Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4882: The strongest touch porcelain in the universe

The little guy gently pulled down her clothes and comforted, "Mommy, I'm fine, just a little bruise, so I don't need to go to the hospital."

The grievances and sorrows in that words are almost overflowing.

Rong Yan didn't care about correcting his address problem at the moment, and she hugged the person into the car's position as the co-pilot, and then found a sterile tissue from the car.

First, he wiped the blood on his hands briefly, and then drove him to the hospital at the fastest speed.

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor examined Little Mango, and there was no injury except for the abrasion on his hand, and there was not even a slight bump on his leg.

The doctor took out the treatment device to treat the wound, and slowly spoke.

"Fortunately you came in time."

As soon as the face heard this, the heart that had just been laid was raised again.

I thought it was Little Mango who had some serious injuries.

Before she could speak, she just listened to the doctor slowly saying, "If you come later, the wound will heal."


Little mango...

The mother and son stared at each other awkwardly.

After the doctor treated Little Mango's wound, he directly drove the two out with his eyes.

Rong Yan took the little guy out of the hospital, "Where are your car and driver? Give me contact information. I will let them pick you up?"

The little guy glanced at her in disbelief, "I'm hurt, and you are driving me away!"

Rong Yan looked at his faintly speaking, "It's just a bruise, the doctor said. If you come later, you will heal, and you can't even see the wound."

She was also shocked when she saw this little guy limping before, and this little **** was obviously pretending to be pitiful in front of her on purpose.

So Rong Yan witnessed it with his own eyes, and this guy once again performed a scene of forcibly touching porcelain in front of her.

I saw that the little guy uttered "Ouch", pounced on her again, then hugged her leg and fell to the ground.

A small mouth still yelled, "Oh, I'm hurt, it hurts, it hurts me to death.

I'm going to hurt to death~"

While the little guy yelled, he didn't forget to secretly raise his eyes to see the reaction of his face.

The face was directly grinned by this little guy.

"Hey, are you playing porcelain for me?"

"Ah, it hurts, I'm hurt, I have to hug Mommy to get better."

The little guy just rolled and yelled.

"I'm not your mommy."

"I don't care, you are, you are my mommy."

Little Mango screamed and rolled on the ground, not forgetting to hold her legs and not let go.

I was afraid that his face would run away while he was not paying attention.

Pedestrians around could not help but look towards them.

The corners of her lips twitched fiercely, but she wanted to leave directly.

With such a big pendant on his leg, it is difficult to even start.

Reluctantly, he had to bend down, pick up the person from the ground, and sit in the car.

Back in the driving seat, looked at the little guy and said, "Let's talk, what do you want to do?"

The little guy curled his mouth, looked at her blankly and said, "I just want Mommy."

Rong Yan raised his hand and rubbed his aching forehead.

She knew that the father and son had been lying to her, but she could say those unfeeling words to Yun Yi. Looking at the clear and bright eyes of Little Mango, she couldn't say a word.

He said helplessly, "I have already said that I am not your mommy."

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