Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3204: Wonderful fate

People kept greeting her in the hall, An Ziqi smiled and responded casually.

Regarding the past, she still didn't remember, and naturally these people in the court didn't know each other, so she was too lazy to talk about it.

He took a glass of juice from the table on the side and hid in a corner behind the pillar on the other side.

As soon as he turned around, his body slammed into a person.

He couldn't help but exclaimed, and the cup in his hand was knocked off.

When I ran into the person, I had eyesight and swift hands. I pulled her with one hand, and quickly raised his hand with the other hand and grabbed the falling cup.

"Miss Ann, are you okay?"

An Ziqi thanked me in a hurry, "It's okay, thank you."

"You're welcome." The person replied politely.

An Ziqi looked up, saw the person in front of her, her eyes lit up for a moment, and she said excitedly, "Your dress is so beautiful, isn't this dress the legendary starry sky?

I saw it in the magazine a few days ago, but I didn't expect to see the real thing so soon. really beautiful! "

After speaking, he seemed to realize something, and smiled awkwardly at the person in front of him, "I don't mean you are not pretty, I just want to say that you wear this skirt..."

After talking for a long time, I didn't think it was right, so I had to say, "The skirt is beautiful, and you are also beautiful."

Then he blinked affirmatively, "Well, that's it."

Rong Yan looked at An Ziqi's serious explanation, and couldn't help but sneer.

As the first Chinese actress, the wife of the national husband Xiao Moli, and the hostess of Huanyu, An Ziqi is still the most exposed actress in China even though she has half-quit the entertainment circle for nearly three years.

She doesn't have to do anything at all, and her every move will become the headline of all the media.

Naturally, she had seen her many times in the news media before.

It's also because Xiao Mango always goes to Xiao Yining to read her information recently.

I didn't think anything before, but now I finally understand why Xiao Moli likes An Ziqi.

Cute, frank, non-pretentious, with a natural and cute look on her body.

It's fun. After people come into contact with her, they can't help but want to tease her.

(Ye Wuge, who didn't come, said, confidant, that's too right, no wonder he wants to tease An Ziqi every time he sees her, it's really cute and fun!)

If she were a man, she would also like her.

He pursed his lips and smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, the skirt is really beautiful, but I still know myself."

An Ziqi blinked her eyes playfully and smiled at her, "The beauty of the soul is true beauty. In my eyes, you are indeed more beautiful than the ghostly women in this banquet hall."

The face smiled, and no longer entangled with her about this issue.

"Miss Ann is tired. I think you wanted to come and rest before. It's better to sit down on the sofa over there and take a rest."


An Ziqi was really tired, she smiled and pulled her face to the sofa in the corner.

Rong Yan was originally afraid that she would accidentally run into Yun Yi with An Ziqi, but before she could refuse, she was pulled over by An Ziqi.

He smiled helplessly and shook his head. Obviously, just now, I saw An Ziqi refused several people who wanted to chat with her. In a blink of an eye, she enthusiastically pulled her together.

The fate between people is really wonderful.

Although An Ziqi and Rong Yan met for the first time, they had a very happy conversation.

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