Seeing that he was about to be blown away by the wind, the small vendor had already smiled and walked over to the open space next to him, ready to pick up the ring.

The ring shook tenaciously with the wind at the end, and straightly placed it on the doll pointed to by the face.

"Wow." The children around couldn't help exclaiming in exclamation.


Yun Yi hooked his finger towards the doll.

The little vendor also looked incredible, walked over angrily, bent over to pick up the doll, and handed it to Yun Yi.

Yun Yi glanced at the little duck in his hand disgustingly, and stuffed it directly into Rong Yan's hand.

"It's ugly, but it matches you very well."

Rong Yan took the ugly duckling in his hand and knocked on Yun Yi's head, "Where am I ugly? Didn't you see that the media said I was the most beautiful in Beijing?"

Yun Yi curled his lips, "When I first saw you, you were so ugly, and I didn't dislike it, so I fell in love with you."

The face provoked by one sentence threw into his arms and punched him several times, "You are ugly, and your whole family is ugly."

Yun Yi smiled and took the person into her arms, and kissed her on the tip of her nose, "Goodbye, even if you are ugly, I will only love you in this life."

His face was so angry that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, no one said love like that.

"Which one do you want?"

Rong Yan rubbed his chin and looked at it, then pointed one more.

He must have been caught by a fluke just now, and the small vendor over there obviously had the same idea.

Yun Yi held Rongyan's waist in one hand, and the other took a ring, lazily toss it forward, and the ring fell accurately on the doll pointed by Rongyan.

In the following time, no matter which face he referred to, Yun Yi accurately set it, and there was no chance of a miss.

The children around me were amazed.

"Big brother, I want that, can you help me?"

"I want that."

"I want that."

A large group of cute babies are pulling Yun Yi's clothes and acting cute as a coquettish.

If it's a little boy, it doesn't matter. Yun Yi has been tossed by the scam son of Little Mango, and wants to beat him up when he sees the little boy.

It is a pity that there are a large group of cute little princesses, even Yun Yi has no resistance at all, so they have to satisfy them one by one and help them.

The little vendor had the luck two times before that Yun Yi had hit and missed it by mistake. When he got there, he saw that everything on the ground was empty. After putting it out again and again, he was almost crying.

Why does he owe him so much, he wants to loop Yun Yi.

At the request of a group of cute little princesses, Yun Yi killed almost all the stalls on the beach without leaving behind.

As soon as the small vendors saw they were going, they immediately packed up and ran away.

The face he saw couldn't help but smiled.

A group of little princesses all returned with loads, and one person took a lot of dolls and left.

Only the first ugly duckling Yun Yi gave her was left in her face.

As the sun sets, Yun Yi takes his face from behind, standing on the beach watching the little princesses leaving laughing and laughing.

With a gentle smile on her face, she kissed the tips of her ears and said, "Will you give me a daughter?"

"Not good." Yan Yan shook his head.

Yun Yi turned the person around, faced him, and asked aggrievedly, "Why?"

Rong Yan held back a smile and said, "If you have a daughter as ugly as me, you will have to be rejected for being ugly and sad in the future."

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