Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 453: Dedicated to art

Because of Mu Fei's forwarding, An Ziqi's Weibo ding ding dong dong kept ringing, and the phone almost crashed.

The three of them had a great time playing.

Xia Xing and Ye Wuge are not so familiar, and they are only with them, but An Ziqi takes her and Mu Fei to take a photo together.

After eating and returning to the hotel, An Ziqi was finally satisfied.

Because of the strong cast of "Time Lover", the opening ceremony early the next morning attracted many media.

Almost all of Huanyu's first-line superstars are here, and many actresses are vying for beauty, which is comparable to the scene of the film festival.

Of course, the most eye-catching is An Ziqi and Mu Fei.

The two attracted almost half of the flashlights in the court.

After the opening ceremony, the crew directly began to shoot.

I don't know what Ye Wuge thinks, there were kissing scenes and bed scenes on the first day of filming.

It also famously said that the two of them had already cultivated their relationship last night, and today it happened to strike while the iron was hot.

As a result, the two talents just stood still, and the camera has not yet started shooting.

There was a commotion at the entrance of the studio, and then An Ziqi saw the familiar figure.

It's over, it's been captured again!

The set was full of people from Huanyu, and it was boiling instantly.

"Oh, the president, it's the president."


The president went to the set in person, which is really surprising, after all, Huanyu shoots too many movies every year.

But think about it carefully, as Huanyu's highlight this year, it is also the work of the chairman's wife, and it seems normal for the president to go to the set.

Especially the actresses of Huanyu, I don’t know how many people want to climb into Xiao Moli’s bed, but they have too few opportunities to see the CEO on weekdays. They are rarely seen on the set at this time, and they all walked forward excitedly. Courtesy.

The various services such as moving stools, serving tea and pouring water, just rushed directly on the body to massage.

An Ziqi was arrested and still had a guilty conscience. Seeing this pouting, hum, someone seemed to enjoy it, so she turned her head away from him.

Xiao Moli didn't speak, and just sat next to watch them filming.

Very good, not only dare to go out to dinner with wild men at night, but also dare to make kiss scenes!

Ye Wuge smiled smirkly, watching the excitement on the sidelines is not too much of a problem.

"Okay, okay, start shooting."

With Xiao Moli beside, An Ziqi's body was in a stiff mess, almost because she couldn't help backing back before Mu Fei arrived.

Even Mu Fei was inexplicably nervous, and couldn't keep kissing after a few kisses.

Xiao Moli's face became darker and darker, and the pressure on the set dropped, Ye Wuge finally kindly called to stop.

Because An Ziqi had previously announced that she had a boyfriend on Weibo, after Xiao Moli came, she did not dare to step forward for fear of being discovered the relationship between the two.

Xiao Moli glanced at her, then grabbed Ye Wuge and went directly to the lounge.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Wuge immediately jumped away witty.

"Hey, don't blame me, your mommy won't let you change this script."

Promise has always been strict in controlling scripts, as everyone in the industry knows.

Xiao Moli was depressed, with a black face and directly dialed the phone to Promise.

"Son, be an actor and shoot kiss scenes. The **** scene is called dedication to art. You have to understand."

"Mommy, that's my wife, your daughter-in-law."

"Ahem, that mummy is powerless, son, think of a solution by yourself."

After the promise was made over there, he hung up quickly.

Xiao Moli's face was darker, and Ye Wuge gave you a look, don't blame me.

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