If there is really no way, you can only rescue Yuan Fei alone, and then wait for Yuan Fei to escape and return to Yun Yi and the others, let Yun Yi think of a solution.

For the weapons that were needed, she had been performing various tasks for Shen Qiu when they were still in the Federation before going to the empire.

Shen Qiu has never been stingy with weapons, and she even owns a separate weapon arsenal.

Besides, her identity is there, and the guards dare not do anything to her.

Maybe then she only needs a bottle of anesthetic to get everyone out.

Now, she only needs to wait until the right time to get Shen Qiu, and then she can rescue Yuan Fei.

And the wedding day is undoubtedly the best and the most suitable time.

Su Lingan waited quietly in Shen's house.

The date of the wedding will soon arrive.

Su Ling got up early in the morning to wash, and was taken to the hotel where the wedding was held.

Shen Qiu personally sent her to the dressing room, where there was already a large group of makeup artists waiting there.

Seeing Su Ling's somewhat tense expression, he smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, just leave the rest to me."

Su Ling nodded, and responded in a low voice, "Yes."

Naturally, she would not say that she was nervous about the rescue operation at night.

Shen Qiu didn't stay much, and after pacifying her a few words, he left in a hurry.

"Miss Su, you are so happy to find a man who loves you so much by Mr. Shen."

"Yes, Mr. Shen is so good and so dedicated, where can you find such a man?"


A group of makeup artists kept chatting around her.

At this moment, Su Ling was only thinking about how she should act at night, and where she was in the mood to deal with these women.

After a few casual voices, she went to think about her own affairs in deep thought.

I don't even know when I was dragged to change the wedding dress.

The makeup artists saw her calmly and didn't say a word, thinking that they were talking too much to make her unhappy, and they were so frightened that they closed their mouths and did not dare to speak again.

When his face recovered, he saw the extremely beautiful face in the mirror.

However, on that face, there is not the slightest joy of getting married, but a blank expression, as if it was just to complete the task of makeup.

With her eyes down, Yan Yan realized that she had been put on a wedding dress without knowing when.

Above the white wedding dress is dotted with small pearls shining brightly.

The whole wedding dress looks magnificent and luxurious.

Rong Yan looked at this wedding dress, but a trace of doubt gradually flashed in his eyes.

Why, she looks familiar with this wedding dress style?

She can be sure that in her only memory, apart from the time when Shen Qiu was forcibly pulled to take a wedding photo, she had never seen any other wedding dresses.

But why does she feel familiar?

Moreover, seeing her sitting here wearing a wedding dress at the moment, she seemed to have a sad feeling in her heart.

What exactly is going on?

Could it be that she has seen this wedding dress before?

Or was there something that happened between her and this wedding dress?

Su Ling gritted his teeth, trying to find clues about this wedding dress from the depths of his memory.

However, no matter how she looked for it, she couldn't find any trace of this wedding dress.

His mind was spinning quickly, and there was a sudden pain in his mind, and some strange pictures flashed inexplicably.

A woman was dressed in white veil and sat in front of the mirror.

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