Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2901: Do you like him (6)

Huang Ying was speechless, raised his hand and knocked on her forehead.

Just like she was clumsy, she still wanted to fight.

Being beaten by others is almost the same.

Randomly found an excuse to fool her, saying that she accidentally fell on the road.

Yang Xiaoqing has always believed in her words, and hurriedly pulled her upstairs.

He pressed her to the sofa, and hurriedly ran to find the medicine kit, and disinfected her with medicine.

Twenty hours have passed since yesterday, and Huang Ying has not been in the mood to deal with it.

The blood on the wound has scabs, and some sand on the road is still mixed in it.

It looks a little horrible.

Although Yang Xiaoqing was already very careful, Huang Ying still wailed in pain.

He screamed, and he didn't forget to stretch his hand to the side of the coffee table and took the remote control and turned on the TV.

As the mayor of City S, with such a big incident, the TV station is naturally staying outside the trial and broadcasting the whole process.

It's just that it probably involves fighting at the top.

The trial is confidential and no media can enter.

All the media are waiting outside, and there is a group of people in the studio of the TV station making all kinds of speculations.

"Previously, there were media reports on the Internet that Mayor Chen lived extravagantly. He drove a luxury car to and from get off work and had to eat tens of thousands of meals. Now it seems that corruption and bribery of 2 billion are likely to be true. Mayor Chen’s salary is simply not enough to support his standard of living."

"According to the information we have collected, there are more than a dozen luxury cars that Mayor Chen drove to the City Hall. Many of them are limited editions with a total value of nearly 100 million yuan."


Watching the few custard **** chatting on the TV, Huang Ying gritted his teeth, directly reached out and took a pillow from the side, and smashed it towards the TV.

He said angrily, "Fart, this group of people will only fart. When Chen Jun was fine before, why didn't he see them picking up these things, but now that someone has something wrong, he said this and fell into trouble."

"Little Li has more cars, why don't they report?"

Yang Xiaoqing blinked her eyes and looked up at her, "They said Mayor Chen, why are you so excited?"

"I...Where am I excited? I just can't understand them wronging good people." Huang Ying said bitterly.

"How do you know it was wronged? What if it's true?" Yang Xiaoqing shrugged.

"If I say no, it's no, you are not allowed to guess wildly." Huang Ying said angrily.

Yang Xiaoqing glanced at her strangely, "I remember that you used to hate Mayor Chen and always scolded him as an asshole. Why do you protect him like this now? You don't like him, right?"

"Who likes him? You... don't talk nonsense."

Huang Ying almost jumped up, stalking her neck and said, "Although the **** Mayor Chen Jun is indeed a bastard, he helped me after all. If he didn't help me change the exam papers for the college entrance examination, I would repeat the grade. Now he is still being taken. People slander, of course I have to speak for him."

"I'm just kidding, what are you excited about."

Yang Xiaoqing shrugged and bandaged her numbly.

Huang Yingbai gave her a glance and continued to watch TV gritted teeth.

I scolded all the nonsense and turned off the TV.

Then he couldn't help turning it on again, cursing again, and turning off the TV angrily.

After going back and forth several times, the phone in her hand finally rang.

Seeing the name displayed above, Huang Ying's eyes lit up instantly.

(At the end of the month, continue to ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets, and refills~)

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