Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3329: You lighten it, I hurt...

"Face, cough cough, don't be afraid, I will save you."

The arm that had been broken in the car accident before Yun Yi hadn't fully healed originally, but after being overturned by Shen Rong several times, it broke again.

The whole arm was so painful that I could hardly feel my fingers.

On Yun Yi's forehead, big beads of sweat fell straight down, but they still managed to get up from the ground with difficulty.

Some subordinates rushed back and hurriedly stepped forward to support Yun Yi, "Boss."

"Leave me alone, go up and save people immediately." Yun Yi shouted while pushing him away, and rushed towards Shen Rong again.

It's just that Shen Rong's direct control of super powers will overturn them before they arrive at all.

Seeing Yun Yi again and again like moths into the fire, tears in Yan Yan's eyes fell uncontrollably along his cheeks.

Tears and the blood falling from her forehead fell drop by drop on Shen Rong's hand.

"The...stars in the sky...don't speak, the dolls on the ground...want...Mom..."

Her faint voice sang the nursery rhymes that her mother taught her when she was young, hoping to wake her up.

However, it is getting darker and darker, and the voice has become weaker and weaker.

Listening to the nursery rhymes in her mouth, watching the drops of blood and tears on the back of her hands, Shen Rong's dull eyes finally slowly recovered her clarity, and the pinching face strength in her hands gradually weakened.

"Xiao Jing." Shen Rong murmured as she watched her, and the hand holding her neck was finally completely released.

The face was suddenly released, and the whole person fell directly to the ground.

The air finally re-entered the body, and the light in front of her face gradually recovered.

Ignoring myself, he turned his head to look at Yun Yi busy, "Yun Yi, how are you?"

"I'm okay, you go and put Mom down first." Yun Yi said, enduring the pain.

Rong Yan stood up from the ground, gritted her teeth and staggered to Shen Rong, and stretched out her hand to hug her.

Her body was so thin, as if there were only bones left in her whole body.

Rong Yan couldn't help but feel more sorrowful in her heart, choked up and said, "Mom, I'll take you home, I'll take you home."


Shen Rong murmured again.

"I'm here, Mom, and Xiao Jing is here."

Rong Yan held her tightly with both hands, and hot tears kept falling.

"Xiao Jing, Xiao Jing..." However, Shen Rong only repeated these two words, and after yelling several times, she passed out.


The face panicked and called the person in his arms.

Yun Yi stood up from the ground with difficulty, and stepped forward to face his face, "Don't worry, Xiao Chen is already on his way to Beijing, he will be there soon, nothing will happen."

The people under his men had been severely abused by Shen Rong several times with Yun Yi before, and they got up hurriedly and stepped forward to help.

Broken the iron chains on Shen Rong's hands and feet, and then carefully lifted the person out.

Looking at his face with tears, Yun Yi raised his hand distressedly to wipe it, but he accidentally caused the injury on his body, and couldn't help taking a breath.

The face hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, "How are you?"

Yun Yi smiled, "If you hug me, it will be fine."

Rong Yan thought of how he had been desperate for herself before, her eyes were sore, she stretched out her hand and hugged him tightly.

"Ahhhhh, wife, lighten it, it hurts..." Yun Yi wailed.

The face hurriedly let go of his hand, and eagerly reached out to pull on his clothes to check.

Seeing large patches of bruise on his chest, tears couldn't help falling down.

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