Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3518: You are the rest of your life, and you are the rest of your life (10)

If the day comes as a last resort, the younger brother commits a mistake again, let me clear the teacher's door for him by driving the duties of the senior brother.

Over the years, I have not fulfilled my responsibility as a senior, so I gave him the opportunity to commit such a wrong thing.

I was already too selfish in the trouble with the donor before, and it was my fault that my junior and brother made such a mistake. "

The host brother said, getting up from the sofa, kneeling down and saluting An Ziqi.


The little apprentice next to him exclaimed and hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold him tightly.

"What does the uncle's mistake have to do with you? He deserves to die."

An Ziqi pursed her lips and helped him a little, "Master doesn't need to be like this. I was looking for you to save Xiao Moli."

Xiao Chen looked down and listened to the whole process, only sighing in his heart.

Everything has a cause to have an effect. If she hadn't gone to Kunlun to save Moli at the beginning, there would be no such things later.

When this host brother designed An Ziqi to go back to the past and change history, he probably didn't expect so many incidents to happen later.

An Ziqi didn't get too entangled in this matter, it had already happened, and now there was no point in holding accountable.

After a little thought, "Master, do you know where he is at the moment?"

The hostess sighed and shook his head slightly, "Although he is extremely talented, it is not so easy to interfere with the Dao of Heaven on his own.

Someone must have paid an extremely heavy price and is bearing the consequences for him.

You and I are both in the cause and effect, but now I have not been affected.

I don't know where he is now, but he should be near S city.

The closer you are, the more likely it is that he can affect you. "

When Xiao Chen heard this, he stood up without waiting for An Ziqi to speak.

Said to her, "You first rest at home, I will lead people to search."

"Be careful, don't get hurt, don't worry Lan Yue." An Ziqi exhorted.

"Xiao An'an, you have to believe in my strength."

Xiao Chen blinked at her, "Don't worry, even if you dig three feet in the ground, I will definitely find him."

After speaking, he walked out quickly.

Even if he didn't say anything, An Ziqi knew that Xiao Chen must also feel that Xiao Moli's disappearance was related to this Xuan Zhenzi.

It was just because she was afraid that she was worried, so she didn't say it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even ask Xuan Zhenzi's purpose and leave without asking.

An Ziqi bit her lower lip vigorously, thinking of what the hostess had just said, curled her eyebrows and looked at him, "Master, what does it mean that he uses living people to refine puppets?

What is his purpose? "

Xiao Moli disappeared without a trace now, still don't know where he is?

If Xuan Zhenzi was really taken away, would he be the same now...

An Ziqi didn't dare to think about it anymore.

A touch of complexity flashed in the eyes of the host brother, and he sighed, "I don't know these things, it's probably the separation of the sacrificer's soul and body, as for his specific purpose.

I think that even now, he is still whimsical about resurrecting his parents.

Those who turned into puppets are just his test subjects. "

Li Xuanzhen's nature is not bad. In the final analysis, it was his lack of family affection when he was young, which caused him to desperately desire family affection, so he would do such extreme things.

Therefore, the master said he was a poor man.

It's just that Master probably didn't expect him to make mistakes again and again. "

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