Dad Academy

Chapter 542 Find the stairs

In He Miao's office, Zhang Tan said: "It's good not to be late for a good show, but don't be lazy when serving food."

He Miao was stunned and said with a smile: "As for dinner, don't leave at noon. I have reserved a restaurant and we will have a meal together. Vice Minister Cai will also come with us."

Zhang Tan: "No, no, no."

He Miao: "We have already reserved a seat. Don't refuse. You are a capable person in the company and the company will never let you be wronged. Let's do this for now. I have something else to do. I will talk about the rest at lunch."

"Okay, I'll leave first."

After Zhang Tan left, he stayed in the office for a while, visited the animation department, visited Jiang Rong and Wu Shiying, and then Luo Ming. At noon, he, He Miao, and Cai Yonglai went to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

"Zhang Tan, come and sit down," He Miao said politely.

Zhang Tan: "Hey, I'll do it myself, and you guys can sit down too."

The restaurant was very high-end, and the food started to be served soon. I didn’t ask for wine because I had to work in the afternoon and it was inconvenient to drink, so I had tea instead of wine. The three of them toasted each other and chatted while eating.

It wasn't until lunch, when the three of them were sitting on the sofa in the private room drinking tea, that He Miao talked about work again.

"Zhang Tan, you have to give us an accurate answer about "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an". You have seen the company's sincerity. Although it is not the highest price in the market, it is still the first price in the market. If you still If you are dissatisfied, okay, Director Cai and I will go to the deputy factory director to try and improve a little more. As long as you nod, all of this can be overcome. What do you think?"

Zhang Tan held the tea cup to his lips, thinking that this meal was indeed not free. Although he was reluctant, the other party's words had already reached such a level of affection. He thought for a while and said, "Hey, okay. Leader, I’ll listen to you, I’ll just bet on this drama first, and then we’ll start it when the planning is complete, and I’ll think about other scripts first.”

He Miao and Cai Yonglai looked at each other with a smile, and He Miao said: "Zhang Tan, don't be impatient, don't be impatient. Writing a script is not like drinking tea. It can't always be one cup after another. There has to be a process of cooking and brewing. You Now you are young and have published four or five works. It’s time to calm down and settle down. People cannot output all the time, but they must also have input. The ministry has already thought about it and has signed up a master training class for you. You can go Study and study, the teachers in this class are all well-known writers and screenwriters in the industry, as well as directors and producers, and the training content is systematic and comprehensive. After graduation, I will try to write a few golden dramas for the factory!"

"Study?" Zhang Tan was stunned and said with a smile: "No, why are you suddenly asking me to study? It's still for half a year. This is not a short period of time."

He Miao smiled and said: "Zhang Tan, didn't you say that? You are still young and need to settle down. Take advantage of this half-year study opportunity to sum up your experience during this period. You will definitely gain greater gains at this stage. It’s the one that can grow the most.”

Zhang Tan said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Cai Yonglai said: "Zhang Tan, this is a rare opportunity. This training class is only held once a year, and there are only 15 students in each class. It is very difficult to get into. You don't have to be rich. You have to have recommenders. This time the factory Just to get you to participate alone, Minister Zhu recommended it to you, you must cherish it."

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Thank you to the company for the cultivation. I am very touched. Really, this opportunity is rare and I should cherish it. However, I feel that it is not the time yet. Now, I am in the period of inspiration. All kinds of things are in my mind. Thoughts keep popping up and I can't calm down at all. If you ask me to go to school at this time, I might be able to do it for ten days and a half, but I will be in trouble after half a year. I can't sit still at all. It's just like going to the toilet. This can Are you holding it in? No! Not only will it make you wet your pants, but it’s also bad for your health. The human body should let nature take its course and don’t force it. This opportunity is not easy to come by. I strongly recommend picking someone who really needs it and don’t waste it. , It’s a pity that it was wasted, I can’t use it for the time being, I have to stick to my post, leader.”

He Miao was a little anxious and said: "No, Zhang Tan, in our film and television department, you are the most qualified to go to this school. If you leave it to others, who dares to go? You don't know those people in our screenwriting department, old, old , The younger one is useless, the older one is useless. The younger one hasn’t reached that time yet, can’t understand it, or even understand it. You are the most suitable, it’s up to you, don’t fight.”

Zhang Tan smiled even happier, and He Miao asked in surprise: "Why are you smiling so happily?"

