Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2996: 99 first loves of tacit couples (27)

While crying, An Ziqi quietly smothered Xiao Moli's tears and nose.

As long as she thinks that she can only live in darkness and see nothing, she feels that her whole life is dark.

No, her whole life is now dark!

Xiao Moli was distressed and dying, but seeing her secretly touching his body with tears was both distressed and funny.

"Okay, stop crying, when did I say you were blind?"

"Woo, bastard, you dare to lie to me, if it's not blind, how could I be so dark in front of me that I can't see anything?"

An Ziqi raised her small fist and punched him, crying.

"I didn't lie to you, your eyes were just because you saw snow before, which induced snow blindness. It's okay, Xiao Chen will cure your eyes, I promise."

After Xiao Moli explained, fearing that she would hit her chest and hurt her hand, he hurriedly pulled her hand on her lips and blew.

An Ziqi also forgot for a while that she was still being held in Xiao Moli's arms, and asked aggrievedly as she raised her head and sobbed at him.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?"

A small face was raised slightly, and there were crystal teardrops hanging on the long eyelashes.

A big bag bulged on his forehead, and his little nose was flushed red.

The whole person looks pitiful.

Xiao Moli felt a soft mess in his heart, and couldn't help lowering his head to kiss away the tears from her eyelashes.

"Really, don't lie to you."

An Ziqi curled her mouth and sobbed, "You are dead if you dare to lie to me!"


Xiao Moli looked at her cute appearance, with a slight smile in his voice, and his arms around her waist couldn't help tightening.

An Ziqi raised her hand and touched the tears in the corner of her eyes. She suddenly paused when she thought of something.

Immediately afterwards, a small face instantly reddened to the tip of his ears at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gritting his teeth, raising his hand, he slapped towards Xiao Moli.

"Xiao Moli, you bastard, you dare to play hooligans on me while I can't see it, I'm fighting with you!"

With that said, he rolled over and rode on Xiao Moli, and his two small fists smashed towards him like raindrops.

The cave that had been quiet for a long time suddenly became lively.

At the entrance of the cave, Xiao Yining, who had rushed over before hearing the sound, stood there, clasping his arms around his chest, watching his two parents commit stupidity.

After half an hour, the two big and one small finally got out of the cave and sat outside in Xiao Chen's medical room.

"You said that my eyes are snow blindness? How is this possible? I have never seen snow in my life except on TV."

An Ziqi raised her face and spoke while accepting Xiao Chen's inspection.

Xiao Moli and Xiao Yining were sitting on the sofa behind them, their eyebrows wrinkled in the first year and the other, looking at An Ziqi not far in front of them.

Xiao Chen saw their expressions and sighed, "The mortal expression of the two of you really affects my mood for treating illnesses and saving people."

Xiao Moli slapped him coldly and said, "Stop talking nonsense, believe it or not, I will immediately let you never have the chance to treat illnesses and save others."

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes silently, "Unscrupulous, violent man."

Looking at An Ziqi who was ignorant in front of her, she raised her eyebrows, "I said Xiao An'an, this guy Mo Li is really a **** among bastards, a fighting **** among bastards, you should never be blinded in the future. Seeing this kind of man to be your husband, or you will regret it for a lifetime."

Xiao Moli gritted his teeth and stared at him fiercely, "Try another sentence, what is going on with her?"

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