way! Friends who like pet texts can take a look, move your little finger to collect it! (*^__^*)】

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