Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2986: Baby go out, one is the best (24)

Perhaps An Ziqi hadn't noticed it herself, even though she resisted Xiao Moli, the happy smile on her face when she was with them was completely different from the smile that was always blank when she was with him.

Probably even if she has no memory, she still remembers the breath of home in her subconscious.

Without disturbing them, he turned around and went out silently.

Xiao Chen smiled and glanced at the family of three over there, followed Arthur out, and stopped him in the corridor.

"Something?" Arthur looked back.

Xiao Chen smiled and said sincerely, "Thank you."

Thank you for saving An Ziqi before, thank him for taking care of An Ziqi in the past days, and thank him for choosing to let go when An Ziqi did not remember them.

Arthur shrugged, "Tell Xiao Moli, if he bullies An Ziqi in the future, I will go get my Angel back."

Xiao Chen curled his lips and smiled, "Welcome."

He was happy to see Xiao Moli's backyard fire, and he was so busy.

Arthur smiled and shook his head, turned and walked outside.

Xiao Chen didn't stay in the hospital any more. There is Xiao Yining here, so there will be no problems.

From a certain perspective, Xiao Yining, a bear kid, is much more reliable than Xiao Moli.

He quickly returned to the hotel, immediately called Promise and talked about the situation here.

Let Daddy and Mommy rest assured, and then he was busy arranging the itinerary back.

For his younger brother, he really broke his heart.

the other side.

Xiao Moli personally drove to the supermarket to buy vegetables and meat, then borrowed the kitchen from the hospital, and cooked a few dishes that An Ziqi loved.

When returning to the ward with steaming food, Xiao Yining was lying in An Ziqi's arms happily and told her bad things about him.

Xiao Moli's forehead jumped suddenly, and he almost didn't directly put the food in his hand on the bear child's head.

"Xiao Yining, you shut up."

Xiao Yining was not afraid of being heard by him. He pouted and kissed An Ziqi, and immediately got up.

"If I shut up and don't eat, Mommy will feel distressed, isn't she?"

"En." An Ziqi smiled and nodded, pulled the quilt away and got up, groping to make a small table.

"Mummy, I'll come."

Xiao Yining quickly set up the small table and helped arrange the food.

Open the lunch box, and the aroma of the food comes out instantly.

"It smells good." An Ziqi couldn't help but said.

Xiao Moli finally showed a relaxed smile on his face, "I made it myself, you like it."

When An Ziqi heard this, she couldn't tell how she felt in her heart.

Except thank you, she didn't know what to say to him.

Xiao Yining was already busy eating, his mouth was full, and he raised his hand to pinch a piece of meat and stuffed it into An Ziqi's mouth.

He said slurredly, "Mommy, try it quickly."

Although the taste of the food is not as exquisite as the steaks eaten on weekdays, she unexpectedly liked it very much.

"Daddy, you put too much sugar, it's too sweet!"

"You potato shreds are thicker than legs..."

Xiao Yining was bulging in his mouth while disgusting.

Xiao Moli's forehead blue veins appeared, "Smelly boy, I'll clean up you when I go back."

"Mummy, Mommy, Daddy threatened me again." Xiao Yining turned his head and complained hurriedly.


An Ziqi has a smile on her face, and the small ward is full of warmth!

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