Dad Academy

Chapter 2748 Liuliu wearing a skirt?

That night, Xiao Bai was busy until the early morning before she went back to her room to sleep. She helped Teacher Xiao Liu and the others take care of the children who stayed overnight and waited for adults to pick them up.

She didn't go back to her room until she saw the last child being picked up by her mother. She lay down on the bed and fell asleep under the escort of Zhang Tan.

In her room, Xiao Xiao Bai was also there.

The little niece was supposed to go home to sleep tonight. Xiao Qiang's father and Xiao Yang's mother had already told her that they hadn't seen her for a few days and missed her very much, so she shouldn't stay at Little Red Horse tonight.

Robin had agreed to it, but she saw that her aunt was in a bad mood tonight, so she took the initiative to stay.

Her choice was right, because that night, she was actually held in her arms by her aunt.

In the past, she took the initiative to seek a hug from her aunt, but she was always rejected.

The aunt would push her away, saying that she was too hot and too tired to sleep.

But that night, the aunt took the initiative to hug her, and hugged her tightly until dawn.

This made the little girl feel very happy the next day. She laughed wherever she went. She had a big appetite in the morning and ate three bowls of millet porridge and a sweet potato. She took a photo and sent it to Liuliu to compare with her. She also sent the photo to Xier to learn from her.

This day was Wednesday. Bai Zhiqiang and Yang Yi still had to go to work. In order to see their daughter, they could only pass by the Little Red Horse Academy on the way to work, come in and take a look at their daughter and leave.

It felt like the daughter was almost the same as not coming back. They were not together most of the day.

This day Zhang Tan went to the company to deal with the backlog of affairs.

Xiaobai did not go with him because she was picked up by her stepmother Tang Yu in the morning. She said she would take her out to play, but in fact she was just shopping, eating, drinking and shopping.

Robin was also picked up together. It was really a great success.

When Tang Yu sent them back in the evening, he actually had to ask Zhang Tan to help carry things, all kinds of shopping bags, small shoes, new clothes, dolls...

Robin had forgotten her mother, and called Tang Yu "Xiao Ma" all the time, and was particularly sweet.

The two chattered, still in excitement, and kept telling Zhang Tan about the joy of shopping today.

This is the joy they can't experience with Zhang Laohan.

You can only experience it when shopping with girls.

If Zhang Laohan took them to buy clothes, he would definitely go directly to the store and buy whatever he liked.

It's too direct, and it doesn't make sense.

It's still more fun to go shopping with Xiao Ma.

"Hiahia, my favorite is Xiao Ma Tang." Robin only had Tang Yu in his eyes at this moment.

Zhang Tan didn't say much, but went out and came back soon, telling the two people: "Xiaobai, your grandma wants you to go over. And Robin, your great-grandma wants you to go too, hurry up."

"I want to take the new clothes to show grandma."

Xiaobai excitedly carried a new dress out of the door, and Robin saw this, holding a small dress in each hand, and hurriedly followed.

Zhang Tan stood at the door and watched them enter Teacher Jiang's house.

He didn't follow them, because Teacher Jiang wanted to educate them, and if he followed them, it would probably have a counterproductive effect.

He stayed at home, watching TV while waiting for them to come back.

After a long time, Zhang Tan heard footsteps coming from the door, but the footsteps were very light, and they kept wandering at the door without entering.

Zhang Tan got up and went to check, and saw that it was Xiaobai and Robin. The two were dejected, and when they saw him appear, they tried to smile.

Zhang Tan said, "Why are you hanging around at the door? Come in."

The aunt and nephew finally came into the house, and Robin even knew to close the door.

Zhang Tan noticed that the new clothes they had taken before were gone, and now they came back empty-handed.

Xiao Bai looked at him and hesitated, while Robin stared at her aunt with burning eyes.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Tan asked proactively.

Xiao Bai grinned: "Hee~~~ Old man, can you lend me some money?"

"What for?" Zhang Tan asked in confusion, and then said: "Of course."

Xiao Bai said: "Grandma said we were impolite and asked my stepmother to buy so many things. I want to pay the money back to my stepmother."

Zhang Tan asked her: "Did grandma ask you to pay the money back?"

Xiao Bai shook her head and said that she thought of it herself.

Zhang Tan looked at Robin, and Robin hurriedly said that she didn't have any money either, but the reason why she didn't ask her uncle to borrow money was because she planned to borrow money from her little aunt.

After her little aunt borrowed money, she would borrow from her little aunt again.

The thought is quite logical.

Zhang Tan told them that grandma’s teaching was right, but they didn’t need to pay back the money.

“Your stepmother cares about you very much, so she bought so many things for you. This is her intention. Since you have accepted them, you can’t return them. This will make her sad, unless you say you don’t want to buy them from the beginning…”

Xiaobai nodded repeatedly.

