Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2740: Who stole his seeds (1) plus more

the other side.

After Yun Yi and Xiao Moli separated, they drove to the bar they frequented.

Perhaps it was really because Xiao Moli and the others abused the dogs every day. Sitting in the feasting bar, surrounded by many people, he felt lonely like never before.

In addition to work, every day is a variety of wine bureaus, dinners, bars, so too many days of drunkenness, even he feels bored.

The woman next to her changed and changed, but none of them were sincere to him.

They are just for his money and status, and he is just for solving his physical needs.

Everyone has their own plans.

It's no wonder that Mo Li and his brother both accepted their hearts and chose to marry and have children.

Now even Chen Jun has a little girl who hides a thousand kinds of treasures at home.

Looking at each of them, their wives and children are happy.

Maybe it's time for him to find a wife too.

It's just that finding a woman is easy, but how easy is it to find a wife.

Otherwise, how could he have not found so many women before.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sneered.

He probably drank too much today, so he would want to find such a terrible thing as his wife.

Seeing that he seemed to be in a good mood, the few beauties around him who had been watching him for a long time finally couldn't help but squeeze in.

Yun Yi looked at the bright and beautiful smiles on their faces, but couldn't help but smile sarcastically.

He raised his head and took a sip of the wine in the glass, and then reached out his hand to casually grab a small beauty who looked pleasing to the eye, got up and walked outside.

He drank, and the car drove fast all the way.

The little beauty was sitting in the passenger seat, holding the cushion tightly with both hands.

Yun Yi is famous for being playful in the circle. He is handsome and gentle towards women, unlike the perverted ones in the circle who play hard.

And he is generous, and every little sister who has been with him can get a lot of money.

Although drunk driving, driving so fast is dangerous, but for the money, everything is worth it.

The irony of Yun Yi's lips grew stronger and stronger.

Drive all the way to the door of the house.

There was a light in front of the villa, and the dim yellow light was warm.

It seemed as if someone was waiting for him at home.

However, he knew very well that there was no such person.

Lifting her leg and getting out of the car, the woman in the passenger seat immediately smiled and pressed her to him.

Yun Yi had already lost interest in the woman next to him.

Just about to reach out and take out her purse, sending her away.

However, his eyes accidentally saw a small shadow at the door of the room.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a child.

Curled up with a small body, sitting on the stone steps in front of the door.

The dim yellow light above his head hit the top of his head, casting a small black figure under him.

what's going on?

Could it be that he drank too much and dazzled?

Yun Yi couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. Looking at it again, the child was still curled up there.

He always drove in the wrong place and drove to someone else's house, right?

Yun Yi took a few steps forward and looked at the house number next to the door.

No. 88 Cuiti Bay, his house is right!

Looking further down, the little boy looked like he was about four years old at most.

Whose child, why is it at his door in the middle of the night?


The parents are too irresponsible!

He lifted his foot and kicked the child's little feet gently, "Hey, don't be a little bit, don't sleep, wake up soon."

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