Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 551: :Investigate clearly

After listening to Ye Anxin's words, A Qing suddenly felt uneasy, "Miss Ye, something wrong?"

Knowing that what he said just now had reached A Qing, Ye Anxin hurriedly explained: "It's okay, I just care about my mother purely! Just do what I say! It's okay, don't be afraid!"

A Qing nodded, "Okay! I will do everything as the lady ordered!"

"Thank you! My mother will have to ask you more in the future!" As he said, he hung up with A Qing.

Not long after the call was hung up, I received a message on the SMS. There was nothing on the message, only a string of numbers!

Ye Anxin was about to dial this series of numbers, and stopped as soon as she clicked a number. After thinking for a while, she stood up and walked into the house, asked the housekeeper for a mobile phone, and dialed it with the housekeeper's mobile phone.

She knew in her heart that if this man is really Nan Mingchuan, or if her mother is really with him, as long as she uses her mobile phone to call, she will help! Mom must know that she already knew about them!

In order not to stun the snake, she chose to use the housekeeper's cell phone to dial.

After the phone rang a few more times, it was connected, and a low male voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hey, this is Nan Mingchuan, who are you?"

The reason why Ye Anxin called was only to confirm whether the owner of this number was her biological father!

Now that the call is connected, there is no doubt who the person on the other end is!

That said, her mother was really with Nan Mingchuan, and... and something she was afraid of had happened!

A woman suddenly changed her dress and her face to look radiant. It seemed that she was in love!

So, her mother once again fell under the love offensive of Nan Mingchuan?

Seeing that Ye Anxin didn't speak, Nan Mingchuan on the other end of the phone fed again, "Hey...hey...!"

At this moment, Ye Anxin couldn't hear anything and hung up the phone in despair.

The autumn wind blew, and Ye Anxin's hair was blown, she was holding the phone tightly in her hand, thinking seriously.

At this moment, a deep and hoarse voice rang in the ear, "What do you think?"

Ye Anxin raised his head and looked at Mu Beiting standing in front of him, "Uncle, aren't you working with Pete in the study? Why did you come out?"

Mu Beiting sat down on the cradle beside Ye Anxin, hugged her into his arms, and said warmly, "I'll come out and see you! What's wrong with you? What are you thinking about? Why are you not in your mind?"

Ye Anxin bit her lower lip with her teeth and hesitated for a while before she said, "Uncle, can I ask you something?"

Mu Beiting said lightly, "Say!"

Ye Anxin said worriedly, "Go find someone to investigate my mother’s recent situation! I suspect that my mother has reconciled with my biological father! I don’t want my mother to repeat the same mistakes. I don’t want my mother to be a junior and destroy Xue Rong’s Marriage! Although she is my mother, in the final analysis, Xue Rong is also a poor woman! Her husband's heart is not on her, and her daughter is dead again. Now my dad is the only relative to her, if my mother takes it away again My dad, I am afraid that she will not be able to endure the collapse, and I am even more afraid that she will do things to hurt my mother in madness!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting frowned and his eyes seemed to be contemplating something.

"I just called Aunt Qing! Aunt Qing said, my mother and my dad have been better for a few days! Uncle, can you understand me, right? You must help me!" Holding Mu Beiting's arm, she looked at him expectantly.

Mu Beiting stared at Ye Anxin with deep eyes, and suddenly said, "Why are you preventing them from being together? What will happen to you if someone wants to separate us one day?"

"...!" Ye Anxin was taken aback for a moment. For a moment he didn't understand the meaning of Mu Beiting's words just now, but after careful attention, he immediately figured it out and said hurriedly: "Uncle, we are husband and wife, we love each other. Naturally, if others force us to separate us, it is their fault! There is nothing wrong with loving each other, but there must be a moral bottom line. If there is no even the most basic moral bottom line, it is to do harm to others in the name of true love. Things, this is not tolerated by the world! People can't be so selfish, just care about their own feelings, ignore the feelings of those around them, and violate their promises!"

Mu Beiting stared at Ye Anxin's earnest and clear eyes, as if thinking seriously about the meaning of her words.

Ye Anxin patiently explained, “It’s right for my dad and my mom to fall in love, but their fault lies in the fact that their happiness is based on other people’s pain! If my dad knew my mom without getting married , Then they will be blessed by everyone together! But, my dad has an original partner, Xue Rong has paid a lot for my dad! Even if my dad has no affection for her, he still can’t change their husband and wife. My dad is marrying Xue Rong’s oath was made at the time! To blame, we can only blame God’s will to make people known, let them know too late! What's more, without Xue Rong, my dad would never have met my mom in this life! So, There is a certain number in the dark!"

She knew that in the concept of the uncle, there are only love and no love, there is nothing to love, and nothing to love!

He has always been arbitrarily accustomed to it, and he feels that love is right! However, this idea of ​​his was originally wrong!

She didn't want her mother to be infamy all her life.

Mu Beiting was silent for a while before saying: "I understand! I will send someone to deal with it!"

Ye Anxin thoughtfully said: "Well! I can't go to my mother until this matter is confirmed. My mother has worked hard for me in this life, and I can't hurt her for something that hasn't been confirmed yet. Heart! So, uncle, trouble you! Please go help me find out the matter, and when it is confirmed that it is true, I will talk to my mother! No matter what, I can't let my mother go the wrong way!"

"Okay!" Mu Beiting faintly responded, touched her head, and said warmly: "I'll go up and let Pete do it! Don't think about it, maybe things are not as bad as you think!"

Ye Anxin smiled and said obediently: "I know! I won't think about it until things are not determined!"

"Yeah! Then I'm going in!" Mu Beiting nodded, and ran his slender fingers across Ye Anxin's white and soft face. His deep eyes gave her a deep look before he got up and left.

Seeing Mu Beiting's back, Ye An couldn't help closing his eyes, praying silently in his heart, hoping that she really was thinking too much, and things weren't what she thought! Maybe this is just a misunderstanding!

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