Some people expressed envy that Shen Qiu could marry such a beautiful wife.

Some people praised them for their talents and beauty, and they were born in pairs, and expressed their blessings to their marriage.


At this moment, Yun Yi didn't have the slightest interest in admiring her beauty.

Looking at the appearance of the talented woman on the screen, he was born with those words, and he only wished that he could break through the computer screen immediately and choke the person who typed these words to death.

Where is the talent of Shen Qiu who can only empty the white wolf?

Yun Yi stared angrily at the photo on the screen, and the stupid woman Su Ling.

Are her eyes blind?

The ugly pig-headed fellow Shen Qiu was so close to him.

I'm not afraid that those who are close to Zhu are red and black are those who are close to ink. Too close to Shen Qiu makes her more and more like a pig.

The smile is so brilliant, the teeth are about to fall out, okay?

Yun Yi became more and more angry, and couldn't help but raise his hand and poked at the two guys on the computer screen several times.

Uncontrollably flashed in his mind the time that Su Ling had been with him and Little Mango before, thinking of the hot and lingering nights between them.

Even at the bar that night...

As long as I think that Su Ling will soon marry that pig head Shen Qiu, he will live with that man in the future.

The most intimate thing they ever did together, she will do it with Shen Qiu in the future, every day under him, by Shen Qiu like this, Yun Yi is already unable to control himself, and wants to go to the Federation to kill immediately That **** Shen Qiu.

Those images kept appearing in his mind, and Yun Yi was about to be driven mad.

Finally couldn't help it, and got up from his seat after rubbing.

He knew that he wanted to do so, sorry for his face, but his uncontrollable bias towards Su Ling became stronger and stronger.

This kind of bias is not because Yan Yan has been in a cold war with him during this period, refused to talk to him, refused to be with him.

Su Ling didn't have a temper with him before, he was willing to coax her, he was willing to hold her in the palm of his hand and spoil her.

But facing his current appearance, he could no longer find the feeling they used to be together. He only felt that something was wrong with him.

It seemed that Su Ling was the one who had truly lived with him and loved him to his bones.

He didn't know, nor did he know what was going on with this feeling.

But he couldn't bear it anymore. In any case, he had to **** Su Ling back first.

Yun Yi was extremely regretful. At that banquet in the skyscraper at that time, he should obey his heart and **** Su Ling back.

It's not that every night, the woman always pops up in her mind, and then she keeps her eyes open, tossing around till dawn.

Yun Yi gritted his teeth, raised his legs and walked quickly toward the door, while raising his wrist, fingers quickly found out a contact method on the communication device and prepared to send a message.

Before reaching the door, the study door banged and was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Shen Qiu was almost photographed on his face by the door of the room that was suddenly pushed open. Fortunately, he moved fast enough that he took two steps back quickly, avoiding the door panel that was shot at him.

After standing firmly, he raised his eyes and saw that Little Mango, the bear boy, was quickly walking towards the study.

Shen Qiu's forehead jumped, he really felt that this bear kid was really getting more and more presumptuous.

Now I enter the door without even knocking on the door!

However, "I have an urgent matter to go out now, and I don't have the time to take care of you."

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