Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3085: Gecko becomes a monkey

Even at the last moment, he wanted to bite her back.

She felt sorry for her to be sent to prison at a young age, but she also felt hateful for her behavior.

Yun Yi walked to the door and couldn't see Yan Yan following. He turned to see Xuan Xuan sitting on the ground holding Yan Yan's legs in tears.

A trace of unbearable flashed across the face of this ugly woman.

An anger surged in my heart.

"Why are you standing there stupidly? Waiting for someone to take you to the prison?"

"If you have a lot of time, you don't have to get off work at night."

The face was speechless, so she had to apply a slight force on her leg to free her leg from Xuan Xuan's hand.

Pursing lips, "Sorry, I can't help you."

After that, he turned and walked towards Yun Yi.

"Secretary Rong, Secretary Rong, I beg you..."

Xuan Xuan hurriedly rushed over, trying to hug her.

In this conference room, or the entire Yun family, the only person who can intercede for her at this time is Yan Yan.

Yun Yi twisted his eyebrows and said impatiently at the door, "Hurry up, you will be responsible for the delay in work."

Looks helpless, this guy is really uncomfortable not torturing her for a while.

Had to speed up, rushed up, and took the elevator upstairs with him behind him.

As soon as the elevator door closed, Yun Yi immediately raised his hand and knocked **** Rongyan's head, angrily.

"Ugly woman, you are really so stupid that you can't be saved. That woman hurt you so much, you still want to intercede for her, I think you are so stupid."

Stars appeared in front of his painful eyes, he couldn't help but "hiss", raised his hand to cover his forehead, gritted his teeth and looked at him fiercely.

"Who wants to intercede for her? Which eye do you see that I want to intercede for her?"


Yun Yi raised his finger and pointed at his eyes.

"That's a problem with your eyes."

Staring at him with a face, and annoyed, Yun Yi's body floated up from the same place, and then with a "bang", he stuck to the ceiling above the elevator.

Both of them were stunned.

Yun Yi looked at the ceiling made of mirrors in front of him, and the face of his face was clearly reflected on it. Only then did he finally react.

I remembered that when I changed clothes before, I forgot to bring the device to prevent superpowers.

Gritting his teeth, "Ugly woman, hurry up and let me down."

Rong Yan was completely unconscious just now, didn't want to do anything to him at all, and didn't expect this to happen.

Rubbing his painful head, he put a formulaic smile on his face, "The air above is good, and it is conducive to blood circulation. It's better to stay with the golden body of the cloud chief."

Yun Yi was so angry that he wanted to go down and beat up this stupid woman fiercely.

Last time it was a gecko, this time it became a monkey directly.

He couldn't move his whole body at the moment, so he had to stare at the reflection of his face in the ceiling.

"Ugly woman, you are dead!"

"You'd better be able to come down first." Rong Yan said indifferently.

With a ding of the elevator, it opened on the top floor.

Yan Gu got out of the elevator, and then looked back at Yun Yi who was hanging on the top of the elevator. With a slight movement in his mind, Yun Yi's body suddenly fell from the elevator, and when he was in the air, he banged on his stomach On the wall behind the elevator.

"President Yun, I wish you a good time in the elevator."

Rongyan smiled and waved his hand to Yun Yi, who had turned into a gecko again, and then reached out and pressed the elevator's close button.

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