Dad Academy

Chapter 2735: Wrap-up and feast

Xiao Xiaobai laughed and cried, and her snot bubbles instantly burst out, and then instantly disappeared.

She hugged the cartoon kettle and cried uncomfortably, sniffing her nose all the time.

Xier was closest to her and taught her to blow her nose, and she felt better, but her nose was still red, and she held her mouth, feeling uncomfortable and wanting to cry.

Yao Quan and Wan Kun also gave it their all for this movie, and were willing to try any image that would ruin their character.

After "Our Summer" was broadcast, I wonder what the audience's reaction to their new image is, good or bad?

No one knows.

But the two are willing to try, and they can't play "The Matrix" for the rest of their lives. If they want to expand their acting career, they must have the courage to step out of their comfort zone, instead of staying in their original glory.

This should really be learned from Liu Liu, who is willing to try any role, and her acting career is as wide as an airport.

Especially in life, she is more flexible, can brag to the sky, and can call Xiaobai master, can put on a face in front of Boss Zhang, and can be humble in front of Xiao Xiaobai.

Zhang Tan had said long ago that Liuliu's acting career would be limitless in the future.

The premise is that Liuliu must please him and not always like to go against him like she does now.

Especially, after being upset by Xiaobai, she likes to run to him to show off.

She has been beaten by her mother. If she does this again next time, Zhang Tan plans to call Zhu Xiaojing and ask for the demon-subduing pestle.

Yao Quan and Wan Kun stayed in the crew for seven days. On the eighth day, they left after all the scenes were shot.

The filming of "Our Summer" progressed rapidly. It was originally a daily film. The filming was not difficult, the crew was not complicated, and the personnel structure was relatively simple. The company assigned Zhang Tan all the best soldiers.

Two days before the film was about to be completed, the leaders of Xiyou County came to visit again. This time, the scene was even bigger than the last time. All three teams came, saying that they were here to express their condolences and brought watermelons, peaches, ice powder, etc.

Zhang Tan received them with the main creative staff and held a discussion with the leaders in the main creative lounge.

The people at the discussion were all the main creators of the film, and there were quite a few children.

During the discussion, the county TV station filmed the whole process, and the atmosphere was serious and lively.

However, Zhang Tan always felt something was wrong. A group of middle-aged and elderly people wearing black pants and white shirts, with a few impatient children sitting in the middle, were chatting seriously, which was getting weirder and weirder.

But the leaders didn't seem to think it was wrong at all. They were very interested in the discussion and didn't leave until more than an hour later.

As soon as they left, Xiaobai and Liuliu staggered around and couldn't sit still. They couldn't sit still for a long time.

"Xiwawa, what have you been writing?" Xiaobai approached Xier curiously. During the discussion, she saw Xier writing something in a small notebook without stopping for a moment, and writing very seriously.

Xier asked her to wait, because there were still a few sentences that hadn't been written.

At this time, Robin Bai came running in a hurry. She held her mouth and wanted to cry, complaining that her aunt didn't take her to the discussion!

She wanted to attend, but her aunt asked someone to take her away, saying that she was too young and couldn't understand if she attended.

Robin Bai felt that she had missed 100 million and was heartbroken. She was sad outside for more than an hour, and her heart was about to break.

Xiaomi comforted her to be strong and not cry, and then whispered to her that the symposium just now was not fun at all, and it was a good thing that she didn't attend.

"Okay~ Xiaobai, you will be the first to see it."

Xier finally finished writing the notes and handed the small notebook to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai took it, and Liuliu and Dudu also came over. Everyone saw that there were really a lot of words written on the small notebook. What were they written?

It was all what everyone said at the symposium just now, such as "If you have any difficulties, please tell me~" "Thank you for helping to promote your hometown" "Mr. Zhang is our outstanding entrepreneur"... and so on.

Xier didn't know how to write some words, so she wrote the pinyin, and everyone could understand the general meaning.

Zhang Tan was also startled, and he came over to take a look and gave Secretary Xi a thumbs up.

He really wanted to ask this silly girl why she wrote all this.

But kids need affirmation, especially when Secretary Xi is looking at him expecting praise. If he doesn't praise her, is he still a human being?

So Zhang Tan praised her, "Xi'er, you are so young, but you have already mastered a job skill. Your future career is limitless."

As expected, Xi'er laughed out loud at his praise. She needs affirmation and praise, unlike Liuliu.

Everyone passed around Xi'er's notebook like a treasure. It was all records of the conversations with the three teams of Xiyou County at the symposium. If it was circulated and handed over to the reporters of the county TV station, perhaps the reporters would really have nothing to do.

Robin Bai was also called over by Xiao Bai, who taught her to learn from Sister Xier and look at the words that Sister Xier wrote...

Robin Bai interrupted and said, "I don't know a single word, little aunt."

Xier also said, "My handwriting is not good-looking. I have to write carefully to make it look better."

This made Xiao Bai speechless. This is a compliment to you, to make you a positive example, why are you destroying yourself?

So Xiao Bai changed the point of praise: "Look at your sister Xier, she still memorized so many words at the symposium, which tells us that we should not be lazy in life, but be serious and work hard."

Robin Bai nodded, and looked at Xier with a very warm and sincere look.

She really intended to increase her efforts to learn from Sister Xier.

After sending off the three teams in the county, Zhang Tan led the crew to work hard for two days and finally finished filming "Our Summer".

The film was officially finished.

They had a big meal in the evening. All the remaining logistics expenses of Bai Jianping were used for this meal. The food was particularly rich.

The children's bellies were bulging. Liuliu even threatened to make a movie with Boss Zhang next time, but in fact, she cared more about Uncle Bai. She found Bai Jianping privately and wanted to swear brotherhood with Bai Jianping.

This ridiculous proposal was actually agreed by Bai Jianping!

Bai Jianping drank white wine in the evening and drank too much.

He was fooled by Liuliu and swore brotherhood with her immediately. Fortunately, he did not call Liuliu sister in a daze, but became the eldest brother and Liuliu became his sister.

The two almost kowtowed, but Xiaobai found it in time and forcibly stopped them.

Fortunately, Bai Jianping was drunk, otherwise he would be taught a lesson by his niece tonight.

The filming was all over, and the crew returned to Pujiang the next day.

Zhang Tan was not in a hurry to go back. After working hard for more than half a month, he needed to rest in Baijia Village for a while. As for the editing of the movie, there was no rush. Anyway, he had missed the summer season, and maybe he could catch up with the National Day season.

It would be best to schedule the National Day, when the weather was not cold, and "Our Summer" could catch up with the end of summer. Otherwise, it would not be appropriate to release it during the Spring Festival or New Year's Day.

They returned to Baijia Village again. On the second day after entering the village, they heard good news that a young man in the village was getting married and invited them to attend the wedding banquet.

The children were overjoyed when they heard the news, and they were ready to go to the banquet happily.

Compared with the banquet, filming a movie is not a very important thing.

Teacher Jiang said that they had invited all of them, and everyone had a share and could go to the banquet.

Xiaobai and the others couldn't wait for the banquet day. When they heard the news, they rode their bicycles and rushed to the wedding.

Bai Guagua led the way.

Dunzi was the last to come, and Robin Bai was in charge of taking care of the sparks from his feet.

The family that was getting married lived in the west of Baijia Village, near Bai Guagua's home.

Although the wedding was tomorrow, the preparations had already started today, and the house was bustling. Not only did all the children in the village come, but even the cats and dogs in the village seemed to have heard the news from Bai Guagua and came to join in the fun.

It was said that there would be a banquet in the evening.

Then the main banquet would be tomorrow.

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