Huang Ying grabbed the key from his hand with his backhand and snorted, "You can go now."

Then he groped for the glass in front of him and walked straight into the flower shop.

The flower shop was planned by Gu Rui in advance. The entrance is a small road, and the two sides of the small road are divided into different bouquet areas.

The purpose is to make it easier for Huang Ying to walk inside, and to make it easier for her to remember the location of various things in the store.

Huang Ying had already been familiar with the various furnishings in the store before, so he walked in directly to the innermost place where the sundries were placed without any hindrance.

Chen Jun's eyes are almost staring, what's the situation?

Was he directly abandoned after being used by his wife?

All the people behind who watched the play secretly couldn't help but laugh.

Chen Jun threw an eye knife over, and seeing those people with good results immediately became serious.

Then he immediately turned around to follow, "Wife, you can't use me, and after enjoying yourself, you will abandon me?"

In this tone, it seemed to say to let him open the door, and those who didn’t know thought that the two of them just...

Huang Ying's small face turned into an apple instantly, and the hand that had just picked up the broom couldn't help it. He raised his hand and took the broom in his hand and smashed it towards Chen Jun.

"Who uses you? Who enjoys it? shameless, shut up and get out."

"I opened the door for you, didn't you just enjoy my service?" Chen Jun replied dissatisfied while hiding.

Huang Ying gritted her teeth, she swears that Chen Jun's tone just now definitely did not mean that she enjoys the door-opening service.

Waving the broom to drive people out, and hearing the sound of the store opening and closing, then angrily put down the broom, turned and went back to continue cleaning the store.

After swiping twice, I heard the sound of water splashing from behind.

Huang Ying immediately turned her head and asked vigilantly, "Who?"

Chen Jun was just kicked out by her. She should be the only one in this flower shop. How could there be the sound of water?

Her heart was tense, and then she heard Chen Jun's voice sound.

"I just searched the Internet. You must spray water before sweeping the floor, otherwise it will choke and it will be bad for the respiratory tract."

Huang Ying gritted his teeth, "Didn't you just go out?"

Chen Jun raised his hand to cover his mouth and coughed dryly, "Yes, I'm here again."

He wouldn't say that he just opened the door and didn't really go out.

"You get out for me."

Huang Ying followed the voice and drove him with the broom.

After finally shooing people out, she soon heard the sound of flower pots moving before she swept them twice.

Huang Ying took the broom and drove people several times, every time there were other movements coming soon.

Obviously the **** didn't go out at all, or he didn't know how to sneak in.

Huang Ying's forehead jumped wildly, this bastard, is this bullying her and not seeing it?

After repeating this cycle several times, Huang Ying could only grit his teeth, pretending that he didn't know anything, and let him stay in the store.

After cleaning the flower shop and finishing everything, Huang Ying pressed the button on his watch to tell the time, it was already eight o'clock.

Huang Ying habitually went to the sofa, fumbled and took out the remote control, and turned on the small TV on the opposite wall.

The news of Chen Jun happened to be broadcast in the news.

The corners of Chen Jun's lips couldn't help but he leaned forward quietly, and said, "I'm here, you think I can tell me directly, without watching the news."

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