Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 80: conflict!

The vibrating sound of the mobile phone awakened Cynthia, and then realized that the time for the prom was approaching. She opened her eyes and saw Leon's deep eyes, no way! Not being confused, she patted Leon gently on the back.

"Uh, uh, uh, Leon, I..., I can't breathe anymore, let me go! have something to say!"

Leon heard Cynthia's release, and he stubbornly held her tighter.

Cynthia's voice became softer, "Observe... Leon, let me go! Time for the prom is coming, Noel is still waiting for me~"

Hearing Noel's name, Leon's eyes instantly turned gloomy. He stubbornly hugged Cynthia tighter. Since Cynthia couldn't see Leon's expression, he only thought Leon was jealous.

Leon's breathing became rapid, and he was afraid of Cynthia leaving, as if acting like a baby, "No! You are mine, I don't want you to leave."

"I'll be back after attending the prom. Soon, Leon!"

Leon let go of Cynthia, his gloomy eyes were instantly hidden by him, "Really? Then you must come back before eleven o'clock, I have a gift for you."

Cynthia looked at Leon dozingly, "Leon, why are you still like a child. Okay, I promise you, I'll be back before eleven o'clock, I really want to leave."

Cynthia straightened her messy hair in the mirror, and Leon was standing next to her, like an abandoned little milk cat, eyes full of dismay.

He looked at Cynthia with a smile and said goodbye to him. Leon's eyes became gloomy the moment Cynthia left. Cynthia could only be his own. Leon put on his clothes and left the room.

The snow on the road was already very thick. Leon was hiding in the distance and saw Cynthia driving away with Noel. Noel’s brilliant smile stimulated Leon, why! Cynthia cares about Noel so much, he is jealous!

Leon beat the tree in front of him madly. The uneven cracks in the tree cut through Leon's palm, and the blood dripped down his fingers on the white snow. He looked at the direction they were leaving with a sullen face.

Since Leon did not have an invitation letter, he was intercepted by the staff when he entered the gate to hold the ball, "Hello sir! Please show the invitation letter!"

Invitation card! How could he have this thing, the people attending the Christmas ball around were all wearing formal clothes, while Leon only wore a simple black sweater.

Leon looked at the staff silently, "If there is no invitation letter, I can't let you in, sorry sir, this is a rule!"

Leon was standing at the door of the Christmas ball in a thin black sweater, looking out of place with the lively banquet.

He was very impatient when he heard that he could not enter the ball, except that the scarf around his neck made him feel warm, and the people around him made him feel uncomfortable.

There were ridicule voices from around, "Hahaha, it's ridiculous! There are people who don’t know that Christmas dance requires an invitation to enter. What a poor ghost! What kind of clothes are you wearing, and I want to participate in the dance, but my domestic servants can’t wear it. Such shabby clothes. That's right! Not everyone has the opportunity to participate in the prom, so don't hurry away and get in the way of this young master."

Since entering the dance party requires queuing to check the invitation letter, Harvey, who was behind Leon, was impatient for a long time, and ridiculed him when he heard that Leon did not have the invitation letter.

Leon, who didn't want to cause trouble, ignored Harvey's ridicule. He left the entrance of the line. Harvey saw the silent expression become more arrogant. He didn't want to let Leon easily.

"Oh! Poor ghost, how can you leave by yourself before I tell you to go, stop! Apologize to this young master!"

Leon stopped! He looked at Hawei with cold eyes.

The young man's eyes were so terrible, Hawei was stunned, what to do. This man seemed uncomfortable. Looking at the gaze projected from the surroundings, he couldn't lose his momentum, and Hawei pretended to be calm and looked at Leon.

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