Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3661: He's crazy

"Xiaobao, Xiaobei is your son. Aunt Huang Ying cut her artery by herself in order to save Xiaobao..."

It is absolutely impossible for Xiao Yining to joke with him about such a thing.

and so……

Chen Jun's head was completely blank, and his brain hadn't reacted yet, and his body had already subconsciously rushed out of the door.

As soon as he ran into the yard, a group of people immediately surrounded him and blocked him.

The headed person said embarrassedly, "Master, Old Chen ordered, you can't leave here without his permission.

Please don't make us embarrassed, go back first. "


Chen Jun roared with red eyes.

"Master, you really can't..."

Before he could finish his words, Chen Jun rushed directly to the crowd, raised his hand, and beat the few people in front of him to the ground.

It's just that, Mr. Chen has really moved this time, and he has already given death orders to everyone, not allowing Chen Jun to leave the house.

In addition, a special guard was sent to guard outside.

Chen Jun started working inside, but the guards outside heard the movement and rushed in immediately.

Dozens of people surrounded him, and Chen Jun was full of the words he had just heard.

Xiaobao and Xiaobei are his sons. Huang Ying cut off his own artery to save Xiaobao...

He had already lost his mind, and now he was completely mad under the besieged by so many people.

Every time I shot, I almost used all my strength, I just want to fly back to S City immediately and appear next to her.

Old Chen gave the order to die, and the guards naturally didn't dare to take it lightly.

Chen Jun's eyes were red, like a madman.

In the end, almost all of them were hung up, and Chen Jun stepped out on the wailing crowd.

Drive all the way to the airport, the latest flight back to S city in an hour.

Chen Jun was still in the mood to wait another second, and he directly called the person in charge of the airport.

The person in charge of the airport was shocked when he saw the appearance of blood on his body.

He said hurriedly, "Chen...Mayor Chen, what's the matter with you? Do you want me to find someone to take you to the hospital immediately?"

"I want you to immediately arrange a flight to S city and take off immediately." Chen Jun said directly.

The person in charge of the airport took a deep breath, and all the flight schedules were arranged a few days in advance.

Moreover, the route must be applied to the air traffic control department in advance, and now it needs to be arranged temporarily, which is equivalent to not only their airport, but also the routes of other airports will be affected, and all will be changed.

However, although Chen Junming is just a mayor, the forces behind him are definitely not something he can offend.

He gritted his teeth and bit his scalp, "Okay, I'll apply for the arrangement right away."

Fifteen minutes later, the plane took off.

Chen Jun sat in front of the window and looked out the window unconsciously.

The blood-stained hands trembled faintly.

Xiaobao and Xiaobei are his sons, that is to say, they gave birth prematurely when they were only seven months old.

What kind of situation can cause a child to be born prematurely?

What kind of situation will cause Xiaobao to become weak and sick?

He didn't dare to think about how dangerous she was when she gave birth.

It is even harder to imagine how difficult it was for Huang Ying to give birth to their children in a foreign country alone.

Over the years, because of how much Xiaobao has suffered, how many tears have been shed.

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