Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 823: : Hikusei

"Maybe!" Li Qingyang nodded, and did not continue the topic!

Although this topic did not continue, the woman I met outside the bathroom just now couldn't be lingered in her mind!

She even overlapped that woman and Ye Anxin for a while!

If you say you look alike, that's fine, the key is that the temperament of the body is exactly the same! Is there such a coincidence?

Just when Li Qingyang was puzzled, his arm was suddenly hit by someone. Ye Anxin looked down at Xiao Bai who hit his arm, and Xiao Bai pointed to a short distance ahead.

Ye Anxin followed Xiaobai's finger and saw Mu Beiting standing on the beach not far away with a gloomy face!

Ye Anxin only then remembered that Mu Beiting was here, smiled at Mu Beiting, pointed to where Mu Beiting was standing, and hurriedly said to Su Yichen and Li Qingyang, "By the way, Sister Qingyang, I forgot to introduce you. That's my husband Mu Beiting!"

Su Yichen and Li Qingyang followed Ye Anxin's fingers! When they saw the men who were obviously bathed in the sun but with a gloomy expression of terror, they all shuddered, and then walked towards where Mu Beiting was standing!

Ye Anxin hurriedly pulled Xiaobai up from the sea and walked towards Mu Beiting together.

Su Yichen walked up to Mu Beiting and politely extended a hand to him, "Mr Mu, long time no see!"

Mu Beiting pursed his thin lips and glanced at Ye Anxin with his gloomy eyes! Perceiving Mu Beiting's sight, Ye Anxin clasped his hands together, begging.

Upon seeing this, Mu Beiting's eyes flickered, and he was about to stretch out his hand to hold it back. However, Xiao Chuyi took the lead and slapped Su Yichen's outstretched palm.

Everyone didn't expect this to happen suddenly in the first day of the junior high school, nor did they expect that a three-month-old child could have such a precise head. All of a sudden, he waved to Su Yichen's palm and couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing everyone laugh, Xiaochuyi also laughed along with it! With the small mouth lined up, the saliva flowed down the corner of the mouth.

Li Qingyang asked enviously, "An Xin, is this your daughter? What's her name?"

Ye Anxin said with a smile, "My name is Mu Lianxin, and my nickname is the first day of the day!"

"First grade? How do you call this nickname?" Li Qingyang and Su Yichen looked at Ye Anxin with wonder.

Ye Anxin blushed and said embarrassingly, "Because she was born on time at 12 o'clock in the morning on the first day of the Chinese New Year, so I gave her such a nickname!"

"Oh! That's it! Can you give me a hug?" Li Qingyang looked at Ye Anxin expectantly.

"Of course!" Ye Anxin nodded, and under Mu Beiting's gloomy gaze, he took Xiao Chuyi out of his arms and handed it to Li Qingyang.

Li Qingyang's expression moved, and he hurriedly reached out to take it, and hugged him tightly.

When Xiao Chuyi, who was a little acquainted, arrived in Li Qingyang's arms, he was not noisy, but drooled, and kept rubbing into Li Qingyang's arms.

Seeing that Li Qingyang likes children so much, Ye Anxin teased: "Sister Qingyang, if you like it, then you should have one as soon as possible! Brother Su is so old, he should have a child of his own!"

After listening to her words, Li Qingyang's originally sunny little face couldn't help being dyed with a layer of shadow, and his eyes couldn't hide his loneliness.

Looking at her expression, Ye An was startled, and when he realized that he had failed, he blushed and became embarrassed.

Knowing that Li Qingyang remembered the unhappy things in the past, Su Yichen put her in his arms and said softly: "Things are over, we will have children of our own one day!"

"Yeah!" Li Qingyang nodded in despair! When the sad little face saw the innocent and innocent smiling face of Xiao Chuyi in his arms, all the haze was suddenly swept away, and he couldn't help but play with it.

Listening to their conversations and looking at their expressions, Ye Anxin knew that not only a lot of things had happened between her and her uncle, but also a lot of things had happened between Brother Su and Sister Qingyang! Otherwise, Qing Yang, who has always been conscious of being a strong woman, would not show such a sad expression.

Seeing them standing on the beach and chatting endlessly, Xiao Bai pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "Okay, let's come out to play. Will we play anymore? It will be dark if we don't play!"

"Okay, I'll accompany you down to play! Brother Su, Sister Qingyang, you will play with Xiaobai for a while first, and I will play with Xiaobai!" He said, waved at them and went to sea with Xiaobai again .

Even if Li Qingyang was holding the first year of junior high school, Mu Beiting was still worried, staying by his side, and did not go to sea with Ye Anxin and Xiaobai!

On the contrary, Su Yichen is always trying to find a topic to chat with Mu Beiting, but Mu Beiting is in a lack of interest from beginning to end! In the end, Su Yichen asked himself to be boring, and played with Li Qingyang in the first year of the junior high school in his arms!

When everyone played their own way and had a great time playing, a thin figure was standing behind the coconut tree not far away, staring intently at Ye Anxin, who was playing with Xiaobai in the sea. .

The slender fingers touched the coconut tree next to him unconsciously, and then slowly tightened! Because of the forceful transition, the white fingers accidentally cut a long slender hole on the coconut tree, and bright red blood flowed down between the fingers and the coconut tree.

But she didn't realize it, her sanity was being eroded by jealousy and hatred.

why? Why is Ye Anxin so happy? This happiness obviously belongs to her! If she was willing to cherish it and stayed desperately at the beginning, no one would get her Ye Anxin.

Seven years of precipitation, seven years of tolerance, now is the time for her to recapture everything!

She must find her own happiness, she will take back everything that should belong to her!


After swimming in the daytime, at night, Ye Anxin offered to have a barbecue in the garden outside the holiday house!

Because Mu Beiting was holding the child, and Li Qingyang was a daughter since childhood. Apart from business matters, he knew nothing about the rest, so Ye Anxin and Su Yichen prepared the food while Li Qingyang fiddled with the grill, and Xiao Bai was responsible for it. Put the tableware.

After the whole barbecue, except for Mu Beiting's straight face, the atmosphere was very good! Li Qingyang and Ye Anxin talked about what happened in Seoul over the past year or so. And Ye Anxin also told Li Qingyang and Su Yichen what happened over the past year!

It was not until this evening that Ye Anxin knew that Su Yichen and Li Qingyang were married shortly after she left Seoul! However, their combination is purely a commercial marriage, and has nothing to do with any feelings!

Later, they gradually developed feelings in the **** together every night!

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