Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 183: Nightmare!

Cynthia realized that Leon's body would become unnatural as long as he lied. Cynthia asked suspiciously, "Leon, have you really forgotten? Or... don't want to tell me."

Originally, Cynthia and Leon were walking side by side. Suddenly Cynthia stopped. When Leon looked back, he saw Cynthia’s serious expression. Leon looked a bit wronged.

"Miss Cynthia, I didn't... deliberately didn't say it, but my dreams are all unimportant dreams."

Cynthia didn't make it difficult for Leon. Since he didn't want to say it, she didn't force Leon to tell her dreams. Everyone has their own secrets.

Cynthia and Leon returned to the room, and she began to reason about the clues she had gotten, "Leon, why can't we make our own decisions in dreams? Sometimes the dreams of human beings are not developed according to their wishes. Such dreams are just Called a nightmare. Leon, do you feel that we are now in a nightmare, and we do whatever the dream arrangement makes us."

Leon nodded. He agreed with Cynthia’s statement, “If the world is described as a nightmare, Cyril is the creator of the nightmare. It’s not easy for us to wake up in a nightmare, nightmare. It's very real, it will always haunt you and make you exhausted in your dreams."

Cynthia looked at Leon with a smile, "Leon, if I say we are in a dream now, would you believe it?"

Leon began to refute Cynthia, "Miss Cynthia, although the world is like a nightmare, the games we have experienced are very real. How could it be a dream?"

"Leon, I'm just kidding, I know it's not a dream, otherwise I'd wake up a long time ago."

Leon's expression was a bit unnatural just now, Cynthia still noticed it, and he started to divert the subject, "Miss Cynthia, let's figure out how to deal with the next game!"

Cynthia looked at Leon very calmly, "You're not Leon, aren't you? Cyril!!!"

Leon began to panic, "You are mistaken, Miss Cynthia, I am Leon! We have been together, how could I be Cyril?"

"Don't pretend Cyril, you are very good at disguising. You can be anyone in this world. It's easy to pretend to be Leon."

The flustered expression on Leon's face turned into a smile, Leon's fingertips changed into Cyrel's appearance, and he looked at the room with disgust.

"The environment here is too bad, if it weren't for making myself more like Leon, I would have been unable to stand it."

Cyril snapped his fingers, and they returned to the empty room, "It's still suitable for me. The things that humans like are so strange, and the taste is simply terrible!!!"

Cyril sat on the high throne and looked at Cynthia, "Cynthia, I have a question. When did you find out that I am not Leon?"

"Starting from my suicide! You didn't expect me to commit suicide. Cyril said that your character does not allow accidents in your game. So you resurrected me in the inner world, right? Arthur is also your pet, Did you keep it by my side to spy on me on purpose?"

Cyril had a smile in his eyes, "Cynthia, I admit that you are very smart, but Arthur is not my pet, and I did not send him to watch you."


Cynthia frowned. Arthur said that he was very afraid of Cyril, but she didn't feel that way. Arthur's eyes found the worship of Cyril. Although the stay was very short, she still noticed it.

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