Dad's comic life

Chapter 74 It’s so weird to actually throw your friend out

Dead of night

The little girl was on the bed, holding a figure of her favorite magical girl Lilia in her hands.

After all, as long as the little girl closes her eyes, she can recall the scene of her senior sister floating in the air.

In her dream, she dreamed that she transformed into Lilias and saved her senior sister who was about to have her head bitten off.

However, something happened that she never expected.

The head of the senior sister she rescued suddenly exploded, and a monster with a daddy face emerged from it! He opened his mouth wide and bit at her.

She wanted to escape but found that her body could not move, and then... her eyes turned black...


Suddenly she let out a scream of fear, and the little girl suddenly woke up from her nightmare.

Looking around, the little girl exhaled, and then thought of the nightmare just now, especially her daddy's face, which was still fresh in her memory.

This made her suddenly puff up her cheeks: "I will never read Daddy comics again!"


Of course, Hao Ren didn't know what the little girl was thinking.

Even if he knew it, he probably wouldn't care.

According to Hao Ren's expectations, the comic "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" will really start to produce results when the sixth chapter is published - this work can be divided into two parts according to the content, and the sixth chapter is watershed.

In episodes 1-6, the main focus is to fully shape the personalities of the characters. The death of the senior in episode 3 can be said to be the release of all plots in these six episodes, which can be regarded as a big turning point.

Because it is different from the old routines in the past, fans are more interested in knowing how the subsequent plot will be promoted.

It is this idea that makes friends who gave up on the game because of episodes 1 and 2 continue reading out of curiosity.


In the following days, the plots of the fourth and fifth episodes will also be released one after another.

Witnessing the death of her senior sister had a huge impact on Madoka.

After all, she was still just a child in the end, so Madoka did not agree to Kyubey's so-called contract to become a magical girl.

However, although Madoka did not agree, her good friend Saya signed a contract with Kyubey to become a magical girl in order to save the boy she liked.

At the same time, another red-haired magical girl appeared in the manga-Kyoko.

However, Kyoko had a conflict with Saya because Kyoko said something that Saya could not agree with——

"Don't you understand yet? That guy is a familiar, not a witch. There's no way she can have the seed of lament!"

"Wait until it eats four or five people and turns into a witch. Then you can get the Seed of Lament!!"

"How can you kill the chicken before it lays eggs?"

This makes the readers who read the comics completely ruined.

Is this still the magical girl they've seen?

What about truth, goodness and beauty? What about sacrificing yourself for others as you promised? What about protecting the world as promised?

Is this a moral decline or a distortion of human nature?

Not only did it ruin the readers' outlook, Kyoko's words also made Saya furious.

Because Saya believes in "the power of using magic for others" and believes that justice will always win!

However, Kyoko is a complete egoist, even sacrificing others for herself!

Watching his friend Saya being pushed to the ground by Kyoko, she was almost penetrated by Kyoko's spear.

Madoka was at a loss, and with Kyubey's persuasion, she almost agreed to Kyubey becoming the new magical girl.

However, just when Madoka said the word 'I'.

Homura, who has been blocking Madoka from becoming a magical girl, appears again and stops Kyoko and Saya from fighting.

However, readers who read this work became more and more confused.

Because according to Kyubey, Madoka possesses an extremely terrifying magical girl talent that goes beyond genius.

Since he has such a terrifying talent, why does Homura keep blocking it? Wouldn't it be nice to have her become a magical girl and save the world?

At first, people thought Homura was a villain, but later due to various things, he was slowly whitewashed and became a member of the protagonist group.

However, in the successive plots, readers discovered that this did not look like a villain at all.

Because apart from preventing Madoka from becoming a magical girl and killing Kyubey, Homura has done nothing else.

If that's the case, then Homura probably has other reasons to keep stopping it.

So, is there any problem with becoming a magical girl?

But if there was a problem, why would Homura herself become a magical girl?

With such doubts, another week passed.

The work of Puella Magi Madoka Magica has reached its sixth episode.

Homura invites Kyoko to deal with the Night of Witches that will appear two weeks later, and Madoka asks Saya and Kyoko to reconcile and deal with the witch together but is rejected.

Madoka and Saya had differences due to different ideas.

Sayaka believes that Kyoko and Homura are both bad guys who would sacrifice ordinary humans to obtain the Lament Seed, while Madoka is worried that Sayaka will be in danger when fighting the witch alone, and wants them to work together as magical girls.

So, in order to persuade Saya, Madoka went to find Saya alone and wanted to sleep with her. Unfortunately, the sleeping clothes failed, and the friendship between the two friends capsized.

at the same time.

Kyoko approached Saya again and mocked Saya.

This also caused Kyoko to fight Saya again. In order to stop the fight between the two in advance and not want to see them get hurt because of killing each other, Madoka threw away Saya's soul gem so that she could not transform. She wanted to do this Everyone can communicate well.

However, when Madoka threw away Saya's soul gem, they really stopped fighting each other.

Because Saya's eyes became dull, and then she fell into Madoka's arms.

But QB said something that made all readers confused——

"It's so weird to throw your friend out!"

The storyboard finally settled here.

Of course.

In the original work, the plot does not end here, but reveals the true face of the magical girl.

However, in order to create suspense and arouse readers' curiosity, Hao Ren deliberately moved the part that reveals the true situation of the magical girl to the seventh episode.

It was exactly what Hao Ren thought.

Readers are quite curious about what QB means by friends.

But more people went to Hao Ren's Weibo to leave messages.

"Crap dog!"

"This author is getting better and better at breaking up chapters. You should tell us the result!"

"Is it okay if I don't buy it? I'll do it for free from now on. I'll borrow it to read when my classmates finish it!"

Of course, to Hao Ren, this was nothing.

Nowadays, there are not just one or two people who call him a dog. He can sell the blades he sends every week for more than ten yuan!

Thanks to wssssssss88 for the 100 reward~~hcn Xunxing’s reward~~

Thanks for the recommendations from the big guys. Please recommend new books to newcomers and collect them~~

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