"Oh? Who do you want to be rude to?"

The man behind the flower bed immediately jumped out when he heard this, and said angrily, "Who is listening behind and looking for death..."

Here, before her words fell, she raised her eyes and saw the face standing aside with her arms folded.

In an instant, he stepped back a few steps with fright, "You...you girl, you... why are you here?"

After thinking of something, he turned around busy and started to run.

It's a pity that she is fast, and her appearance is faster than her movements.

He raised his leg and kicked it directly at the knee socket behind her.

This foot is fast and accurate, the girl ran out before even one step, and knelt directly to the ground with a "boom".

Before she was struggling to get up from the ground, her face had already stepped forward and made a foot towards her again. After kicking someone to the ground, she stepped directly on her.

The man on the ground still wanted to struggle to escape. Nowhere did he think that his face was obviously thin, but his strength was incredible.

Under her feet, she had no chance of escape at all.

Looking at the face in front of her, a trace of fear finally flashed in the little girl's flustered eyes.

However, thinking of the information she had found in her hand, she felt confident again in her heart, gritted her teeth and stared at her face and said, "Wizard, if you don't want to die, immediately get out of me, kneel down and apologize, and then return to the police station and surrender.

Otherwise, I will leave you dead. "

Hearing her threatening words, the corners of Yan Yan's lips moved upward slightly.

"Sure enough, the threatening text messages you sent me."

After receiving the threatening text message before, she tried to find a way to check the number that sent the text message on the Internet.

In fact, she doesn't have any other memories in her mind, and she doesn't understand any hackers, how to check it on the computer.

However, she probably learned these things before she lost her memory, so she just searched some tutorials on the Internet, and after two days of self-study, she directly mastered this skill.

According to the number that sent the text message, it was easy to find the location of the signal when the phone number sent the text message.

This is the middle school!

Of course, it is also possible that the IQ of the person who sent her threatening text messages is so stupid that she can find it so easily.

Before, she thought she would be a teacher in the school, but she didn't expect that she would be such a little girl.

"I sent it, so what? All I said are facts. You are a demon."

The little **** the ground yelled at her with fear and anger.

Rong Yan bends down slightly and stretches out her hand to pull off her student ID from the little girl.


"You let me go, or I will publish all your information, and let someone arrest you in the laboratory for research.

When the time comes, they will definitely divide you into eight pieces, and even if you die, you will never be left with the whole body. "

Ai Xue gritted her teeth and stared at her fiercely.

It's just that the fear deep in those eyes is hard to conceal, and even the voice trembles slightly.

Yan Yan raised his hand and touched his chin, "Do you know me?"

"Yongyan, you devil, don't pretend not to know me here.

Even if... even if you turn to ashes, I recognize you. Ai Xue said angrily.

Yan Yan tilted her head slightly, she really recognized her!

"You also sent those surveillance videos and news on the Internet?"

Although Ai Xue was still afraid in her heart, she thought of the things in her hand.

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