Zhang Tan said: "I am happy to think that our screenwriter department is strong and strong. Leader, you said old, old, young, small. That was before, but it is not like this now. You have forgotten that we came in during this time. There are so many excellent screenwriters, Mr. Cao from far away and Mr. Wu from near by, they are all top screenwriters in the industry. How can we say that the old ones are old and the young ones are young? They are all young and strong."

"I know who Teacher Cao is, but who is this Teacher Wu?" He Miao didn't remember it for a moment.

Zhang sighed and said, "Teacher Wu Mengqing, I have seen him today."

"Oh~ him!" He Miao smiled awkwardly, "I didn't react at once."

Zhang Tan: "Teacher Wu, you must be thinking of some old screenwriter, right? This teacher Wu is young and powerful. He and I won the screenwriter award this year. If I attend this master training class but don't give it to others, people will feel There must be some grudge."

He Miao waved his hand, "Don't go too far. It's not who decides who should go to school, but the decision of the ministry. Wu Mengqing can go, but not at this time. He has only been here for a short time. He has no merit and no salary. How can he do it? It doesn't make sense to ask him to go in your place. It's up to you, don't push it, Zhang Tan."

Zhang Tan shook his head: "Leader, I have just said that it is not suitable for me to go now. I have so many ideas in my mind. If one day I run out of inspiration, I will go to this school again. It is not possible now."

He Miao said anxiously: "Why are you so stubborn!"

Seeing Zhang Tan looking at him uncompromisingly, He Miao sighed and said, "You said you keep coming up with ideas, so if you agree to one condition, I will agree not to let you go to this school."

"What conditions? Tell me."

"If you can come up with three scripts within a week, no, within half a month, and they are all above the standard, then I will not only agree that you will not go to this school, but I will also guarantee that the factory will buy them at the highest price on the market. These three scripts. Do you dare to agree?"

Zhang Tan filled He Miao and Cai Yonglai's tea cups with tea and said, "Can you change it?"

He Miao smiled and said: "The conditions cannot be changed. You said so yourself. Ideas keep popping up. I don't want a complete script, just an outline. I can extend the time for another month."

Zhang Tan shook his head.

He Miao said: "Not yet, how long do you want? You decide for yourself."

Zhang Tan: "I'm not dissatisfied with time, I'm very satisfied with time. I don't need half a month, just a week."

He Miao said in surprise: "Are you sure?! This is not nonsense. Minister Cai is here, he is a witness."

Zhang Tan: "I'm sure, one week is enough, but!"

He Miao: "But what?"

Zhang Tan: "But the conditions I'm talking about are not about time, but about buying the script at the highest price on the market."

He Miao: "You still want to raise the price? This is a bit difficult."

Zhang Tan: "I know it's difficult, so my condition is not to raise the price, but I want the factory not to interfere with my script writing in the future."

He Miao and Cai Yonglai were both stunned. He Miao said anxiously: "What do you mean? Zhang Tan."

Zhang Tan said slowly: "What I mean is that if the studio wants to shoot the script I wrote in the future, of course that's fine. If the studio doesn't want to shoot it, that's okay. I'll find another investment company so that we don't have any delays. Hello, I That’s fine.”

He Miao and Cai Yonglai looked at each other...

The three of them left the restaurant. Zhang Tan did not return to the company. He Miao and Cai Yonglai sat in a car. They were quiet for a while. He Miao sighed and said, "Oh, I can see this. Zhang Tan is He had already had an idea, and he was just waiting for us to put a ladder for him so that he could borrow the ladder to climb up."

Cai Yonglai smiled and said: "Young people, after graduation, everything goes smoothly. It's human nature to want to go out. Let them go. If they don't fall a few times, they won't be able to grow."

He Miao said worriedly: "That's it, the factory values ​​Zhang Tan so much. If I really let him go, I can't bear the responsibility."

Cai Yonglai: "You don't need to bear this responsibility, and it's not your turn to bear it."

He Miao perked up: "Are you responsible?"

Cai Yonglai laughed loudly, "I can't afford it either. This is the responsibility of the minister and factory director."

He Miao: "Why are they involved?"

Cai Yonglai: "The contract that Zhang Tan signed with the factory was made and signed by the two of them, not us. Lao He, have you forgotten? It is written in black and white on Zhang Tan's contract that he only cooperated with the factory Relationship, he can go find an investment company without asking us, isn’t that what Beiping Zhongxuan is like?”

"Yeah, I almost forgot about this."

"So, Zhang Tan is giving us a leg up on today's matter, and the bet is just a cover."

"I asked why Zhang Tan dared to change half a month to a week. It turned out that he had never thought about actually doing it. It was just a pretense."

"Let's go back and report to Minister Zhu."

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