Robin leaned close to her aunt’s ear and whispered, “Aunt, uncle just doesn’t want to lend you money.”


Zhang Tan stared at the little one, who looked innocent and cute, thinking he didn’t hear her talking! !

After this, Xiaobai and Robin accepted the gifts, but they didn’t show off anymore.

As for the new clothes they took to grandma's house, they were not confiscated, but Teacher Jiang kept them and planned to hand wash them.

That night, Xiaobai asked for a roster from the principal's aunt. He followed the new friends in the academy one by one and matched them all.

Moreover, she called Secretary Xi and Assistant Xiaomi and created a file for each new child. Originally, he wanted to ask about their family situation, etc., but most of these children were too young and could not explain their family situation clearly, so Xiaobai changed the question.

What worries you recently?

Are you happy today?

Questions like that.

Dudu took a full-body photo of each of them, and planned to find an old man to develop the photos tomorrow to enrich the children's files.

After two days of busy work, I finally sorted out the new children at Little Red Horse. At this time, there was new progress regarding the short film "The Other Shoe" being shortlisted for the Golden Bear Award.

The Golden Bear Awards will be awarded in September. Before that, the organizers need to shoot a short film for each shortlisted work and invite the main creative staff of the work to narrate a paragraph.

The filming team is coming to Pujiang to take photos of Xiaobai and the others.

After discussion, Xiaobai and the others decided to invite their best friends together to shoot this short film.

"The Other Shoe" is the culmination of everyone's wisdom and sweat. Xiaobai believes that it should not be done by herself.

After breakfast that day, the best friends arrived at the academy one after another.

Apart from Robin and Xi'er, who live in Huangjia Village, Liuliu was the first to arrive.

She specially wore a new dress today and shocked everyone.

"New dress! It's a new dress! Luoliu is wearing a new dress!! It's a new pink dress!! It looks good——"

Robin was jumping up and down, yelling around the pomegranate, as if he was going crazy.

Ever since this child learned that he was going to win the prize, he easily lost control of his emotions and often fell into inexplicable excitement.

However, no one blamed her this time, because everyone was shocked, even crazy.

Liliu actually wore a skirt, and it was pink, which was unprecedented! ! !

"Are you a pomegranate?"

Xiaobai was also shocked. He gathered around, looked at Liuliu up and down, and took pictures of Liuliu with his mobile phone.

Dudu also ran over quickly, his eyes widened, and he kept glancing at Liuliu, as if he was meeting her for the first time.

Cheng Cheng opened his mouth wide and froze on the spot.

Luoliu laughed loudly and put his hands on his hips proudly, his temperament suddenly gone.

Imagine wearing a skirt, looking like a lady, but suddenly putting your hands on your hips, looking up to the sky and laughing...

Robin has already started, touching Liliu's skirt, it's pink, and she likes it very much. She made a squeaking sound from her mouth, as if the dog was envious.

"Liuliu, why are you wearing a skirt?" Xiaomi asked everyone's thoughts.

Liuliu said: "Mother Zhu said that the person who came to film for us today is Waiguoren. I will become an international superstar. From now on, you will call me International Liuliu. I want to wear a new dress so that everyone can know me."

Everyone looked at each other, not expecting that Liuliu had so many thoughts.

When Robin heard this, he quickly said as if he was offering a treasure: "Look, Liuliu, I'm also wearing new clothes, new pants, and my new short-sleeved shirt."

Tang Yu bought them for them a few days ago. They put them on today to show off.

In fact, everyone is dressed very beautifully today. It seems that the adults have given them instructions.

Robin said that Liliu looked a little weird in a skirt, and then someone covered her mouth and dragged her away.

It's her little aunt.

Luoliu stared at this childish little one and planned to slap her flat the next moment.

Xiaobai said with a smile: "Robin said, Liliu, you are very chic! I didn't expect that you look good in a skirt."

Only then did a smile appear on Liliu's face. Even Xiaobai, a die-hard Guawazi, said she looked good in a skirt, so she must look good.

Everyone also sincerely praised Liuliu. Liuliu in a skirt was completely different from usual Liuliu, but once you get used to it, it was still very charming.

After Robin was released, she no longer dared to say that Liliu looked bad in a skirt. Instead, she kept praising her. It was so exaggerated that it was hard for people to believe that she was sincere.

But the fact is, she does mean it.

"Is everyone ready? Emmmm, is that a pomegranate?"

Zhang Tan saw Liuliu the first time he came downstairs and almost didn't recognize her. If Liuliu hadn't blinked at him, he might have been in a trance several times.

Everyone said in unison that they were ready.

Zhang Tan looked at Liuliu again and said, "Liuliu's dress is really special today. It's pretty good."

Luoliu couldn't help it and laughed.

Zhang Tan whispered: "Your smile ruins the picture."

He told everyone that the filming crew would be arriving soon and asked everyone to get ready.

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