Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2398: The Return of Shao Li Domineering (4)

This is in Huanyu again. Facing so many reporters, it is probably difficult for Song Yang to take people away.

Song Yang had just squeezed to the front when he was squeezed aside by the reporters.

Seeing the time passing by, and no longer able to suppress the anger in my heart, he directly took out the pistol and fired a shot at the top of his head with a "bang".

The gunfire echoed in the hall, deafening.

All the media reporters were taken aback, and they were quiet and scary for a while.

Ding Xiaoying's expression was even harder to see the extreme. She never thought that Song Yang would dare to shoot here so fearlessly.

This time I am afraid that I can't suppress it if I want to suppress it.

Song Yang wanted to take An Ziqi away quickly, and didn't care about it at all.

Directly facing all the media in front of An Ziqi coldly said, "Leave me aside, who dares to stop us from performing official duties, so as to prevent the crime of official duties from being taken away."

Even if the media wanted to help and didn't want An Ziqi to be taken away, in this case, they had to be silent and later gave way.

Chen Jun's expression stunned, and he raised his leg to stop him.

Song Yang glanced at the person next to them next to An Ziqi, and the two immediately pushed An Ziqi in the dark, pushing her forward.

An Ziqi originally felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach, but after she hurried to Huanyu, she confronted Song Yang for so long.

It's already very uncomfortable, and it's only because of such a multimedia front that it has been strong.

Pushed by the person behind, his body was unstable and fell straight toward the front.

Chen Jun saw An Ziqi fall, his face changed drastically, and immediately rushed towards An Ziqi.

At the same time, Huanyu's door was knocked open from the outside with a "bang", and a figure rushed in at an incredible speed.

Before Chen Jun, he rushed to An Ziqi.

An Ziqi's fallen body happened to fall into his arms.


"Little Li."

"It's Shao Li who is back."


The staff of Huanyu and the media in the lobby whispered with joy.

Xiao Moli has such a magical power in him, as long as he is there, he will always be the focus of everyone's attention.

As long as he is not standing on the opposite side of him, where he is, it will always make people feel at ease as if they had taken a reassurance.

The fear caused by the previous gunfire also gradually dissipated.

"An An."

Seeing the person in his arms closed his eyes and his face pale, Xiao Moli's hands trembled slightly while holding her, and there was a slight tremor in his voice.

A small hand hanging beside him quietly grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Xiao Moli held An Ziqi's arms tightly, finally letting go of his heart.

Slightly bent over, raised his hand to hug the person horizontally, glanced at that Song Yang coldly, and then walked directly outside.

The coldness in his eyes was almost piercing, and Song Yang shuddered fiercely.

He obviously got the news that Xiao Moli had already boarded the plane.

Although he expected that he would definitely rush back, but he did not expect to rush back in such a short time.

It's just that, things have developed to this point, he is already regarded as Xiao Moli, Chen Jun directly tore their faces.

Even if he does nothing now and goes back empty-handed, the situation is already irreversible.

Anyway, it's already like this, it's better to take a gamble, gritted his teeth, bit his scalp to speak.

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