Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3386: Choose concubine

Ye Haoyu only thought she was too tired, so he didn't bother her.

Back to the two people's residence, Xiao Yimo raised his leg and got out of the car. When Ye Haoyu stretched out his hand to pull her, Xiao Yimo broke away slightly.

Ye Haoyu realized that there was something wrong.

Frowning his eyebrows, he hurriedly raised his legs to keep up.

The two had just entered the house with their front feet, and Ye Haoyu had not had time to ask.

The doorbell on the back foot has rang.

Ye Haoyu was wondering who was disturbing their two-person world at this time.

Xiao Yimo curled the corner of his lips at him, and slightly raised his chin to beckon him to open the door.

Ye Haoyu had always followed her and turned around to open the door again.

He opened the door and frowned when he saw the scene outside.

"Still stunned what to do, don't hurry up and let the gift in." Xiao Yimo urged on the sofa.


Ye Haoyu twisted his eyebrows and looked at her.

Xiao Yimo looked at him with a smile but nodded, "Well."

Ye Haoyu didn't know what she meant, so she turned around and went back to the living room and sat down on the sofa next to her.

A row of girls in bikinis filed in from the outside, walking to the lobby table one by one like a model show, showing themselves in front of the two.

Some dance, some blow kisses, and some wink at Ye Haoyu.

Ye Haoyu's brows were almost twisted.

However, Xiao Yimo stretched out his hand and took a glass of water from the table, with a leisurely expression on his face.

Seeing her reaction, Ye Haoyu felt uneasy in her heart.

In his opinion, the situation in front of him is undoubtedly the choice of concubine.

Does Momo mean to choose his concubine?

But according to his understanding during this period, the people here are all monogamous.

It is illegal to marry more wives.

So, Momo hates him and doesn't want him anymore?

He hurriedly reached out and grabbed her hand, and asked a little nervously, "Momo, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yimo curled his lips and smiled, looking at him with a smile.

"Don't you like to see beautiful women in bikinis?

I am just fulfilling your wish now. "

Ye Haoyu's face changed in an instant. When did he like to see beautiful women in bikinis?

I wanted to explain in a hurry.

Xiao Yimo stretched out his hand to interrupt him.

"From Tianlan to here, from the emperor to the present, it is just an ordinary citizen.

I know, you won’t be able to adapt for a while.

When you were in Tianlan before, you liked me because you thought I was special and different from the girls there.

In fact, I said earlier that there are still many women like me here.

We have visited many places these days, and you have met many people and many scenery.

I think it's time for me to give you a chance to choose again.

There are many little girls here, you can re-choose your life, re-choose the person you want to live with in the future.

I will be responsible for what you read clearly. If you need help, you can always find me..."

(Let’s talk about it first, don’t worry, this will not be written to the CP, just a brief explanation at the end. I am really busy lately. I get up at five in the morning to work. Until the evening, there is almost no time to eat. I am really tired. I didn’t even want to move my fingers. I wanted to stop for another day, but after thinking about it, I still tried my best to code today’s update. For the sake of my hard work, the babies forgive me for the lack of updates recently. Not sure, what, love you~)

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